Life Cycle of the Kaelen Ellen Grode, Mission Commander Dale Kendai, Mission Specialist The kaelen The kaelen seemingly fill the common insect niche in the planetary ecology. While the kaelen have four legs rather than six as in insects on many systems, they share enough common traits with traditional arthropods, such as a chitinous exoskeleton, three main body parts, compound eyes, etc., that we classify them as equivalents to the traditional class Insecta. As we learned however, they are far more than mere insects. N/K identified a number of characteristics distinctive to the kaelen. First are the large, feather-like antennae, which can be half as long as the insect's body. Second is the large ribbed abdomen. Third, and most puzzling to many, was the fact the kaelen observed seemed to all be male. While the number of individuals sampled by N/K was of necessity (and thankfully) small, all were genetic males. Adult males average about twelve inches in length; juvenile males average from eight to ten inches in length. N/K speculated, as have many xenoentomologists, on the role of the large feathered antennae. They are indeed sensory organs of breathtaking sensitivity and versatility. In their report, N/K speculated that the kaelen could detect the probe fields projected from their survey ship onto the planetary surface below. N/K were taken to task by many for this, with the repeated argument that since even wide band probe fields represent incursions only a few centimeters in diameter, and sample such a low percentage of the energy at the probe interface, that they are virtually undetectable. We demonstrated the kaelen can and do detect probe fields, and do so in calm meteorological conditions from meters away. This is why we have so few close-up wide band recordings, having to make do with biometric recordings made from our own ears and eyes. Initial Survey Steps Our ten month subspace journey from Survey Outpost 12 to the planet was uneventful and yet insightful. It gave us time to study in detail all the data recorded by N/K's initial orbital survey, adapt to the target environment, and practice language skills. We entered a standard synchronous orbit above the planet. No artificial radiation sources were detected over a 48 hour scan, so probe fields were projected onto the planet surface. Initial readings from the target area were used to refine our environmental simulation of the planetary surface in the ship's exercise and recreation deck, so we could improve our environmental accommodation. Of particular interest to us was developing melanin levels sufficient to tolerate exposure to the local sun. Put bluntly, we had to work on our tans as the people of the planet are mostly nude in tropical conditions. The Polynesian heritage we shared, and which helped select us for this study, gave us a good start. We should mention a bit more on our selection for this mission. As usual, we were selected by the Survey AI and offered this mission. We eagerly accepted. Our Polynesian heritage allowed us to fit the physical characteristics of the native peoples with only slight cosmetic alteration. Of vital importance was our complete ease with insects. Finding a team with the requisite linguistic and anthropological skills was not sufficient; what was needed was a team who would not scream at insects this size crawling on them, and living with them. As is also common with many survey teams, Dale and I are husband and wife, and are amenable to the close quarters and working relationships demanded by the long subspace flight to the target planet, and the survey itself. Based on our review of the N/K survey, we posed a number of hypotheses. First, we assumed the kaelen's sensory apparatus was a keen olfactory receptor. We would be coming in as outsiders, and would smell different. We wished to minimize this difference as much as possible. Second, we assumed the kaelen could probably sense our probe fields, especially high bandwidth probe fields, and planned a set of trials to test this hypothesis. We structured further plans along the rejection or acceptance of this important hypothesis. Following the agreed upon plan, we studied a small island group a few thousand kilometers from where we would eventually make planetfall. We made use of the ship's probe fields, tractor beams, and replicators to provide us with native air, water, and food. This allowed us to immerse ourselves in the native environment as much as possible, and adapt to the climate, as well as food, drink, and living conditions. Weaning ourselves from modern sanitary facilities and learning to use and live with chamber pots was difficult. We wished to use the probe fields in the standard way; making audiovisual recordings of native interactions to enable us to study not only linguistic structures, but also develop better cultural models. We initiated trials to determine if the kaelen could sense probe fields. Experiments repeatedly showed that under calm meteorological conditions an adult male kaelen could detect a wide band probe field at a distance of 2.6 meters with a standard deviation of .2 meters (n=126). Low bandwidth (sound only) probe fields were detectable at a distance of 60 centimeters in calm meteorological conditions (n=44). The kaelen became agitated at the presence of probe fields, and attempted to make physical contact with the probe fields. Post-trial analysis of the initial experiment pointed to the largest variable in detection being meteorological -- the more unsettled the weather, the lower the probability of detection. A quickly planned and run experiment pointed to local atmospheric electrical activity, especially the presence of ions and moisture, as reducing detection probability. These results suggested we could use audio only probes in a satisfactory manner, although not close-up, and high-level audiovisual probes very rarely. Using this approach, we studied a select group for a period of three standard months. Our language skills increased, as would be expected, but we had many difficulties with the shipboard AI linguistic system, overruling it with increasing frequency. After another month of mainly audio survey of our target group, we initiated insertion onto the planetary surface. Insertion is always critical, often times defining success or failure of the overall survey. It is axiomatic in the Survey Service that a survey mission of this nature is a mission for life, a life which may turn out to be both short and unpleasant, as every Survey student learns from studying the records of the infamous Ballou/Martin expedition. Since the planet is technologically primitive, conditions effectively required that we be inserted totally devoid of detectable artificial instrumentalities. We would land on our island in a boat replicated from one used at our study site some thousands of kilometers away, and we would land naked. We planned to make planetfall and insertion along the edge of a seasonal storm; this would provide enough disturbances for probe and effector fields to be used without risking detection. Once landfall was made, we would rely only on our own biometric relays sending what we experienced through our ears and eyes back to the ship. Given the kaelen's proven sensitivity to probe fields, we were initially concerned about our own implants, but quickly concluded we couldn't do anything about them. We each had the standard biometric monitoring and relay equipment: power pack and main node in the right femur, link package behind the breastbone, and the usual interface nodes along the spine and in the skull. If these proved to be a difficulty, we'd have no choice but to abort the mission. In planning insertion, we gave our ship's AI leeway in guiding us through the storm system; we were to be delivered to the target island without serious injury. While we thought our instructions to the AI clear, in retrospect we neglected to consider the latitude given the AI, and the seemingly wry sense of humor it used in interpreting our instructions. We suggest this topic would be a fertile field of study, and one of substantial interest to future survey teams. The remainder of this report is written from the perspective of Mission Commander Grode. Mission Specialist Kendai concurs with this report, and will file a separate report in the future dealing with his specialty, planetary ecology. While some may decry the reporting style, and we can hear them already over the light years wondering where we were at Survey when they taught us to write objective reports, we respond with the comment made by Martin in a similar situation: Life is subjective. Similarly, some may decry the intense sexual content of this report. Indeed, many who knew us closely at Survey may find it difficult to believe. That's life. Insertion and First Contact I thought I had been clear and concise with the AI. We would be tractored down through the atmosphere to our sail craft. Both Dale and I have substantial experience sailing small craft. The AI would use ship's sensors and effectors to guide us along the edge of the storm for two days, then deliver us onto the target landfall without serious injury. The goal was to simulate a craft taken greatly off course by a storm. Emergency extraction would take place up to the point of landfall if and only if our lives were threatened. Our target island was midsize, with a population of about four hundred split among three main villages. The area and village we chose had a number of fresh water ponds, waterfalls, and areas with deliberately cultivated crops. As is common in these societies, dwellings are small huts, some clustered, and some spaced out. The bloody AI put us through two and a half days of hell before dumping us shipwrecked on a beach just before local sunset. Countless times we fully expected to feel the tingle of effector fields surrounding us and pulling us from the edge of death. Evidently "serious injury" to our AI did not include being half-drowned, battered, bruised, and exhausted -- physically, mentally, emotionally. I was almost overjoyed at being slammed by the surf face first into the sand of that beach. Dale and I huddled together for a while, still lashed by wind and sea. We were pulled up onto shore by a group of males in a fishing party. As recounted by N/K, nets are used to catch fish. As they pulled us up to safety on the shore, we saw our small boat in pieces on the coral reef and along the shore. We knew we'd be identified as outsiders, but our studies so far indicated that strangers were welcomed. We'd deliberately immersed ourselves in a slightly different dialect -- one which would allow us to communicate, but would still identify us as not-from-here. This is an important survey guideline: don't try to be what you're not; you can't fool natives. We were questioned briefly by one of the men. Since the societal structure is uniformly matriarchal over all the areas surveyed both by us and by N/K, I answered. This was a good plan, as Dale had swallowed a large amount of seawater. As he was being moved, he vomited up this seawater, which contained a couple of small fish, and lost consciousness. I quickly verified his vital signs; once we hit the beach emergency extraction was cancelled. The ship confirmed that he was merely unconscious, and unharmed. He was battered, bruised, and half drowned, but to the damned AI he was unharmed. We were brought to a small covered area on the outskirts of the village, well sheltered from the storm that continued around us. We waited there for some period of time. I was still so shaken that I didn't consult my retinal chronometer. Our reception committee was startling. We'd speculated at the reception outsiders would receive. Certainly it would be armed men, concerned about protecting the security of their people and lands from possible marauders. But we were approached by a group of eight women, with a larger group of women behind them. The eight who approached us were older women. They were not the oldest, as we could see one or two obviously older women in the second group. But these women were certainly among the elders of the village. More striking was the fact that each of these women had many kaelen riding on her, at least two or three per woman. One woman must have had six or seven; two were old kaelen, and the rest were smaller, younger individuals. As the xenoentomologists suggested, the age of an individual kaelen is easily estimated by size and by the characteristic sheen of the exoskeleton. Older individuals take on a smooth almost gemlike glow. The kaelen were riding on their shoulders, hanging from the woven skirts that are the only clothing worn by both sexes, or on top of their heads in the case of smaller kaelen. The women circled around us. That's when I noticed the noises the kaelen were making. I detected a few different noises. For a moment the women just squatted around us, touching us gently, asking us if we were injured. A couple of the mid-sized kaelen hopped down from their carriers and came to us. Dale was still not quite with it. I watched as a young kaelen, perhaps nine inches long, brushed his leg with its antennae, then walked up his body and up to his head. I felt a brushing sensation on my side, and felt one walking up to sit on my shoulder. Its legs felt slightly sharp, as if barbed, but not painful, very similar to the simulations we'd trained with. As they did this it hit me; we were alive. We'd made planetfall, and survived not only the storm, but also our damned AI. I was able to relax for the first time in days. I was hungry, sore, and tired. Now I could relax, and relax I did, for I was exhausted. One of the women asked our names. We'd decided on local sounding names taken from our sample group, but when she asked me, I said, "Ellen." I pointed to Dale and said, "This is Dale, my husband." She smiled and asked, "You are not from here?" She had a wonderful warm smile. I knew we were safe. I told her we were from far away and had been caught by the storm. She gave us another warm smile. She told us we would be taken to a hut where we could rest and recover; there would be time for more talk in the morning. Three men carried Dale. Two women helped me walk to the hut. I was so tired, yet felt kinship, compassion, and safety. They helped us into the hut. There inside were the typical woven mats. Two sets of gourds were by the entrance: one set containing a mixture of water and fruit juice for us, the other set to be used as chamber pots for waste. As they helped us to the mats, I noticed a number of kaelen climbing up the inside of the hut. I straightened Dale out, moving him to a traditional rescue position on his side, in case he was to vomit up more water. One of the other women helped me lie down next to him. She told me, "He will be fine. You are safe." She held my hand gently, looking down on me. It seemed as if she made a gentle clicking noise a few times. I noticed the kaelen were making noise again as well. She told me "You are safe. Now you should rest, just rest." It felt so good to be lying down again. I was so relaxed; I felt so comforted now. She let my hand down near my side and got up slowly. It seemed as if the kaelen's clicking slowed down after she left. I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer, and drifted to sleep. First Days To acclimatize ourselves, we'd been sleeping on similar mats on our ship for the last almost five months; it hadn't been easy. Still, when I woke in the morning, I couldn't remember a night when I'd slept better. I looked up and saw our kaelen committee still in the top of the hut. I rolled over and looked at Dale. He was sleeping soundly. My retinal chronometer showed it was a little after seven in the morning local time. I made an inquiry to the ship; both our vitals were nominal, which is to say I was hungry from not eating for two days. I sat up and used my chamber pot (something else we'd practiced for months), then had some water and juice. It was delicious. Dale stirred. I greeted him in the local language. We talked briefly; he felt much better, although hungry and sore as well. We heard some motion outside the hut momentarily. He used the chamber pot and we shared the rest of the water. As we did so, our kaelen chorus started in again. We smiled at each other; it was good to be alive. "What should we do while we wait?" I asked him with a smile. He evidently shared my idea, as he moved over and we kissed. We've been lovers for years, as are similar survey teams. Still, there was something special, something more fulfilling, more exciting, about our lovemaking that morning. He caressed my nipples for a while, then slipped inside me as I drew my legs up. Possibly it was the excitement and relief of just being alive, but I came with a suddenness and intensity that surprised me. He followed soon after. As we lay there together afterwards, to our chorus singing a slightly different tune, he looked at me and said something he said rarely. It's something I longed to hear, something every woman longs to hear. He said, "I love you," and he said it with a strength and emotion I'd never heard from him before. I knew he said it from his heart. I held him to me and told him, "I know. I love you, oh I love you." We held each other for a while, until a voice from outside the hut said, "Would you like to talk?" Custom held that we put on our skirts and invite the person in. We did so. We were joined by two of the older women from our group last night. Each woman had two or three kaelen, all older adults. They joined in the song of their kin in the thatch of the hut. One asked, "Did you sleep well?" I smiled and said, "Better than in a long time." "You are from far away," she said, her face, her voice, her person radiating calm. I sighed a little. Their language didn't have the words or the concepts for how far away. "Yes, very far." "Why have you come here?" she asked simply. This was the big question. We'd planned and modeled how to answer. But I threw our planning aside and said, "We wish to live with you and learn your ways." I guess that's the simplest way to describe what a cultural anthropologist and a planetary ecologist do. "Why?" she said. I thought of all the data we'd reviewed. All the speculations of both others and ourselves we'd discussed. All the anomalies. It was such a peaceful place. I looked in her eyes and said, "You have something special here. We want to learn it, live it." That's what we wanted to do; live with them, live as they did. She smiled and nodded her head. She looked at her companion, who looked a bit older, as did her kaelen. She too nodded and smiled. Our questioner extended her hands to me. "You are welcome here. You must be hungry." Dale and I laughed. "Yes, we are." The hut was crowded with the four of us. The two women left first; Dale followed me out. Others were waiting outside and helped us stand. As was Dale, I was a little wobbly from the intensity of recent events -- either our raft ordeal, or our lovemaking. The others looked expectantly at the older of the two women. She turned to them and said, "They are from far away. They are here to learn from us. They are welcome as family." That generated some noise from the crowd of twenty or more of both sexes and all ages. We received hugs from the adults. The women hugged me. Dale got hugs from both men and women. I noticed a number of the women seemed to be sizing him up. As our hosts started walking to another area, I took his hand and tucked it into the back of my skirt, pulling him along in the manner traditional for a wife to take her husband. I heard some noises of surprise from women behind me. I didn't look back, but it seemed the women giving him the eye didn't have kaelen with them. Neither did I. That was the first time I hypothesized kaelen were an indication of bonding, of marriage. We went to a central clearing and sat with a slightly larger group of men and women. There we were presented with more drink, and the wonderful bread that forms the staple of their diet. This bread was only briefly mentioned by N/K, but plays a vital role in both the culture and our understanding of it. It is made from two different cultivated roots. The roots are skinned, washed, then mashed. This is done separately. Either root alone is not palatable. But when mixed together in the proper proportions and baked, a wonderful product results. The mixing, kneading, and baking is a major task of the women during the day. It took days for me to learn to get it right. Cooking this bread is a process between baking and steaming. A smoky, steamy fire is built in a hut similar to the ones used as dwellings. The dough is placed on sticks suspended above and around the hot steam to cook. Other things may be added besides the two roots, and cooking time varies from a few hours to a day. The result is light but filling. Shipboard analysis showed it to be almost nutritionally complete. With a little fish and some fruit, a complete if somewhat bland diet is obtained. One of the kaelen-less women sat near Dale and offered him some bread. Our studies prevailed though, and he respectfully declined her offer (she was quite beautiful) and turned to me. I broke a piece off the chunk given me and offered it to him. He took it, kissing my hand, as was the ritual we'd seen and practiced. I heard an audible sigh of despair, followed by young female laughter. As we ate, we were quizzed again about our arrival and passage through the storm. As I had last night, I told them we were from far away, and didn't know where we were. We had been carried for the storm for at least two days, and wrecked here. Everyone but Dale found the story of his regurgitating two live fish quite humorous. He was asked questions, and answered politely. After a bit the group started separating for their daily tasks. We were told we should rest for a couple of days before joining in with the work. The men spend the days fishing, collecting fruit, collecting and preparing wood for fires, and cultivating crops. The women spend the day raising the young, weaving and mending nets and clothing, preparing bread and other meals. One young woman was assigned to us as a guide. She called herself Dina. She was short, perhaps a head shorter than me, with thick black hair. Her posture was gorgeous, as was the way her hips and breasts swayed as she walked. She had three kaelen riding with her. I though I remembered her in the group with the eldest of the women from last night, but wasn't sure. The village area she showed us was well planned and looked very stable. This was one of the puzzles. How could you have such stability in an island-style culture with no metal tools? They cultivated crops; they were beyond mere hunter/gatherer or slash-and-burn agriculture. They were practicing methodical cultivation. Raiding, piracy, warfare seemed unknown. We had yet to find linguistic equivalents for many of our so-called advanced society's more brutal traits. We visited an area of huts near the freshwater pools. The first pool we visited was large and open to all, and used for swimming and bathing. The second was smaller and more remote. It was obviously for more ceremonial uses, but those weren't spelled out. Along the edge of this area was a spot where it seemed huts had occasionally been burned to the ground. Could it be possible there was violence in this society after all? We returned to the larger fresh water pond and took the time to bathe and relax. We could tell many eyes were upon us. The only other couples there were ones with small children. These women left their kaelen with the children while going into the water, or left the kaelen on the bank while going in with the kids. I started noticing that the vast majority of women having kaelen had only one; those with more than one were treated with great respect, and most of these seemed to be older. Our Dina seemed to be an exception to the rule. Knowing open displays of affection are common in the society, and seeing some in other parts of the pond, I pulled Dale to me and kissed him near the edge of a small waterfall. My motive was to show the other women he was mine. I became quite distracted in his strong arms though. We headed back for a light lunch of more bread and fruit. Dina suggested we might like to nap, and thinking of his holding me earlier, I agreed. We returned to the hut in which we'd spent the night. As we took off our skirts we heard the skittering of three or four kaelen climbing up the inside of the hut. We lay down and snuggled together. I definitely had other ideas, but with our chorus making noise above us again, we quickly fell asleep. Dinner included some cooked fish. Afterwards we retired early. To the accompaniment of our chorus, we made passionate love. I spread Dale on his back and sat on top of him, rocking us to ecstasy. After incredible orgasms for both of us, including one of the few times in my life I'd had multiple orgasms from intercourse alone, we snuggled together. I drew him to my breast and held him there, feeling him sucking gently, as we went to sleep to our chorus. We were given one more day of slack before being put to work. Dina showed us the different areas of the village and helped us choose a hut. We were located in an interesting area, bordering the elders' area and that of the young married people. We were accepted, but still different. The evidently unmarried women, those without kaelen, were becoming more sure that Dale was attached, even though we didn't fit their model. I first worked alongside a group of women of mixed ages, from teens to probably forties, preparing bread. It took a few days before I learned the right consistency and the right mixture; it was a matter of feel and of taste. Poor Dale had a harder time of it. While he was a little taller than most of the natives, and about the same weight; he was much more muscular. He wasn't nimble enough to climb trees, and while he was strong enough to pull nets, his hands were still soft. So he ended up working in the fields. He'd come back in the evening tired and sore. We'd wash, eat, and collapse in our hut, rarely failing to make passionate love, and going to sleep. We always seemed to have one or more kaelen in our hut at night. I quickly learned to love holding him to me, suckling him gently, going to sleep awash in a contentment I had never known before. To my delight, Dale's work was interrupted by storms; as we knew, this was the stormy part of the year. In those times we'd spend more time in our huts. So did the kaelen; we had more visitors during the storms, and more time for even more passionate lovemaking. Questions We knew from our studies the society was matriarchal. The governing group (you couldn't say ruling group, not only because the term wasn't applicable, but because the term didn't exist in their language) was of women of mixed ages. The common factor seemed to be that they each had more than one kaelen. A couple of the women had many. With these women, two of the kaelen at least were older individuals seemingly of the same age; some had three. A few women, older widows, carried their old companions and a bunch of younger, smaller males, distinguishable not only by the difference in size, but also by the gem-like sheen the older males acquire. So the governing group was identified by the multiplicity of kaelen. Now, is this cause or effect? There were a lot of questions I wanted to ask, such as that one, and some basics such as the life span of a kaelen, but we'd recognized there were quite a few linguistic taboos surrounding them. One of the anomalies pointed out by N/K dealt with a set of ritual questions and answers. If this is a matriarchal society, why is the answer to the ritual question, "Who brings us life?" the phrase, "He does." And the same answer to the question, "Who brings us peace?" N/K and commentators aside, it didn't feel like deity worship to me. It is also axiomatic that any stable system consists of a gain element and a control element. Part of the energy of the system is diverted to control, to feedback, providing stability. How does that model apply here? It's strange that this thought came to me only a few days after planetfall. Something in me obviously found it important. Our lovemaking since planetfall had been glorious. I've never before been so completely satisfied, and satisfied so often. One issue we had to address was oral sex: Dale going down on me. He really loves it, and so do I. Before arriving on planet, in years past, he would lie between my legs, bringing me to orgasm before we'd have intercourse. We learned in orbit that the size of the huts, native gravity, and the so-called bedding wouldn't permit that, at least not with ease or comfort. Of course we found an alternate solution while in orbit. Dale would lie on his back and I'd straddle his head. He'd eat me to delirium, and when I couldn't take any more, I'd impale myself on him. It was a true win-win solution, even if I did occasionally shake the hut a bit while holding on. A few weeks after planetfall, we had an even more spectacular evening of lovemaking. Sometimes I'd be joined by a kaelen during the day. Sometimes so would Dale. While this was not the norm, we saw it in others as well. It wasn't uncommon especially in teenagers to see them with a kaelen accompanying them for a day or two. That observation started pointing out another pattern to me. Kaelen were carried almost exclusively by women. Teenage women carried them. Then women in their late teens did not, unless they were married. Why the gap? Sometimes we'd see boys or men with them, but usually only for a few days. Back to that evening though; I'd had a kaelen join me as soon as I awoke in the morning, scampering from one of the older women to my shoulder as soon as we arrived for the morning meal. I seemed to be thirsty and hungry all day, yet lethargic. When I met Dale on his return in the afternoon, he was quickly joined by a kaelen. He was surprised and pleased; we both liked the bugs. We liked the way they sang to us at night. We both hurried through the evening meal. Shortly after the end of the meal, we were both itchy. With perhaps unseemly haste, I tucked his busy hand in my skirt and headed to our hut. I scarcely got him inside before we were grabbing at each other. We'd become accustomed to lovemaking with me on top; I think he enjoyed it more. He seemed to lose himself in our lovemaking more than in the past; he was much more passionate, much less reserved. But that night, even though I was so horny, even though I needed him so much, I just had to lie down. He was an animal, a very passionate animal. Even thinking back to our early days together at the Academy, I have trouble remembering when we made love as many times in a night. I lost track of how many times I came, how many times he came inside me. I was lost in a delirious fog. We'd finish, I'd start to hold him to me, and after a few minutes he was ready to go again. He seemed possessed. We slept for short periods, or at least I did, and we carried on into the day. We missed breakfast, but anonymous hands left us fruit and bread in the morning. All I wanted to do was lie on my back and have him inside me. We stumbled out of our hut for lunch, and ate heartily. The younger people smiled, but kept their distance. Sometime during lunch the kaelen that had been accompanying us left, to be replaced by different individuals. When we walked back to our hut, anything but siesta on our minds, we each had one on our shoulders. We made passionate love again, two or three times I think. I was lost in that haze again. Then we slept. We struggled to get up for the evening meal, and went back to the hut afterwards. I was sore and Dale was acting delirious. I don't know if I expected, wanted, or feared we'd be at it again. Instead, we cuddled up and went to sleep under our usual chorus. Other than both of us being sore the next day or so, it was as if nothing had happened as far as the rest of the village was concerned. A while after that, I got my second period since arriving in orbit. During the long journey whispering beneath the stars, menstrual periods are suppressed. While I resumed my normal cycle prior to planetfall, I was still being medicated by the ship with a contraceptive. My periods are rough for the first couple of days. I'm tender, my bottom hurts. In this society, a woman spends the days of her period in one of a group of huts around the small pond. There's an area set aside for them to wash. Dina seemed to know the morning my period was due to start. As she led me to one of the huts after breakfast, I checked the chronometer; yes I was due. I spent only two days in a small hut, with food and drink brought to me by one of the younger girls. I slept and dreamed most of the time. I was a little surprised when a girl brought my food; I thought usually the husbands did that. I slept a lot, and surprisingly, my period was mostly over on the third day and had been easier than any I could remember. Being reunited with Dale was also glorious; he really missed me and I let him show me just how much. That night after he ate me and then I rode us both to delirium, he held me so close, suckling hungrily as we went to sleep in each other's arms. [1] Part 2 Answers -- Learning A few days later, Dina rescued me from the morning breadmaking. Actually, I was enjoying the work. I'd learned to let my hands do it while my mind focused on women talk: how the various children were doing, who was likely to pick whom for a mate, that kind of thing. That was another linguistic anomaly; a woman picked her mate, but He somehow had to bless the selection. We heard the sad tale of one poor girl who was heartbroken at not being able to have her first pick. Who is this He? Dina rescued me and led me to walk by the small pond. She had her usual three kaelen, and a visitor who quickly scampered to my shoulder. We sat by the edge of the pond, away from the falls barely audible in the distance. Sitting down seemed to be a cue for our kaelen to start singing. I liked Dina. She had been a good guide, even though I could tell she was unsure at times. This seemed to be one of those times. "Dina, what is troubling you?" I asked. She smiled. "We have been talking." ("We" being the guiding group.) "You have not made Dale your husband," she said. (While I've been rendering everything in colloquial form, the verb she used for "have made" was from the same root as the verb for making bread.) "He is my husband," I replied. I certainly felt that way. She frowned a bit. "But you have not *made* him your husband." She emphasized with the hand gestures of mixing and kneading the dough. I looked at her. "I do not understand." She shook her head, evidently not understanding either. She repeated with more emphasis both in her voice and in her gestures, "You have not made him your husband." I sighed. We were at an impasse. What could I say? I told her the truth. "I don't know how." That seemed to be a revelation to her. She lit up with a broad smile. We stood and walked back to the village, back to the area reserved for the women in the guiding group. Dina had me wait outside one hut. She spoke softly and went inside when invited. She stepped out with an older woman, who also had three kaelen. Dina gave me a hug and hurried off. The older woman said, "I am Adda." I remembered her from our first night; she'd been one of the eight. We walked back to a slightly different spot near the pond and sat down again. Once again, our kaelen started up softly. She looked at me with wonder. "You are far from home." I smiled and sighed. You couldn't say "light-year" in their language. "Yes, farther than you can imagine, farther than you have words to say." She picked up one of her kaelen, an old male. He flipped on his back and let his belly ridges be rubbed, hissing in satisfaction. "You weren't raised with Him." It was a question as well as a statement, and definitely used the anomalous form of He, Him, we'd puzzled over. He was the kaelen? "No," I answered truthfully. She sighed and smiled. "Then we must teach you, as we would a young girl." "Thank you, Adda," I told her. She smiled, but it was a smile with an edge on it. "You must learn well. If you cannot make Dale your husband, some other girl will." This was a shock; Dale with someone else? "But he is my husband," I said. She smiled softly. "Not until you have made him so." She took my hand and held it lightly. "But you will. He sees you are right for each other. It is just some of the girls that don't, and, well, he is just a man." With that we stood up. We went back to one of the central areas. Adda bid me to wait for her. I pondered linguistics until she returned with a teenage girl. I recognized her, one of the older teenagers without kaelen. Her name was Tala. Adda leaned over and took the kaelen from my shoulder. "Tala will teach you well." Tala sat next to me. We looked at each other for a while. Finally I asked, "Where do we begin?" She laughed. "We start with this." She made a clicking sound, tongue against the soft palette, pursed lips almost as if sucking. "Close your eyes and do this," she told me. I tried it. She did it again, and I repeated. After a while I was doing it well enough for her. As I was following her, my mind raced. Where have I heard this before? It sounds like one of the sounds the kaelen make. Another set of memories popped into my head. I'd seen children, even teens, acting up occasionally, yet rarely. An adult nearby would start making that sound and the child would calm down. I even remember Dale telling me of becoming frustrated while working, upset at the lack of initiative the men showed, and having some of the men in the crew start making that sound. They seemed surprised, even startled when Dale didn't calm down immediately. We spent the rest of the morning practicing the one sound. As we broke for lunch, Tala told me, "We will practice every day. You must only practice with me, not around Dale or others. Understood?" She was treating me with respect, but still as a child. I smiled and said, "Yes Tala," using formal language. She laughed and gave me a hug. After lunch we practiced a different sound. This was a cooing sort of trill. It was much harder; she was much more exacting. We took frequent breaks, practicing both sounds. I was glad to get back to Dale and our evening meal. In our hut I told him of the day's events. He was as curious as I was. I took more notes, then we curled up together. As I held him close, suckling him as we both love so much, I recognized the sound the kaelen in the hut were making as the first sound I'd practiced with Tala. As I mounted him making passionate love, the sound they were making was similar to the second one we'd practiced, but not quite the same. As we snuggled afterwards I recognized that first sound as he suckled again, then a different, slower clicking as we drifted off to sleep. Tala and I spent the next four days sitting alone by the pond, no kaelen in sight, teaching me different sounds. It was easy for me, practicing with my eyes closed; my talent and training in linguistics becoming useful. I was more aware of the sounds the women made, and of the sounds the kaelen in our hut made at night and in the morning. I was learning a language for talking to the kaelen. But why? I told her I wanted to try what I'd learned, but Tala kept admonishing me not to, every day telling me I'd get to try soon. Three days later, after our evening meal, I saw Tala speaking with Adda, both of them occasionally looking my way. I wanted to tell Dale about it, but by the time we got back to the hut, we were both in a frenzy. Strangely, I ended up on my back again, with my legs around him. How I wanted to squeeze him to me with all my strength, but it was all I could do to keep my legs around his trim and muscular waist. Through a haze of desire I recognized our chorus was indeed a chorus tonight; there were three sounds being made. All were similar to ones I'd learned, but yet different. Through the night I remained on my back, riding through orgasm after orgasm, feeling Dale pump into me, filling me with his seed again and again. We continued past lunch the next day and slept through the afternoon. We woke before the evening meal. I intended to wash, but Dina and Adda intercepted me as I headed to the pool, taking me to a different area. We sat down in a very nice clearing among some very soft moss. I was surprised to feel tired and soon lay down on my back, my head and shoulders propped up slightly, their kaelen singing a chorus of notes I thought I recognized. They told me I'd done very well studying with Tala. I'd have one more day of lessons. "And then?" I asked. They smiled. "And then the next day comes." We laughed together. Dale joined us a little later, along with Dina's husband, bringing food for all of us. Dale had bathed. He looked tired and sore. Even though we'd only been apart a short while, the first words out of his mouth were, "I'm so glad we're together again." I laughed and said, "I love you. You are mine." Adda and Dina seemed to think that quite appropriate. We ate a leisurely meal. I let Dale feed me while I lay on the moss. I looked at him longingly; this would be a wonderful place to take him, on this nice soft moss. But we ate, then washed our faces and hands, and retired for the evening. I held him to me to our chorus, which sang a single tune as I drifted to sleep feeling him still inside me. The next day I told Tala I simply had to bathe before we could practice. She smiled and joined me in the pool. We went over to the small falls, washing our hair in the cool fresh water. A little way away from the falls she told me, "You have learned faster and better than we expected. Your last lesson is very simple. Three sounds." She made the first clicking, sucking noise we'd studied, then a cooing trilling one, and finally a slower clicking. We moved to our usual spot and practiced this tripart mantra, a few minutes on each. At one point I opened my eyes; it was during the cooing trilling sound. I was surprised to see that Tala's nipples were quite erect; she was showing all the signs of intense physical arousal! I closed my eyes quickly, opening them again for the slower clicking. After a minute or so of this, Tala looked like she was having a very difficult time staying awake, remaining sitting up. When I peeked to see her reaction to the first one, it was a very peaceful look. Where had I seen that look before? It was familiar. We practiced again after lunch. Just before we would stop for the evening meal, Adda joined us, walking up as we were doing the first clicking, sucking sound. My eyes were closed but I heard her sit, and I heard her kaelen echo our sound. "Very good," she said. The kaelen stopped. "Open your eyes." We both opened our eyes. I noticed Tala looked very spaced out, almost blissed out. Tala looked to me and smiled. She turned to Adda and said, "She is ready." Adda said, "Thank you, Tala." Tala turned to me. I bowed to her, as I would to one of the leaders, and said formally, "Thank you Tala; thank you for teaching me." She smiled, bowed to Adda, and left. Adda turned to me. "That was very good of you." I told her, "I meant it from my heart." She gave me a broader smile and said, "She is very good. She will be one of us." When Adda said that, she used the inclusive form of "us," including me. I was somewhat surprised at that; I expected Tala would be part of the guiding group. But was Adda including me in that group? She laughed slightly, seeing my puzzlement. "Come, you have time to freshen up before our meal. Rest well tonight; I will see you in the morning." I washed up and met Dale for our meal. I love him so much, and I know he loves me. Back in our hut we talked a little about the day's events, but soon curled up together. As usual, we went to sleep in each other's arms, his mouth at my breast, and my belly filled with his warmth. The next morning Adda met me after breakfast. We walked over to the small pool in silence. We both bathed. Afterwards we walked over to a different part of the ceremonial area. She led me to a small hut. She sat down outside. "Go in, lie down, and do what Tala has taught you. Do each sound for as long as you can, and as many times as you can. I will be here." I know I gave her a puzzled look. She smiled and waved me in the hut. "Please." I went in, took off my skirt, and lay down. Rather than the usual woven mat, there was a layer of the soft moss on top of the mat. It felt heavenly. I lay back, seeing perhaps a half dozen kaelen in the thatch above me. I closed my eyes, and started with the clicking, sucking sound. I started, and they replied. As they did, I felt that wonderful feeling of comfort, of security, of peace envelop me. How I wanted to hold Dale to my breast, to feel him suckling me. I kept up that sound for some period of time. Not knowing what else to do, I switched to the cooing, trilling sound. Again the kaelen echoed. This time I was filled with passion. I was beginning to understand. But Tala had trained me well, so even as my mind raced, I kept up the sound, and the kaelen echoed. I must have stopped somewhere along the way, but they didn't. My mind was filled with the sound, and I was filled with passion and lust. I was wet, and so incredibly horny. My passion built and built until I found my hands moving on their own, one to my breast, the other to my clit. A slight press and squeeze was all it took to send me crashing into orgasm. And still they kept on, cooing and trilling. Without a touch I reached orgasm again, and again. Finally I remembered the last sound, and taking a deep breath to control my panting, I started making the slower clicking sound. After a few seconds the kaelen responded. The passion faded, and I faded into blissful sleep. I awoke on the moss and laughed gently. I was understanding. I remembered Adda's instructions. I began with the first sound again, feeling comfort fill me. Then I moved to the second, giving myself now to the orgasms I knew were coming. Then I did what Dale loved, going back to the first sound, to suckle him again after making love, and then the third sound to go off to sleep. I did this I don't know how many times, four or five at least. I talked to the kaelen, and they responded. I awoke to find Adda sitting beside me. She smiled and said, "You have learned well. No word of this to him tonight. You will rest tomorrow, both of you, and tomorrow night you will make him yours." I sat up. I understood. "Yes Adda. Thank you." As we left the hut, I noticed some of the other women quickly bringing tinder and unbaked bread and setting them inside the small hut in which I'd spent the day. We took a leisurely dip in the pool afterwards. In the water, I asked Adda about the women. She told me it was a special bread, one we would share tomorrow. As we walked back to the others, I thought I had the answers. I thought I understood the puzzle. I was only half right, if that much. I knew now that the kaelen responded to the different sounds by emitting something, drugs or pheromones, and incredibly powerful ones. I'd learned a vocabulary of over twenty sounds; I'd only used three of them. But those three were zingers. They were all I'd need to "make" my husband. Pheromone based conditioning; that was it. No wonder it was hard for Tala to teach me, no wonder the others were surprised when Dale didn't respond to the clicking sucking sound by relaxing. They'd been conditioned to these sounds all their lives. A person starts making the sound, the kaelen respond by emitting pheromones, which results in a corresponding probably endocrine response in the individual, who relaxes. Did I get that right? Hell, I'm an anthropologist and a linguist, not a neurobiologist. But still, it fits. Stimulus, response, response. Condition it strongly enough and you should be able to go from the first stimulus, the sound, direct to the response in the individual. Was that Pavlov, or Skinner? No wonder Tala looked turned on! I was laughing, drunk with my understanding as I saw Dale. I swept him into my arms, kissing him passionately. I was so looking forward to "making" him mine. It was as close to a wedding as we were likely to get here. After our meal we returned to the hut. He immediately asked "What is it? You found something." I kissed him and said, "It can wait. I need to hold you." He smiled, and softened into me as I held his head to my breast, even though we were sitting up. I looked up to see four kaelen in the hut. Should I? Adda said not to. I heard a soft sound outside; someone making that clicking, sucking sound. The kaelen echoed. I gave in to it, becoming conditioned myself. I lay back and held him to me. I barely noticed the change in tune that sent us off to sleep. Choosing and Making The next morning Dina and Adda led us off to a separate area for breakfast. We sat with the other two women. Adda handed me the bread, saying, "This is special bread for us to share. Today is a day of rest for both of you." We shared the bread. It had a different taste. After a few minutes I felt as if I was relaxing, melting somehow. I looked at Dale and saw his shoulders had loosened down. I chuckled a bit. After those sessions yesterday, that hut had to be loaded with pheromones. That's why we bathed after some of those sessions. The bread must be loaded with them and their components. Either Dina or Adda spent most of the day with us, watching us bathe, neck, cuddle, but not make love. We napped in the afternoon in that soft mossy spot, a group of kaelen singing us off to sleep. We bathed again before the evening meal. After it, Dina led Dale off by the hand. He gave me a longing look. I smiled and waved. Then Adda turned to me. "Come with me." As we walked along, she told me "This is usually done by a girl's mother. I've been chosen to do this for you." She turned and gave me a big smile. "I'm happy and honored," I told her, formally and with a bow. We walked to the hut of one of the eldest women; a widow who seldom left her hut anymore. We both bowed to her in reverence. She smiled to us. It's amazing that with their diet, these people keep almost perfect teeth. The woman must have had a dozen young kaelen on her. Adda turned to me and said, "Pick one." I looked at her questioningly. She nodded. "Take your time. He will help." Over the last few weeks I'd begun noticing more differences in kaelen. With Adda for example, even though the three she carried were almost identical in size, I could now tell them apart. I knew which one seemed to like her left shoulder. This was the first time I'd been allowed to actually touch a kaelen on my own. Before, they'd come to me, or others such as Adda had given them to me. Now I understood why youngsters, especially adolescents, and sometimes Dale would have one; they were being used to moderate behavior. But didn't that imply a sensing mechanism? I reached out to touch different individuals. One seemed to tolerate my touch. Another skittered away. After a few more, as I was getting dejected, I touched one and he hissed in pleasure. I picked him up gently as I'd seen others do, and put him on the palm of my hand. He was a youngish male, about ten inches long. He wiggled his body and antennae, brushing my arm with them, then flipped over on his back. I rubbed the ridges on his abdomen and he hissed in pleasure and wiggled his legs. Both women laughed softly. The old woman said, "You have chosen well. He likes you." Again, it was that formal He. I'd guessed correctly; "He" was the kaelen. I looked at Adda and smiled. "Now what?" She put her arm on my shoulder. The kaelen in my hand, my kaelen now, righted itself. He brushed my arm again with his antennae. Then he slowly moved up my arm. His feet tickled. I saw him stop near a drop of perspiration on my forearm near the elbow. I saw and felt a small tongue flick down and consume the drop, then the others near it. Then he skittered up my arm to my left shoulder. His feet tickled again. I felt him go through my long black hair, and felt what seemed to be an antenna touching my cheek and my neck, his tongue active again against the sticky underside of my neck. We walked to the area of ceremonial huts. I saw Dina sitting outside one. Outside the hut Adda gave me a hug. "Now go inside and make your husband," she said. "You know how. Again and again until he is yours." My heart raced as I entered the hut. It had moss on the floor. I could get used to this. I could tell Dale was nervous, excited. "What's happening? Is everything all right?" he asked. He was sitting up naked. I moved to my knees, slipping out of my skirt. "Everything is wonderful," I whispered. Then I started the soft clicking sucking sound as I held his head to my breast. I felt the kaelen on my shoulder turn around, so his abdomen was over Dale's head. As the kaelen began to echo me, I saw his abdomen move back and forth. I heard Dale take a deep breath, and felt him relax. I took a deep breath and felt it take me as well. So comforting, so peaceful. I held him and rocked him in my arms, alternating between telling him I loved him and singing along with my kaelen. After a while he'd melted into my arms; his suckling had almost stopped. I lowered him back to the moss. I felt down his body; his cock was limp. I knew how to fix that. I started making that trilling cooing sound. My kaelen responded, hopping down onto Dale and perching on his head, his abdomen waving over his nose and mouth. Dale took a deep breath and moaned. I felt him stiffen in my hand. Soon I slid on to him and began to ride him. I trilled again and leaned down to my kaelen to take a deep breath. As if sensing what I needed, he climbed atop my head. As I breathed, sitting up slightly, the passion filled me. I rode Dale through one orgasm, and his coming deep inside me triggered my second. As he softened in me I slid off and held him to me again, starting the first sound. The kaelen responded, as did we both soon after. After a few minutes of that I started in with the trilling cooing sound again. My kaelen was still on my head, so we both felt the full force. I screamed as Dale came inside me, pushing me over the edge yet again. I suckled him again, feeling him relax. I still wanted him. I knew what he was capable of, those two occasions when we'd been so frantic, when he'd taken me so many times. The linguist in me remembered the sounds and could now separate them better; it had been a chorus from the kaelen, two or three different sounds. There was at least one that sounded like the passionate sex sound, and there was one that sounded like the sleep sound. I guessed that one kept me wiped out on my back. So the other was the hot bunny love trigger. I knew there were different variations -- one to excite him, one to excite both of us. Which was which? I went with linguistic intuition and started the cooing trilling variant that sounded male. My kaelen responded by hopping onto Dale's head again. Soon Dale was moaning and I was riding him. I leaned over and took a deep breath. Nothing. I was amazed at the specificity. I rode him until he came in me again, then switched back to suckling and comforting once more. Dale started moving underneath me as if to get away. I started the clicking sucking sound again to comfort him. After a few seconds though my kaelen emitted a high pitched chittering sound, something I'd not heard before. As I was wondering what was up, I felt something skitter across my leg and up my shoulder. Another kaelen had joined us. It hopped down to join its brother, and was soon clicking away. Dale settled once more into my arms. I felt my original kaelen moving along my body, tonguing up moisture. Had I worn it out and it called for reinforcements? After a while longer I started the cooing trilling that would enflame us both. As I rode him, I thought more of the vocabulary I'd learned. I knew now which sounds aroused just him, both of us, and guessed at which one was for just me. With that and my guess at which one kept me on my back, I assumed the additives signifying just male or just female. I smiled; there was another sound in my vocabulary, a male sex one, but incomplete. There was one way to find out. I started making that sound. Both kaelen echoed me, and Dale was soon moaning and erect. I slid on him once more. It felt so good to ride him. I picked up my chosen kaelen and holding him near my mouth made the sound that should bring me to orgasm. He repeated it, with his brother still on Dale's head making the other sound. I inhaled deeply and was filled with fire. I rode Dale through orgasm after crashing orgasm. Through my fog I realized what I was doing to him, riding him without release for so long, so I started the sound to release us both. Both kaelen responded, and soon Dale thrashed below me in orgasm, filling me once again and pushing me over the edge. I collapsed on top of him. I touched the kaelen, silencing them. They skittered to my shoulders, tonguing as they went, as I collapsed on top of Dale. I heard him whimpering and felt his lips moving rhythmically. I slid to bring him to a nipple and started the kaelen comforting us again. That felt so good: having him suckling gently, floating in bliss, comfort, and peace. As we floated, having slid apart, I felt kaelen feet and tongues on me, especially picking up the fluids from between my legs. Even though I was still somewhat delirious, I started another cycle. The kaelen responded, and our bodies followed. I rode him, now speaking to him and holding him to my nipple, telling him he was mine and I loved him. Then as I felt another orgasm approaching I leaned over and whispered in his ear, "Come for me, now!" My psychology profs would be proud of me; I remembered that a strong stimulus-response pair can lead to stimulus generalization. He moaned and shuddered and I felt him pulsing into me again. I squeezed the last drops out of him as I came, collapsing forward again. I was thirsty; my throat was dry. I guessed at the sound to send him to sleep. The new kaelen hopped down onto Dale's head and echoed me, waving his abdomen. Dale soon sighed and I felt his body relaxing, going limp. I moved to the entrance to the hut where the water should be. I took a big drink, wiggling my hips a bit, feeling our mixed juices run down my legs, mingling with the sweat. I sat and rested, watching him sleep. I felt his legs as I moved up along his body a while later. I remembered a favorite from our early days, when I had my period and he would be so horny. I started the cooing trill that would bring him to passionate release as I caressed his cock with my breasts. He was soon moaning and erect. I ground into him and he started flopping around underneath me. I guessed at the sound to keep him still. I gave that sound to one of the kaelen and put him on Dale's head. Soon his moaning increased but his body relaxed, except for his cock. Then I moved down and took him in my mouth. I could taste my own flavors mixed with his. I moved a finger under him, and when I pressed on his asshole, he came in my mouth. It wasn't much, but it was his, and he was mine. I moved back to his head and kissed him, sharing what I hadn't swallowed. He whimpered a little so I held him again to a nipple and started comforting us. This time I was rewarded by both kaelen making that high chittering sound. We were joined by a third, who clambered up to my head and echoed me, sending us into comfort. When I felt my arms starting to give way, I started the slow clicking to send us off to sleep. I heard at least two kaelen echo me before I faded into bliss. I awoke before dawn to the sound of a light rain. As I rolled to my side I felt feet skittering up to my shoulders and head. "Good morning boys, feel rested and ready to work again?" I whispered. I started the comforting sound and moved Dale to my right nipple; the left was a bit sore. He was hardly conscious, but soon sucking on me as I told him I loved him. I was enjoying floating in the bliss. My arms were feeling wobbly, so I rolled over to my back, squishing in the now very wet moss. It felt grand. I started the cooing trill for us both, and soon Dale was on top of me, thrusting so well. There was enough light to see his eyes were glazed, but he was smiling. I was soon crashing through one continuous orgasm, and was wondering if I could control my panting long enough to have one of the kaelen relax my body, when Dale came, shivering and pulsing weakly into me, then collapsing on top of me. As he slid off to my side I called to the kaelen to send us off to sleep. The next time we woke it was late morning. Dale was sitting up a little, somewhat dazed. He had a long drink of water. He saw me stir and handed me some. I drank it eagerly. He looked at me with love, disbelief, I don't know what. "What?" he asked. I set our gourd cups down and pushed him to his back. I straddled him, looking him in the eye. "This," I said, then started the cooing trilling again. The kaelen started in, and soon Dale moaned and his eyes rolled back and he held my waist. I impaled myself on him again and rode us to a crashing orgasm. Afterwards I held him close, had the kaelen comfort us, and whispered to him over and over, "You're mine now and nobody can take you away from me." We floated in bliss for a while. Looking out of the hut, it seemed to be mid-morning. "Wake up sleepy head," I said, kissing his sweaty head. He moaned and rolled around a little. "Like to rinse off with me?" I asked. He smiled. "Only if I can walk." We crawled for the entrance to the hut. Our skirts were nowhere to be seen. As we approached the entrance, hands reached in and helped us out. The hut was surrounded by about a dozen women, all from the guiding group. Other younger women were rushing up carrying armloads of something. Adda was right next to the hut. She helped me stand, and I gave her a big hug. She whispered in my ear, "You are one of us." I laughed softly; I had three kaelen. One of the younger women helped me down to the pond. It took two to help poor Dale. Once in the water he was easier for me to hold. I held him floating in the water. I looked back to see the hut in which I had made my husband being set up for baking bread. I laughed gently as I looked down on him, floating on his back, my arm supporting his head and shoulders, keeping his face above water. He looked so peaceful, so serene with his eyes closed. I had made my husband, and now they were making bread; another special bread for us to share. We went over to the small falls and I pulled him up. "Wake up darling," I said as I raised him from the water. "Wake up and hold me." He smiled as he regained his legs. We stood under the side of the falls, hugging and kissing, letting the cool water wash our hair. Now I had better understanding for this part of the ritual; we were rinsing off the pheromones from a very wild night. We moved away from the falls and moved in the water again, washing, hugging, and kissing. Soon I saw Adda motioning to us from the bank. It was time to get out. We left the pond. I was immediately rejoined by my three kaelen, who had been with Adda while I was in the water. I recognized the one I'd chosen. Or had he chosen me? I reached out and took him from Adda. I rubbed his ridges gently, silently thanking him. I put him on my right shoulder. As I reached for the other two, they seemed eager, even anxious to return to me. I thanked them as well, putting one on my left shoulder; the other clung to my arm. Two young women led me to a nearby long, seat-level rock. Dale was seated at one end. Some of the unmarried girls were combing out his hair, trimming it and his beard. His eyes were closed and he was breathing slowly. They sat me at the other end and began their work on my hair. It felt good to have it combed out. My kaelen skittered down from my arms and shoulders to my legs to give the girls room to work. As the girls worked they hummed a simple melody; joining in with the girls working on Dale. The linguist in me spotted the slow heart rhythm; a very gentle, comforting tune. I felt a brushing between my legs, then small tongues. I opened my eyes to the soft laughter of the girls to see my kaelen picking up the moisture and remnants from my inner thighs. Once our hair was prepared, we were given special skirts to wear. Their weave was much finer than that of our daily custom. I laughed gently as I looked at Dale; he was standing, but still floating in a cloud. One of the girls smiled and took his hand, leading him to me. My kaelen on my shoulders again, my chosen one on my right, I tucked my husband's right hand into the back of my skirt. I looked at Adda, who smiled and nodded. She turned and we walked back to the village center. The mid-day meal was already underway as we entered. The normal chatter slowed and stopped as we approached. Adda looked quite serene. I felt triumphant and radiant. We walked a slow circle around the gathered people, then sat at Adda's usual spot. Once we were seated, Tala approached us formally, offering bread and fruit first to Adda, then to me. After Tala handed us our food, while she was still seated, I reached out and hugged her to me. I whispered in her ear, "Thank you, Tala, my sister." She withdrew with a smile that stretched from here to the twin moons, and outshone the noonday sun. Adda smiled to me as well. We ate. I fed Dale, who was still a bit dazed. After lunch we returned to our old hut. Inside we lay down and I cuddled Dale to me. I started the kaelen comforting us, then led us off to sleep. When I awoke late in the afternoon Dina was outside our hut. I stepped outside, letting Dale sleep. I had a special ritual to perform at the evening meal, a ritual to honor my mother and the elders. When everyone was seated, Dina and I would go retrieve the special bread that had been baking in the hut I'd used to make Dale my husband. She would help me retrieve it. When we returned to the group, I was to serve Adda first, then the other guides. I was to save a portion for me. When I was seated, we would eat this bread first. It was only for the women, not for Dale. I nodded, and asked, "I'd like to give some to Tala as well; she is my sister. Is this permitted?" She laughed and said that for me, it was. I returned and woke Dale gently, holding him to me again, suckling him, and having my kaelen envelop us in comfort. Soon Dina returned and said it was time. I woke him fully and we put on our special skirts again. I tucked his hand into my skirt and followed Dina to the central area. Dale was more alert now; I could feel his fingers feeling my bottom, caressing me as we walked. I put more sway into my hips to encourage him. Dina led us once around the group. Then Tala took Dale's hand and seated him next to Adda. Good, this would make it easier. He gave me such an apprehensive look as I started to walk away; I leaned over to him, kissed him on the forehead, and made the clicking sucking sound a few times quietly in his ear. I heard him sigh and felt his shoulders drop a little. I stood and followed Dina. Two girls were tending the bread making in the hut. When we approached, they bowed and left. Dina and I removed the baked bread on the sticks, placing it on a large leaf to make it easier for me to carry. We walked back to the group. We circled them again, and I made my presentation. As I handed bread to Adda I said clearly, for all to hear, "Thank you, mother." She gave me a beatific smile, and I saw tears forming in her eyes. I made my presentation to the other women, saving enough for two at the end. Then moving in front of Tala, I handed her a piece, much to her surprise. I said, "Thank you, my sister," and bowed my head. As I moved to sit next to my husband I was surprised to see Tala sobbing not so quietly. I leaned over, put an arm around her, and made the comforting sound in her ear, squeezing and rocking her slightly until I felt her relax. My kaelen knew somehow not to join in. I sat up again and looked at Adda and the other women. Adda smiled and nodded, and took a bite. We ate our bread. It had a definite smoky, tangy flavor to it. After that, we had our usual meal of fish, bread, and fruit, with the usual conversation. At the end of the meal rather than simply dispersing as usual, Dina and Tala led us to the gap in the trees where we usually entered the clearing. Starting with the elder women, everyone filed past us, giving each of us hugs. While the hugs I received from most were formal and perfunctory, I got special hugs from Adda, Dina, and Tala. Some of the men too put more into their hugs. I noticed Dale got a number of slow sensual hugs from some of the unmarried women, one of whom sighed wistfully after hugging him. That brought some tittering and laughter. One little girl, who couldn't have been more than six, extended her arms up to me very expressively. I picked her up and held her in my arms, saying, "Thank you." When I put her down she said with the truth and understanding of a little one, "You belong here." I don't remember much more of the receiving line; my eyes and mind were cloudy with tears. But soon the area was empty save for the youngsters cleaning up. Dina was beside me. She held my hand and said softly, "You have honored us all, especially Adda, especially Tala." We hugged and I burst into tears. I hugged Dale to my side, and soon the three of us were together. As I sobbed, Dina started the comforting sound. This time our kaelen chimed in, and soon I felt much better. Leading us back to our hut, Dina told us, "Tomorrow we will work together all day making bread and preparing. I will wake you early. You will take Adda's meals to her in her hut. Tomorrow night you will learn much more." Seated in our hut, I spent a while updating this report, something I'd not done for a few days. Since we were on planet without physical instrumentalities, we used a backup approach we'd developed while in orbit. Using the ship's ability to sense my body position and movements, and its ability to project images into my visual field, I typed on a keyboard visible only to me. This requires more bandwidth in our personal links with the ship. As I started, my kaelen became agitated, and indeed moved closer to the main link node implanted under my breastbone, and to the power node implanted in my right femur. They started their comforting noise. As I wanted to retain a clear head for a while, I stopped typing and waved a finger in front of them, saying "No, no, no." They stopped. I went back to typing, concentrating on my work. After a few minutes I felt antennae touching me along the neck, the middle, and the legs. Then they started making a low thrumming sound, one I'd not heard or learned in my studies. I decided to let them continue. And rapidly my mind not only cleared, but became incredibly sharp. I found myself imitating the sound, learning it as so much seemed to fall into place. It was similar to the effect of the drugs we use to accelerate learning, but orders of magnitude better, and I felt sure it would be without the ugly side-effects we've endured. I flashed back to our initial greeting. I'd been surprised at the time that a pair of obvious outsiders weren't met by an armed party. I shuddered. We had been met by an armed party; armed with kaelen. While I don't recall the exact sounds the kaelen were making, there were a few. I remembered and recognized some. We had been surrounded and quickly rendered incapable of attack. I felt the conviction that if we had been considered dangerous, we would have simply gone to sleep and never been allowed to wake. So much was clearer now about the symbiotic relationship between kaelen and their (female) host. I'd wondered what they ate. Now I knew they lived on the moisture and secretions from their host, and felt certain their bonding was for life. That's why I saw the same kaelen with the same people. Is their life span the same as their host? I felt this was the answer, and it filled me with wonder and awe. How had this symbiosis developed? Is it limited to the female human? And where were the females of the kaelen species? I looked over at Dale. He was typing furiously as well, updating his ecology report. My kaelen had gone quiet; I started the low thrumming again. They answered and I felt another burst of mental clarity. I placed one on Dale's head, the abdomen wafting over his forehead. Dale took a deep breath, and turned to me with sharp eyes. "That is incredible! My mind is clear, clearer than it's been in days!" We talked for a while; I filled him in on my training and deductions on the pheromone producing capabilities of our symbionts. I also gave him my analysis of our first greeting. He nodded grimly; it made sense, so many things made sense. We typed a bit and talked more as the effects wore off. There were still so many anomalies in this society, this ecology. That we felt there were anomalies strongly implied we did not understand the basic mechanisms at work, and those mechanisms were far different from that which we expected. We both felt the answers were in the symbiotic relationship with the kaelen. Our clarity began to fade into normal evening tiredness. I put my hands on his thighs. "So tell me, how was it, being made into my husband." He sighed and smiled. "I love you. I didn't know until we came here how much I love you. You take me to such a wonderful place, such a wonderful fog that's only you. I don't know how to describe what went on in that hut. I do know at sometime I gave myself to you, fully, completely." I felt a stirring between my legs, and a feeling in my breasts. I knew what I needed. "And what would you like now, my husband?" He sighed and smiled, his eyes losing their focus, his eyelids moving to half mast. "Take me back to your soft place. Make me yours again, and after we make love, take me to sleep in your arms." And that is what I did. The Cycle Begins Again Dina kept her word, waking us as the sun was rising. We were joined by her husband. We went quickly to an area off to the side of the bread making spot. Dina gave me bread, fruit, and water to take to Adda. I was to place it inside her hut, empty the chamber pot if need be, and return as quickly as possible. When I returned, the men were nowhere to be seen. Dina was mixing bread and motioned me to her side. "Our men are gathering wood for baking bread. We must make a fresh batch and have it ready." Once mixed, the dough may be stored wrapped in leaves in the cool ground for days. We usually have an unbaked supply set aside, especially during the stormy season when we may not be able to make bread every day. We worked through mid-day, stopping only for me to take Adda's meal to her. I was given larger portions than normal, as for breakfast, and Adda consumed them all. We paused for lunch as we mixed and kneaded bread. As we worked Dina told me some more of the history of the village. Adda was from a long line of elders, guides. Under my gentle questioning she led me to hypothesize that membership was a genetic trait. If your mother was an elder, you were likely to be, but it wasn't a foregone conclusion. He (there was that "He" again) selected who was to belong to this select group. I started the low thrumming again, wanting to have an especially clear head for a while. My head cleared quickly as both our kaelen joined the song. Dina soon gave me a look of astonishment. "Is this new to you, or just something I haven't been taught," I asked. She looked at me with some awe. "I've never experienced this before." I smiled. "It clears and sharpens." They don't have a word for "mind." She nodded and practiced the sound. "Tell me about Adda?" I reminded her. She told me again Adda was from a long line of elders. Her only daughter became one of the group when she made her husband, acquiring two kaelen. Then she died giving birth to a daughter, Tala. The phrase I translate as "died" was closer to "became one with Him," but the context made the meaning clear. That explained some of the reactions; I was glad I had honored Adda and Tala. My mind skipped back to some of the ritual phrases. "Who gives us life? He does. Who brings us peace? He does." I thought about the society a bit more. Once married, couples seemed strictly monogamous. But teens, the unmarried, mated like bunnies. Eventually pairs were formed, tested, "made," with His blessing. I recognized more of the pattern now. Young girls helped raise the younger children. They went through a period where they were obviously trained to speak to kaelen, but were not bonded with them. There was quite a lot of sexual experimentation in the post-puberty teen group, obviously taking place under kaelen influence. From what I remembered of psychology, this was probably very good for deepening the conditioning in both males and females. Then the females went through a period in late teens where they did not have access to kaelen; this is where courtship and mate selection occurred. That made sense; selection of mates was made with a clear head. Under kaelen influence, kaelen control, you would madly mate with anything. So why the hell weren't we awash in babies? That question kept reoccurring to me as well. It was answered by a cold thought. "Who gives us life? He does." My thought was aborted by the return of the men, and by some other girls carrying a fruit I'd not seen very often. I knew it grew high in trees, that was about all. Dina took them and wrapped them in leaves, along with some gourd cups. It was getting close to time for the evening meal. We moved all our preparations to a hut at the edge of the ceremonial area, far away from all else. As we walked back to the central area, Dina spoke to us in a somber voice. "Take Adda's meal to her; return and eat with us. After the meal, Dale will go back to his hut. We will go to Adda and the cycle will begin again. You will remain in the hut with Adda. Dale, you will bring food and drink for as long as they are in there; Tala will help you. It will be two or three days or more." I took Adda her meal, selected by another of the elders. It had a lot of fish -- more protein than usual. I returned and we ate in silence among the chatter of the others. Tala and Dina, a few of the other women, seemed excited, expectant. After eating we headed to Adda's hut, stopping to relieve ourselves along the way. Dina stood back, motioning me to Adda's hut. I felt something formal was needed here. "Are you ready, my mother?" I asked formally. I looked back at Dina, she smiled and nodded. Adda came out of the hut smiling. She hugged me. "Yes, I am ready, my daughter." "You are far away from home, aren't you?" Adda asked as we walked to the ceremonial area. It was a phrase she used with me often, especially when I asked questions, which I did frequently. I placed a hand on her back, my eyes filling with moisture. "I'm not sure anymore, mother." I thought of the long jumps underneath space, and the hundred and thirty years it would take for the light that shone on the place of my birth to reach here. Would I ever see that place again? Did I want to? Where is home? What is home? We turned as we reached the area and went to another small hut, built almost into a group of trees. It was extremely well protected. We stopped and then I noticed Dina was behind us. Slowly, formally, Adda took her kaelen off and handed them to Dina. She motioned to me and I did the same. The kaelen seemed agitated as well, more so than for normal separation such as when we bathed. We crawled into the hut, and in the dim light I saw one of the few ornamental artifacts I'd seen since planetfall. Underneath a woven cover, woven finer than the ceremonial skirts celebrating our marriage, and of some age, was a container shaped from the trunk of a hardwood tree, polished to amazing smoothness and shine. Adda sighed and lifted the lid. "Choose three with well dried leaves. Choose carefully." I moved up on my knees to look in the container. It was filled with small oval objects wrapped in leaves; each was about six inches in length and perhaps three or four wide. Most were wrapped in leaves which felt dry; the occasional leaf still felt somewhat green, although it was difficult to see colors in the dim hut. I touched them in turn, finally selecting three. I handed them to Adda, who put them on a broad leaf. She replaced the lid on the container, and returned its cover. She folded the leaf around the three ovals and we left the hut. Outside the kaelen were even more agitated. We walked back to the prepared ceremonial hut. Peeking inside, I saw moss matting. What was to happen here? Adda handed me the leaf containing the three treasures I'd chosen. She turned to Dina and reached for a kaelen. "You are the one I chose, so long ago," she said, her voice rich with emotion. She rubbed him gently, smiling. Then she sighed and entered the hut. Dina said, "Join her. I will be outside." I entered the hut. It was still twilight, with some light filtering in through the opening. Adda had removed her skirt; I did the same. For her age, which I estimated to be mid forties, she had a beautiful body. It saddened me somehow. She was grandmother to a beautiful teenage girl. But Adda and I were probably about the same age chronologically, even though Dale and I looked to be in our late teens. That was advanced technology at work. What was their average life span here? It seemed to be sixty to seventy years. Even with no further medical treatment, I knew that barring accidents, Dale and I would live well past a hundred and sixty. With the proper treatments as we approached a hundred twenty or so, we could exceed two hundred, and enjoy it. Adda spoke to me, bringing my attention back to the present. She was lying down. Her kaelen was agitated, almost dancing on her head. She patted the moss next to her and I sat. "Open them, one at a time, and place them here," she said as she gestured to the area below her navel. She took a deep breath, exhaling slowly. I thought I saw her mouth moving in the calming, comforting pattern. What was she preparing herself for? I opened the large leaf and picked up one of the bundles. I unwrapped it. Inside was a cocoon, a very thin covering. I tore it from one end; it separated easily, revealing its contents. I was astonished. I was holding an insect. It had to be the female kaelen. Where the males are long, almost sticklike save for the abdomen, the females were smallish and oval, their body parts close together, their feathered antennae as long as their bodies. My eyes filled with tears as I raised it to my lips and kissed it. I felt Adda's hand on my thigh and looked at her smiling face through my tears as I put the first one down on her. This ritual was evidently to replace the three kaelen who were now mine. The male kaelen raced down from Adda's forehead to the female. It made chirping noises as it circled, caressing it with its antennae as its abdomen twitched about. I felt flashes of strange feelings; exhilaration, strange synesthesias as the female kaelen began to move. "The others," whispered Adda. I unwrapped the other two and placed them just as reverently on her belly. The male was moving faster than I'd ever seen a kaelen move before; I'd thought of these insects as being slow, but that seemed to be a matter of choice. Remembering our initial greeting chilled me; with that speed, these were formidable weapons. We could not have escaped. The strange sensations continued to flood me as the male revived the females. I steadied myself with my hands. I looked at Adda; she was making the comforting sound again, now audibly. I put a hand on her forehead lightly, and started making the sound myself, stroking her forehead. She managed a smile as she sighed to me, glancing at me before her eyes drifted closed. I kept up my work comforting Adda while I watched the male. The females seemed to be revived from their torpor now. The insects' antennae touched and waved in what I soon saw were patterns. How I wished I had a wide band recording of this. Then the male stopped and began moving along Adda's body. I felt her tense, so I resumed my comforting, with my voice and with my hands, one on her forehead, one on her forearm. The male raced around her body, from head to toe. He circled a spot on the top of her right foot. Then he raced to a female and they exchanged signals with their antennae. He moved slower this time, and she followed him to Adda's right foot. When they reached there, the male circled again, making a strange keening sound. Through the dim light I thought I saw a drop of something at the tip of his abdomen. Yes, I did. He lowered his abdomen and touched the drop to Adda's skin. Moments later she gasped and her body shook. Then the male lowered his abdomen once more, and even though the light was dim, I saw a stinger extend. The stinger passed through the drop on Adda's skin, and into the skin beneath. When it pulled free, I saw a spot of red coloring forming through the drop on her skin. The female moved her abdomen over the drop the male had left. Her abdomen contracted and she exuded something; it looked like a worm. What's the term? Larva? It was about two inches long, and one end attached itself to Adda's skin where the male had left its mark. Adda gasped again, then shivered as it made contact. After a moment I saw the larva start to redden, to expand. It was filling itself with her blood. While this was going on, the male had found another spot, this one just above her left breast. The same ritual was repeated with the second female. Adda's reaction was less intense at the second drop and the second larva attaching itself. The third female was led to a spot on Adda's left foot, almost at the little toe. As the third female was producing her larva, I noticed the first two females had returned to Adda's groin, just above her thatch. The male and the first female exchanged signals and the male raced off again. Adda's left arm was lying palm up by her side. The male found a spot about a third of the way up her forearm from her wrist. I could see the vein underneath, even in the fading light. I moved Adda's right arm so her palm was also facing up, giving the male better access. Adda's breathing was more regular now; a relaxed smile was on her face. Occasionally she moaned and shook with what seemed to be pleasure. I could smell her arousal. Each of the three females placed a second larva. The first one then placed a third. How long would this continue? But that was the last. The females returned to her groin, folding up again, antennae going down. The male rushed to each larva in turn, in the sequence in which it was placed, seven in all. They were all filling with blood, almost doubled in size now. Thank God Adda was a strong woman, large and healthy. Now I knew why she rested today, and why she ate so much. The male went to her forehead and began another keening sound. Adda sighed and her body seemed to relax more. Then the pheromones hit me, and I lowered myself to the moss as safely and quickly as possible. My muscles turned to jelly. I was filled with bliss, and felt a strange sensation in my extremities. I imagined my blood vessels expanding; what's it called? Vasodilation? That's what the linguist in me thought before I sank into the bliss. I awoke before dawn, sensing some movement outside the hut. Food and drink had appeared. "What do I do?" I whispered, hoping someone was here to guide me. Dina's voice came from outside the hut. "Raise her head and help her drink. Give her all the juice. The water and bread are for you." I noticed two different liquid gourds. I took the one with the juice, almost a fruit syrup, and raised Adda's head carefully. The male kaelen made a chirring noise, waving his abdomen. Adda stirred slightly, and I felt my body become amazingly alert, my heart racing. Yet she seemed almost totally sedated! The effect of the larvae must be exceptionally strong! I remembered the chirring noise, and raised the gourd to Adda's lips. I gave her some of the thick liquid slowly, not wanting her to choke. She swallowed, and then her mouth moved as if for more. She took the rest quickly, smiling when done. I reached for the bread and had two bites and some water before the male started keening again. I collapsed into bliss, barely being able to put down the water without spilling it. I awoke again about midday, judging from the sun angle. I'd collapsed on my side, and my left arm took a while to recover from its odd position. I quickly ate the bread and drank the water, then used the chamber pot and cleaned up Adda where she had gone on the moss. Then I gave her more juice. We went through the same cycle as before, but this time I was ready for it and was able to lie down on my back before I faded out. The next time was mid-afternoon. I looked at the larvae. Of the seven, four were long and thin, and three were oval in shape. Evidently we had four males and three females. Our cycle of eating and sleeping continued for I'm not sure how long. Occasionally the male kaelen would check the larvae, stopping to feed on beads of sweat on its way back to her head. Then after one cycle I awoke fully. It was mid-day. Rather than seven larvae attached to Adda, I saw seven cocoons attached to a green leaf on the side of the hut next to her. The male was sitting over the spot on Adda where the last of them had been attached. I watched as he lowered his abdomen, again touching a drop of liquid to her skin. The drop touched the open sore where the larva had been attached. The skin seemed to change before my eyes. I looked to the spot on her right foot where the first one had been; a round reddish mark was all that remained. I smiled as another piece of the puzzle fell into place. That explained the small reddish scars on the women. They represented new kaelen. I was about to call to Dina for guidance when the male kaelen made another sound, sort of a whirring. Five kaelen rushed in -- the other two to join Adda, and my three. My three seemed happy to be back with me again, racing along my body, picking up drops of sweat and moisture. They hadn't fed in some days. How many? Adda seemed to be sleeping naturally. I prodded her arm; she seemed to have normal muscle tone again. Dina entered the hut, with her kaelen. "What do we do now?" I asked. She smiled, then gave a quiet gasp as she surveyed the scene. "Seven!" We wrapped all the cocoons in leaves, detaching them carefully from where they hung. When the females were wrapped, Dina placed them on a large leaf and folded it. The males were wrapped and placed on Adda's belly. The female insects were still sitting in place. Dina exited the hut and motioned for me to follow. Tala and another girl her age were waiting outside, as was Dale. He moved to me, but Tala and Dina blocked him. The girls helped me stand. We started walking to the other hut. We stopped outside its entrance. Dina was carrying the leaf with the three female cocoons. She said to me "You know where these go," holding the leaf out to me. I nodded. First I took off my kaelen, my chosen one first. I kissed his abdomen as thoughts swirled through my head. All three kaelen on Dina, I took the leaf and went inside the hut. I removed the cover, and the lid, then placed my three small packages in with their sisters. I replaced the lid and the cover and left the tent. I tried to stand too quickly and almost fell. As Dina helped me to my feet, my kaelen rushed over her arms back to me. When we returned to the hut, Dale, Tala, and her friend were all gone. Sitting outside the hut was a large gourd with juice in it, and a wooden instrument which looked like a pestle. Dina picked them up and waved me inside. The male cocoons were nowhere to be seen. The three females were on Adda's body. She seemed to be sleeping soundly. "What do we do about these?" I asked, pointing to the females. Dina looked at me and smiled. "They have joined Him, their journey complete." I was stunned as tears filled my eyes. To be born as a larva, remain in the cocoon, then be unwrapped to mate and produce a new generation, that was the female's role. I saw Dina place the three females into the gourd, then take the wooden implement and use it as a pestle. She ground them for a few minutes, mixing thoroughly with the juice, then strained the mixture into another gourd. She handed it to me. "Give her the first sip," she said. I raised Adda's head gently. As I did so her eyes opened and she smiled at me. I held the gourd to her lips and she drank. Dina stopped my hand. I lowered Adda and she closed her eyes. "Drink, quickly," Dina whispered. I took three or four gulps, about the same as Adda, trying to leave the same for Dina. It had a pungent taste amidst the fruit flavor. The vapors as they entered my nose sent me reeling. I handed the gourd to Dina who gulped down the remainder, then leaned me forward onto Adda's body. As she did so I heard Adda moan, and I felt it rising in me. My body was swept away in an overwhelming rush of tangled, scrambled sensations. I saw, felt, heard, tasted, smelled the fabric underneath spacetime. As I was enveloped in an orgasm of a different dimension, I felt Adda's presence, and Dina's. And I felt my own mother's presence as she slept in her bed, so far away. I could feel the fabric of the sheets on her skin, feel the reduced gravity in which she lived. Then orgasm enveloped us all and my mother and her startled cry faded over the staggering distance. I awoke to the keening of our kaelen. It was mid morning outside. The three of us sat up slowly and hugged. We all had tears in our eyes. We helped Adda out of the hut; Tala and some other girls were there and helped us to stand. As we moved to the pond to bathe the rest started baking bread in the hut we'd left. Dina and I helped Adda into the water, leaving our kaelen in the branches at the bank. She was still a little weak, but recovering quickly. She was a strong woman. We washed mostly in silence. Then as we were rinsing Adda's hair under the falls, running our fingers through her long black and gray strands, she pointed into the sky. One of the moons was still visible above the horizon. She turned to me with a look of wonder, awe, astonishment. With tears in her eyes, she pointed out to the great beyond and whispered, voice full of emotion, "That far away?" I nodded, tears filling my eyes. "No: much, much farther," I whispered as I held her. So she had felt the distance, the connection. Dina held us as well and I heard her sobs. As we moved to the shore, Adda looked into the sky again, then turned to me and asked, "And you came here?" I nodded, holding her hand. "We came to learn from you. And we have learned so much, yet so little." She shook her head and smiled. We walked together to the central area. People were gathering for lunch. Dale was seated next to Tala. He saw me and jumped up, running to me. I held him in my arms as he wrapped his around me. "Oh I missed you so," he told me. I hugged him and said softly, "I missed you too." Then I held my mouth next to his ear and hotly made the comforting sound while I held him, until I felt him soften. We sat and ate. I was ravenous, as was Adda. I noticed Tala looking Adda over carefully. After the meal, Dale and I talked softly as we walked. I had been gone four days. Word had spread quickly in the village that Adda had seven new kaelen. Dale heard from conversations that it was the norm to have one for one. Two was not uncommon, but three was very rare. Back in our hut we quickly snuggled together. Dale was hungry on my breast, and I was hungry to hold him. With just a little lead from me, my kaelen took us deep into comfort. From there we moved through passionate lovemaking. I relaxed on the bottom, feeling my strong and wonderful husband plunge into me. We returned to comfort afterwards, and went to sleep unaided. Dinner was interesting. I knew we had more special bread. I would have guessed it would be distributed as before, to the older women in the guiding group at the beginning of the meal. Humility is sometimes hard to learn. This bread was distributed to the unmarried women, and it was distributed at the end of the meal. They consumed it greedily and hurried off, each with an unattached male. I was still chuckling at that as we entered our hut for the evening. We curled up together and Dale said, his head between my breasts, "Please don't leave me for a while. I need you." I held him to me and started the kaelen comforting us. "I've got you, and you're not getting away," I told him. After a while I asked softly, "Would you like me on top of you?" He shivered slightly as he squeezed me and nodded his head, still at my breast. I moved him to his back and with our kaelen's help rode us both to ecstasy. I comforted him to me again afterwards, without kaelen help, and we went to sleep. Part 3 More Questions The next day was a return to more normalcy. I helped with bread in the morning and overseeing net repair in the afternoon, but it was clear I'd taken on a new stature in the group. The next day at breakfast as we sat in our new spot next to Adda, my kaelen made a brief chirp as we sat down. Adda gave me a puzzled look. "What is it?" I asked. I hadn't recognized the sound. She told me Dina would watch Dale while I was in the hut for a few days. There seemed to be some sadness or disappointment in her voice. I was confused momentarily, until I checked my chronometer. I'd lost track of time; my period was due to start, and if it was as usual, would hit mid morning to mid afternoon. Then shock set in when I realized my kaelen had recognized it before I was aware of it. After our meal I told Dale I would be away with my period for a few days. I comforted him as best I could. I told him I would miss him, and he should rest up for my return. I went and bathed in the small pond, where I had been seemingly so much the last week or so, and found an unoccupied hut. I lay down and my kaelen immediately started the chorus that would relax my body. I let two of them do that, but picked up the third and softly made the sound to sharpen my mind. He stood on my forehead next to his brothers, his abdomen swaying. I listened to the chorus and felt my body relax and my mind sharpen. The kaelen knew when my period was approaching. Why weren't we awash in babies? What's going on here? Who gives life? He does. I wished I'd studied more xenobiology. Those feathery antennae -- commentators called them olfactory sensors. How about pheromone sensors? It made sense; they had to detect as well as generate. Of course! They knew my period was approaching. They could sense your state. They probably knew when you were fertile. They could sense pheromones! Oho. That made a lot of sense. I recalled the times we'd spent rutting, exhausting Dale while I was blissed out flat on my back. Yes, those dates correlated quite well with ovulation. The damn bugs were trying to get me pregnant! I remembered back from my briefings that the contraceptive which was given us didn't suppress ovulation, just the implanting of the fertilized egg along the uterine wall. Still, the bugs were doing their damnedest to get me knocked up! That's why Adda seemed both sad and surprised when my period arrived. Okay, calm down. That explains some of it. But what about accidents? Sperm could stay motile for some number of days. And the unmarried women -- they were having sex without kaelen present, as far as I knew. Why didn't they get pregnant? How far does the control go? Okay, it's reasonable to assume the kaelen could prevent pregnancy. Could the kaelen influence sex of the offspring? Interesting questions, but right now I was tired. I had the opportunity to rest. I started making that sound they'd started when I first lay down. Linguistically, its components were female, rest, and something else with female characteristics. I spent two and a half more blissful days in the hut. The kaelen kept me too sleepy to decode any more of the mysteries of this place. I knew now why there wasn't violence, or adultery. Well, I didn't know why, but I did know what the mechanisms were that kept it from happening. Thorough conditioning and bonding made it highly unlikely. How had this symbiosis evolved? I wasn't sure of that, but I commanded the ship to notify me two days before I was likely to ovulate next. I wanted to study this process in more detail. Again, basic physics says that a stable dynamic system has a gain element and a control element, and some of the energy of the system is used to maintain that stability. It doesn't matter if it's basic electronics, faster than light drive, or biological systems. I could almost see Professor Conn pounding the desk as he repeated that to us, so many years ago. What in this system was being sacrificed to maintain stability? There was a price, and it was being paid. How? With what? Why is this particular memory so important? When I left the hut and bathed again I met Adda in the pool. With some sadness she hugged me and asked how I was. I told her I was fine. Once again she gave me a misty look and said, "You are far away from home." I nodded to her, but then answered, "I'm not sure, mother." The next few weeks passed more or less uneventfully. Our presence was changing things somewhat. The ancient physicist Heisenberg proved that you cannot make measurements without disturbing the system you are measuring. I was heralded as discovering the sound that sharpened the mind. Dale had shown them how to select different stones, and flake them to make better implements. This helped in a number of areas, making cultivation easier, making finer weaves possible for skirts and nets, better shaping of wood for boats. He also made suggestions to fishing strategies and crop cultivation that would improve things, though not radically. We didn't want to rock the boat severely. Then one morning I got the reminder from the ship that ovulation was approaching. At breakfast I spoke with Adda about using one of the huts with the moss bedding. She smiled broadly, and made arrangements for Dale to rest more that day. Even though we were matriarchal, there was a male hierarchy as well. Dale's innovations, plus being mine, put him high in that hierarchy. That had him doing more supervision these days than hauling of nets as he'd done early on. We had a peaceful dinner that evening. I bathed with Dale in the small pool afterwards, and then took him to the moss hut chosen for us. As we were removing our skirts the kaelen started noisily. I quickly quieted them; I wanted to at least start this, even if I wouldn't be in control. Dale smiled at me and hugged me as we sank to our knees. "Thank you," he said. "Can we hold each other first? That will make it easier to let go." I lay on the moss and said, "Of course." I turned to my side and pulled him to a nipple. He whimpered and started sucking. The kaelen started the comforting sound and I let myself go to it. I remember afterwards shifting into passion. I was on my back again, my body so relaxed and heavy, so hard to move. I was so hot, and needed him so much. And he filled me again and again. There was a time when he was thrusting in and out of me and he was practically crying, sobbing. I gathered what strength and control I had and made the sleeping sound. My kaelen changed their tune and we were soon asleep together. When we woke in the morning they tried to get us right back at it. I silenced them, at least for a moment. Dale sat up and I started to do so as well. One of my kaelen, I'm not sure which one, had sprung to my forehead and started making the sound to relax me. It happened so suddenly, so intensely, that I didn't have time to stop him. My body fell back on the moss. I felt the three kaelen moving across my body, feeding on my moisture, especially between my legs. It tickled and I laughed. I told Dale softly that they weren't letting me off my back. He looked over me smiling and said, "That doesn't sound so bad to me." He held my head and gave me some juice, thick and syrupy, followed by water. Then he lay down on top of me and we kissed. He kissed me, caressing my head and neck with his hands. The damn bugs don't understand foreplay. But they did leave us alone for a while, as Dale kissed and caressed my body. Then he moved my legs apart and said, "Okay boys, you can take over now." I laughed. One kaelen started the passionate rutting sound, but another, I recognized him as the one I'd chosen as he hopped to Dale's head, started the comforting sound. The other two chimed in. Dale smiled and sighed, sinking down to my breast. After a while the kaelen changed their tune. I recognized them driving Dale into a frenzy, and was momentarily surprised to recognize one sending me off to sleep. When I awoke it was mid morning at least. Dale woke soon afterwards. He smiled, but looked concerned. "How are you?" he whispered. He looked at the kaelen with trepidation, almost fear. I pulled him to me. He resisted at first but soon melted into me. "I'm fine," I told him. I wiggled my hips and legs a bit. "I may be a bit sore, but I don't feel like it." The kaelen comforted us for a while. For some reason I crooned over and over, "I love you," as I held him to my breast, moving his head slightly the way I know he loves. We got up a while later. He carried me to the pool in his wonderful strong arms. I put my kaelen on a branch and let him carry me into the water, letting go in his arms. We moved to the falls and he held me up. I was so relaxed in his arms, but then I saw the look on his face: concern, fear. "What is it darling? What's the matter?' He shook his head. "It's them," he said, nodding to the bank. "The kaelen? What about them?" He sighed and held me close. "They kept you asleep for a day and a half. They ran me through cycles of making love and sleeping in your arms." He smiled a little. "I didn't mind that; it was intense. But at one point I was concerned. I started to shake you, to wake you. I always thought they were slow creatures. But they moved so fast! I'd hardly grabbed your shoulders when one was spraying my face, and it felt as if another stung me on the back of the neck. I collapsed on top of you. Then for hours I was sucking at you, in bliss, unable to move. Eventually they took me back to making love, but it was much more controlled. They brought me to orgasm so quickly, and then collapsed me to your breast again, over and over. They scare me." I held him to me. I started to make the comforting sound but thought twice about it. Instead I cradled his head and rocked him back and forth, back and forth. I felt along the back of his neck gently and felt a small bump. "It's okay darling, I've got you. They thought they were protecting me. I'll talk to Adda about it right away. I'm sorry if they hurt you. Are you okay?" He sniffled a little. He was looking more relaxed. Such deep conditioning over just a few months -- how powerful it must be over a lifetime! "I'm not hurt darling, just scared. The amount of power, of control they have is incredible." I agreed wholeheartedly. We discussed the hypothesis that they effectively controlled births, and were most emphatically trying to get me pregnant. We laughed a little; we thought the ship still held trump cards in that game. While rinsing I looked at the back of his neck; he had the characteristic wheal of an insect sting. We went to the bank. A few feet from the bank my kaelen started acting agitated. We knew they wouldn't go in the water. So I stopped and held Dale, and we kissed, in front of them. They were thrashing around on the branches like mad. One even jumped down and rushed to the water's edge. We got out slowly and they rushed me, running up me to my shoulders and hair. They started chittering, but I said firmly, "No!" waving my finger in front of them. They quieted down. Then I pulled Dale to me again and we kissed. "Is that better?" I asked him after a while. We'd put our skirts back on, but I could still tell it was better. He sighed his answer. I took us around the other side of the pond to an area frequented by the young unmarried folks. I'd seen a nice mossy place, and I wanted to show both Dale and my kaelen that I still had some control (I hoped). The first place I wanted was most definitely occupied by a couple I'd seen together for a while. I smiled; there might be another making coming up. Dale squeezed my hand at the sight of the two fit youngsters locked together on the moss. Luckily the second place was unoccupied. We slipped off our skirts and put them on the path to indicate to others this spot was now taken. He had a very nice erection for me. "On your back," I whispered. He lay down, looking at me expectantly. I straddled him. As I remembered what he'd told me, coming quickly, I formed a sound. If I was correct, he would be relaxed, blissful, and still hot and hard. As I cooed the sound, the kaelen took it up, one hopping to his head, waving his abdomen over Dale's face. I ran my hands over his body as he smiled and his eyes drifted closed. I picked the one off my left shoulder and told it blissful easy release for me, and put it on my head. I breathed deeply and felt myself grow wet. I slid on to my husband and gently rocked us to ecstasy. Afterwards I leaned down and pressed a nipple to his mouth. The kaelen started the comforting sound. I'd expected that, and said sharply, "No!" They quieted instantly. Then after a few seconds I started the sound myself, moving over to hold him better. The kaelen joined in and we were united in bliss again. We woke and returned just in time for the evening meal. While we both had pretty blissed out looks on our faces, when we sat down next to Adda I gave her a frown and told her softly, "We need to talk." After dinner Adda asked Dina to walk Dale back to our hut. Dale smiled to me and nodded. Adda and I walked back over to our mossy conversation area. I told her what had happened, and how it had frightened Dale. She asked what I'd done afterwards. When I told her she smiled and said I'd done the right thing. She then told me He recognized the power in our difference; it was important for us to bear children. She told me she was surprised I was not pregnant already. Then in great seriousness she added, "If you cannot have Dale's children, perhaps others can. You are far from home, and these are our ways." I started making the comforting sound, as much for my benefit as hers, but instead sharpened our minds. In that clarity I knew what N/K had surmised: we could interbreed with the natives. I didn't mind Dale fathering children. But what about me? Did I mind Dale fathering children, other than our own? "Give us time," I told her, "our journey was long." I thought of how long it would take to reverse the contraceptive process. I remembered it was an implant. That would mean a return to the ship, or at least high energy effector use. I looked up at the sky, then back to her. "Our journey here took almost a year in a small ship." Then I did something that's called intuition in a professional, and wild guessing in anyone else. "Having a child there would have been very difficult. Just as He chooses when to give life, it was decided we should not have a child at that time. This process takes time to undo." (I actually said something closer to "this knot takes time to untie.") She sighed and smiled, looking at the sky briefly, then back to me. "If I cannot carry his child in the next few months, then we can discuss again having Dale father others," I told her. Adda nodded and smiled. "Your journey was long. We will give you the time you need. You have brought much to us." We hugged and went our separate ways. Dale was sitting in the hut typing when I entered. We discussed part of my conversation. I decided not to tell him about the other aspect at this time. We held each other with ferocity, before I allowed the kaelen to lull us to sleep. Moths and Medicine Part of our Survey training of course was in field medical care. We were able to put this training to use, mostly dealing with scrapes and bruises, occasionally with more serious incidents, mainly falls and cuts. They didn't have any idea of shock, or of concussions, let alone of splinting broken bones. The kaelen helped of course in accelerating the healing process and preventing infection, probably through boosting the immune system. I also learned which leaves were useful for what injuries, for controlling bleeding, use as wound dressings, and the like. I'd become the unofficial village medic. One morning on our way to breakfast Dina gave me a lopsided smile and frown, and told me I should keep a good supply of leaves and such handy; we'd be seeing a lot of injuries. "Why?" I asked her. She gave me a bemused smile, then gave a fleeting glimpse up at the sky, her way of saying to me I was far from home. Then she said, "The flutter-giggles are returning." I know I gave her a puzzled look. She gave me an exasperated sigh, then smiled and laughed. "I'll show you after breakfast. You should show your husband later this afternoon." I'll wander into Dale's field of ecology for a bit. While there are gaping holes in the ecology where even I would expect a species to fill, we did have flying insects and birds. All the other insect life we'd been exposed to so far was devoid of the pheromone producing capabilities of the kaelen. At breakfast we saw quite a lot of giggling among the teens, especially the girls. The boys were smiling as well, looking forward to something. "Is this part of a mating ritual?" I asked Dina quietly as we were eating. She choked momentarily, but recovered quickly. She and Adda were getting used to my outlandish questions. "Yes," she said after a moment, "you could say that it is. I hadn't thought of it that way, but this is often what ties the final knot." Now I was more puzzled. "So why the injuries?" As I looked around I saw one girl who seemed to have a bump on her head. Dina laughed. "You will soon see." After breakfast the teens dispersed quickly, mostly in pairs. I watched Tala take the young man she'd been with for quite a while. Tala had quite the look on her face, and so did the young man. Dale grumbled to me that it was practically a holiday; the only people he could count on to work this morning were the older married men, and even they'd be taking off this afternoon. I hugged him and gave him a kiss before he headed off. Dina led me around by the pools. I noticed pale yellow moths everywhere, usually with people chasing them. "Those are the flutter-giggles?" I asked (I'll call them moths from now on). Dina nodded. "Yes, let's go around the other side." We hurried to the other side of the pool, along the area Dale and I called "lover's lane," for its secluded mossy patches in the shade. Dina stopped along the path and told me. "Cup your hands together like this, then breathe." She cupped her hands together, shook them a few times vigorously, then put her nose in between her thumbs and inhaled deeply and quickly. I followed suit; we practiced a few times. Behind us we could hear the sounds of teens having fun. We went to one of the mossy areas. As we were going in the path, Dina said quickly, "Catch one in your hands!" as she spied some of the moths sitting about shoulder level on some vegetation. We both quickly caught a moth each. I started to shake mine, but Dina said, "No, sit down first. That's why they get hurt." I sat down on the soft moss. Dina motioned me more to the middle of the mossy area. "Now!" she said, "Follow me!" She shook her hands vigorously; I did the same. Then she stuck her nose between her thumbs and inhaled sharply. I did the same. I was filled with a strange aroma that soon had me seeing intense colors and turned my muscles to jelly. As I slipped to the ground the synesthesia exploded in me, mixing my senses with strong hallucinations, combined with an intense orgasm. Sometime later I propped myself up on one elbow. "Wow, some defense mechanism!" I thought to myself. I felt very good. About seven minutes had passed by my chronometer. Now I knew how the injuries occurred, and why Dina insisted we sit down. I looked over at her. She was still on her back, a dreamy smile on her face. One of her kaelen was on her shoulder, the others were sitting in branches nearby. Her skirt was partially up, and the scent of her arousal hit me. My mouth started watering and I moved on my elbows to between her legs. I was still weak and wobbly. I hadn't eaten a woman since our wild departure party over a year and a half ago. I put my hands under her bottom and pulled her to me on the moss. I buried my face in her, enjoying her taste and her smell. Some of the synesthesia was still with me, as the sensations crossed over to other senses, feeling her taste and smell on my skin. Soon I heard her moaning as she moved weakly on the moss. Her moans increased and soon she was shuddering through the first of many orgasms as I enjoyed her hungrily. Finally I pushed myself up to sitting. I know I had a satisfied smile as I looked down on Dina. She gave me that look of wonder again, albeit a satiated look of wonder. I extended a hand and helped pull her to sitting. As she looked at me, I asked, "That was new to you?" She laughed and nodded. "Oh yes, very new." I couldn't believe it. "Your husband doesn't do that for you?" She laughed again. "He will." We both laughed together. It took a while of precise questioning for me to tentatively conclude that oral sex was unknown to them. So was masturbation. As I contemplated this, I felt insect legs moving on me once more, and the sensation of little tongues on my skin. I watched the same on Dina. I was amazed. These things are so intimately involved in the sexual cycle! Is it even possible for these people to experience arousal without kaelen assistance? That would be another part of the puzzle as to why we weren't awash in babies. It took me a while to phrase the question in a manner in which she could understand, but they did have arousal without the kaelen, although not very often. If I understood her correctly, the men especially needed some stimulus to get them going. I guessed that once started, their conditioning would take over. Dina went on to explain that many people, mostly teens, would catch as many moths as they could during the period of a few days there were around, going through the cycle of catching, collapsing, recovering almost continuously. They would do this singly, in pairs, in groups. The older ones though, the ones close to making their selection of mates, played a different game. There it was common for the man and woman to go together to a place such as this. They'd both catch moths. The woman would take the full effect of the creature. The man would take just a little, so he didn't collapse, and begin intercourse. The woman would recover to a wild ride. Doing this with a man was a sign of commitment. After making love in this manner, they'd usually catch another moth each, and enjoy them fully together, collapsing in each other's arms. Then she gave me a serious look and said that this also went on with married women. This was the only time when a woman could ask another man, married or not, to go with her. I sucked air momentarily as I considered her statement. So there was adultery, and it was permitted under these narrow circumstances. Then I smiled and laughed a little. There was adultery and it would be practiced with my husband. "Do you want him?" I asked. Dina laughed. "No, I don't play that way." Then she looked serious again. "But others want him. It is up to you. You need to teach him. You can say no; he is your husband." I smiled and laughed again. Dale would like this game. "I'll teach him, right here if I can." I felt my nostrils flare as I sucked in a breath. He would feel so good. "And he'll do to me what I did to you." Dina asked me quite without embarrassment or concern how to teach her husband to eat her. I gave her a lesson in female anatomy, causing some quite strong physical reactions with the touch of my fingers, and described how she should teach him. After that lesson Dina asked if I'd like another moth. I laughed and told her we should head back; I wanted to share the next one with my husband. I was sure he'd get to share many in the next few days. We stopped along the edge of the small pool; I washed my face. As I bent over to the water, my kaelen scampered down my back and into my skirt, avoiding the water, as they usually do. Another question formed in my mind. Every time I started becoming intimate with Dale, our kaelen would respond in some way. Yet when I'd gone down on Dina, they'd remained quiet. They evidently didn't consider that sexual conduct I guess. The thought of doing that to Dina again, with the kaelen bringing us to easy release, my nipples sliding along that soft moss, got me wet again; it was certainly sexual to me! And yet kneeling over the pool, knowing how wet I'd become at that thought, my bugs remained quiet. When I stood up, they scampered up my hair onto my shoulders again, there to remain silent. We passed groups of young ones in various states of consciousness. We saw a number of pairs in different stages of the dance. Then we came to the large pool. As we rounded the corner, I saw a group about twenty meters away, again in various states of consciousness. One of the girls sat up slowly and let out a horrible scream, the first noise of that kind I'd heard on the planet. Then I saw why; a boy was laying face down in the water. The others just sat or lay there. I ran over quickly and pulled the youngster out of the water. It was clear he'd inhaled standing and fallen unconscious into the pool. How long ago? I flipped him to his back as I felt for a carotid pulse and listened for respiration. What did that damn moth do to metabolism? Since a couple of the other kids in the group were still out cold, he must have been like this only a short while. He had a slow pulse, but no breathing. I pinched a nail bed on a finger; it stayed bluish. This was not good. I positioned his head to open the airway and gave him a rescue breath; it didn't go in. I remembered from my training that most drowning is caused by a very small amount of fluid. I gave him a shake, repositioned, and tried again, this time with more force. I got chest rise, and a little chest fall with gurgling noises. I put another big breath into him. I was rewarded with violent coughing. I pulled him over on to my knees and let him cough up water. He was gasping for breath and coughing. To me it was a wonderful sign. He tried to get up but I held him. The kaelen started making the comforting sound. I quickly said, "No!" I didn't want him sedated or depressed in any way -- I wanted the full force of panic to reoxygenate him. I remembered the sound the kaelen had made to wake Adda in the hut, and its effects on me. I guessed at the male specific version of that sound and made it. It didn't affect me, but with my three kaelen making the sound, and Dina's three, it certainly affected my drowning victim and his male cohorts. Soon I was having to hold on to him as he was breathing rapidly; I could see his pulse beating rapidly and strongly in his neck. I turned him to his back and held his shoulders down. "Relax and lie there," I told him, looking at his eyes. He was quite confused still. I moved my head back and forth, allowing the sunlight to hit his eyes and watching the reaction of his pupils. They seemed equal and responsive. Good, that pointed away from major brain damage. His male counterparts were all awake now, and standing with the girls. All were chattering wildly. I turned to Dina. "Move them away a bit and calm them down, please," I asked her. She nodded and stood up. As I watched my charge, I stilled my kaelen. The boy's system was still on high, which is what I wanted, pushing oxygen through his system. Dina managed to get the others moved back a bit; I heard the calming sound come from her, and all our kaelen started to reply. I overruled mine with the male specific variant of the sound. Soon my recovering victim started relaxing, even sagging. "You're still with us, my friend," I told him. "He was watching over you this day." I sat him up and held him to me, his head between my breasts. I was still running on adrenaline as well; this didn't excite me sexually. A larger crowd had gathered. Dina kept them at bay as best she could. I stood up, and helped the boy stand. He was about fourteen or so, I'd guess. He'd be a handsome man, thanks to me. We walked over to his companions. They all looked tranquilized, as did he to a certain extent. I turned him so he was facing me and said in a clear voice for his companions to hear, "You will grow up to be a strong and handsome man -- if you are more careful than you were today." I looked over them all; they looked shocked. Good. I turned and walked away from them slowly, pressing my hands on my skirt to keep my hands from shaking. I walked to Dina and the crowd. Adda and a few other elders pressed to the front. Adda asked, "What happened?" I smiled, trying to look calm and relaxed. "One of them had a mishap with a flutter-giggle. He will be fine." I walked through the crowd as if nothing had happened. I could hear Dina giving the more detailed explanations behind me, how he'd been face down in the water, and I'd kissed him to life. I stopped to consider. What should I do? I turned to the group again and spoke to Dina. "Dina, are you a fish?" The crowd laughed nervously. Dina said, "No," with a smile. "Can you breathe water?" I asked. She shook her head. "No." "Neither can he," I said, pointing at the young man, now sitting on the ground with his friends. "When he fell into the water, he tried to breathe water. He couldn't. Some water stuck in his throat, and that stopped the air from getting in. I didn't kiss him, I blew air into him." I took a deep breath and exhaled noisily, demonstrating. "That moved the water, and he started to breathe again. This is one of the things we know. I can teach you." I used an exclusive form of "we," excluding myself from the group around me, playing on my strength as an outsider. That seemed to satisfy the crowd. They began to disperse. Adda and Dina walked with me back to the center, putting their arms around me. The comforting sound started and I did nothing to stop it. We sat in the shade between Dina's and my hut. I'd calmed down again, at least partially. Adda stepped away from us. She returned a while later. When I looked up, I was surprised to see most of the elders gathered. One of them spoke. "You took the boy away from Him." It was an accusation, and a dangerous one. I smiled and shook my head. "No, that is not something I can do. He used me, and the boy, to teach a lesson. Maybe they will be more careful now in their play with the flutter-giggles." My accuser smiled a little. I saw I'd done well with many of the others. "I told the boy that he would grow to be a strong, handsome man -- if he was more careful," I told her with a smile. My accuser smiled a little more and nodded. She looked to Adda. Adda looked to me and said, "You are from far away. You have much to teach us." I sighed and shook my head. "I have so much to learn from you, and so little to teach." That seemed to satisfy them; the group dispersed, with Adda sitting with us again. Sharing, and Sharing Dale arrived with a group of men a while later. He sat next to me as the rest dispersed to their usual places. He gave me a wild, smiling, confused look. "Had a good morning?" I asked. "You must have, from what I heard," he told me. "What did you hear?" He lapsed softly into our native tongue and whispered, "You saved a kid's life." I nodded a little, then changed the subject. "Have you met the flutter-giggles?" He laughed a bit and shook his head side to side. "No, but I've seen what they do. A few in my crew couldn't resist." He looked around a bit. "And on the way back, I got some very interesting offers." I put a hand on his thigh and laughed. "Well, I'll introduce you after lunch, and we'll talk about some of those offers." It was an odd meal. Not because of the food, which was the same as we usually had, but due to the wide range of expression in the gathered people. The range went from intoxication and joy, through lust, to some still quite somber. I hadn't met the parents of the youngster I'd saved earlier; I wondered if I would. Some people ate and dispersed quickly, especially those who disappeared in pairs. We had a number of women, both married and unmarried, walk by and give Dale the eye. A couple of them were quite striking. I could tell Dale was interested. I wasn't sure how this worked in detail, so I leaned over to Dina and whispered, "Does this sharing go for both unmarried and married women, or just the married ones?" She smiled and answered in kind, "Usually just the married ones." Dale and I had finished our lunch. I took his hand as I stood up, and tucked it into my skirt. "Why don't we take a walk," I told him with a smile. He hopped to his feet. Dina giggled a little. "Be careful," she sang. I laughed as I walked toward the pond, my husband in tow. As we walked we saw groups of people, teens especially, already enjoying themselves. From Dale's reaction, he'd already seen some of this. We walked around to lover's lane. The first two spots I'd have liked were well occupied. We arrived at another choice spot at about the same time as Tala and her boyfriend. When Tala saw us, she giggled and turned quickly, taking her boyfriend off by the hand. We dropped our skirts on the path to give others notice. Moths abounded in the mossy area; they too liked the coolness and the shade. I caught a moth in my hands and sat down on the moss; Dale did the same. I liked the approach Dina had used; go for it. "Follow me," I said. With that I shook the moth in my hands and stuck my nose between my thumbs. When Dale took a deep breath, I did the same. I let myself down to the soft moss, feeling Dale fall on to me. There's something to be said for synesthesia, that confusion and overlap of the senses. The synesthesia we experience in those few moments when an AI is mapping and establishing direct neural connections is intense and can be terrifying. This was so comfortable, riding on that sexual wave, everything overlapping and combining. Especially the way it tapered off, leaving some overlap to luxuriate in, as I felt my husband at my breast once more. As he started to suckle I heard my kaelen start up. I shook myself awake and quickly said, "No!" quieting them. Then I helped Dale sit up. "Some defense mechanism, no?" I asked him. He laughed, still a little spaced. "Very good. I wouldn't want to harm them." He looked around and saw a few more. "Ready to go again?" I took one of his hands. I explained the couple's game to him, the woman taking a deep breath, the man taking a slight one, and ravishing her. His "interest" perked up immediately at that. Then I told him what I'd done with Dina that morning, going down on her, and learning that this was unknown to them. He was as surprised as I had been. We talked a bit about possible implications, and he quickly reached similar conclusions to mine, broaching similar questions. During this process, his "interest" waned. That brought me to explaining some of the offers he'd gotten, and giving him my permission to accept the offers from married women if he wished. That got his interest up again, quickly. But he looked me in the eye, smiled, and said, "But right now I want you." I looked him in the eye and asked, "And later?" He laughed, and I joined in. He said, "I'll think about it. But I'm yours; please keep me." I saw motion out of the corner of my eye and reached out with both hands to grab a moth. Dale grabbed for one as I shook mine. He caught his and started agitating it as I took that deep breath, letting myself down on my back on the soft fragrant moss. After floating through that space for a while I was enveloped by a velvet tongue, plunging me once again into orgasm. I was enveloped by a deep blue velvet tongue, smelling of cinnamon and man scent, the blue velvet feeling all over my skin, washing me in waves of sensation, of pleasure. My voice shook me pink and jasmine as he slid into me, surrounding me from the inside and outside. Our lips met in greens and blues, softness and humming as he slid in and out like the surf, carrying me on waves of sensation. I crinkled and gathered together as I approached the edge, letting go into softness and colors again, colors punctuated by bursts of green as I felt his seed pumping into me. I felt him move again to my breast. Electricity shot through me as he latched on. The power of his sucking brought my entire being into my nipple. Somewhere I felt and heard the kaelen start in again, taking us into comfort. We sat up slowly sometime later, helping each other. We hugged and said, "I love you." I giggled as I felt my chorus skitter between my legs to feast. I sighed and looked up at the sun. An hour or so had passed. "Shall we go to the pool? We should share this place," I suggested. He nodded and buried his head in my hair. As I stood my entourage went back to my shoulders and hair. We put on our skirts and walked back to the pool. There were a number of couples in the water, some splashing and playing, but most moving slowly together, seemingly in postcoital bliss. I hung our skirts and kaelen on a convenient place and we waded in. "How was that?" I asked him. He nuzzled my neck as he carried me over to the falls. "I was going to ask you the same." "Mmmmm..." said it all. We washed and swam for a while. We'd taught them a few new swimming strokes over the months. They'd been amazed the first time Dale did the backstroke, and couldn't believe the butterfly. As more people started arriving, we moved to get out. "Going to accept any invitations?" I asked with a nuzzle in his ear. "Going to make any?" He asked, hands around my waist. I laughed. "I hadn't even thought of it," I told him truthfully. He looked at me. I told him, "But you should, with the married women, a couple of them." He raised an eyebrow, smiling a little. I hadn't told him my conversation with Adda on having children. This would be a good introduction. "Really, you should." He gave me a little more of a smile and said, "If you insist." I laughed and hugged him to me. "Oh you men! Don't worry, you're mine and you're not getting away. You can play for a few days, but remember you're mine." "How could I forget," he whispered hotly in my ear. We got out and retrieved our skirts and kaelen. I noticed a few women noticing my husband. He is, as they say, better hung than most. I laughed and tucked his hand into my skirt, and started to our hut. We still had a couple of hours until the evening meal. But he tugged me the other way. Yielding, I let him lead me inland and uphill some, off on the way to the cultivated fields. We went along another path, climbing higher on the hill. We crossed one of the streams that fed the small falls, then turned uphill a little. There by the edge of the stream was another mossy shady spot. I gave him an accusing look. "Been here before, have you?" He laughed and blushed a little. "Only alone," he said, kissing my hand. Then he reached up and caught a moth. I did the same. We sat down, then shook our temporary captives vigorously, giggling as we did so; they were well named. He put his nose into his hands and took a deep breath. He looked up in surprise to see me release mine to the wind, then put my arms around him as he started collapsing. I held him to my breast and suckled him, moving his head around, telling him how much I loved him and how lucky I was. After a few minutes I moved him to his back and started stroking his cock to life. When he was ready I certainly was, and I impaled myself on him. We both moaned as we slid together. Remembering what I'd felt, I ran my hands over his body as I rocked gently. Some soft touches along his abdomen, then along his thighs behind me, elicited moaning and quivering. I rocked along gently, keeping myself on the edge, until I saw his eyes start to open. Then I leaned forward, put a nipple into his mouth, and started rocking in earnest. He moaned more and bucked underneath me. I came, and as I struggled to keep from falling over, felt him coming inside me. One of my kaelen, my chosen, was still on my shoulder. The other two were sitting on nearby branches. I started the sound to comfort just my husband. My chosen echoed me, and the other two quickly scrambled to me to join in. As I held his head to my breast I felt him soften. I quieted the kaelen and then said, "Sleep darling, sleep darling." I rocked him until his breathing shifted again. I let go of him and swung myself off, sitting on the moss and looking out, down at the pool and part of the village below us. One of the moons was up. I looked straight up for the stationary sparkle that was our ship. Then I remembered and laughed to myself; synchronous orbits are equatorial. Where's the equator from here? I had the ship put a targeting reticule in my vision. I turned and looked, seeing a faint spot of light in the target image. There was our ship, our link with our civilization, our home. What was to be her fate? She could stay in orbit for many decades, continuing her preassigned studies, sending back a message torpedo every two to five years. I sighed. It was only a few months until we reached that two year point, two years gone from our base, almost a year on planet. We should work on our reports so we'd have something to show for our time besides mounds of meteorological and geophysical data. I gave my chosen the sound to sharpen my mind and started working on this report again. Still so many questions, so many things we don't understand. And it's the same with Dale -- so many holes in the ecology, with the primary conclusion being that this symbiotic structure had been stable for quite a while. I worked for a while, absorbed in my work, until I felt a hand on my shoulder. I sighed, closed my connection, and turned to my husband. He was sitting up, with a tear in his eye. "What's the matter?" I asked as I wiped it away. A kaelen skittered down my arm and took the drop off my fingertip. He laughed a little. "Nothing. I come up here to think, to work on my studies. Like to see something?" he asked with a smile. I nodded. He turned and picked up a rock. I'd noticed there were rocks in this spot that didn't look like they belonged here. The one he had, held in two hands, was a section a few feet on a side, split from something larger. He flipped it over and I gasped. "Recognize it?" he asked. It was the fossilized outline of an insect. "It looks like the female, but it's so big!" The fossil outline was partial but covered most of the insect. When alive, this thing had to have been eighteen inches long! I looked at Dale in awe. "Where did you find it?" "Oh, up in the hills. I have crews looking for interesting rocks for me all the time. They found it a few weeks ago." "Why didn't you tell me?" I demanded. He laughed a little. "I was going to, but it was the first night of your ovulation. You distracted me." I laughed and he laughed along with me. "What others? Any males?" I asked. He shook his head. "Not yet, at least not a complete one. I've seen some sections that can't be moved with male specimens that are relatively the same size. One spot must have hundreds all packed together." "Hive?" I speculated. He shrugged his shoulders. "Good a guess as any. I think this answers my question as to predator species." I shivered at the thought. "Oh, and they had wings," he added with a tight grin. Now I was shocked. The vision of these creatures, with the ability to fly... With their breeding pattern, no wonder there were gaps in mammalian life forms. A hive of these things could and probably did hunt host animals to extinction. And my God, if one larva that size wouldn't mean certain death to a human, two would, from the blood they'd consume. "What about their prey, ah, hosts?" "I'd call 'em prey. Don't know," he said, "Wouldn't want to be around then." "But then how..." I thought out loud. He smiled again. "How did both species evolve? How did the symbiosis evolve? Tell me, oh anthropologist, with a symbiosis such as this, how did the humans develop a spoken language? Why cultivated crops?" I shook my head in wonder. "I don't know, I don't know." I know I was smiling again. Such wonderful puzzles! He sighed and stood up. "We'd best head down for dinner. I've had the ship looking at surface and subsurface rock formations in the general area, looking especially for likely fossil sites." "And?" I asked, putting on my skirt. He shrugged again. "There are a few within a hundred clicks or so." I laughed. We'd have to investigate; I knew that. Dinner was pretty jovial. Tala seemed very well laid, as did Dina. Well, so did I come to think of it. Early on a woman I'd seen before but didn't know came over to us and very formally gave us some very nice fruit. I accepted it and thanked her. She bowed and left without a word. I gave Dina a puzzled look. She leaned over and whispered to me, "The boy's mother." Ah, that explained it. I shared the fruit with our group. A while later a very attractive woman came over and sat in front of us. She looked at Dale, then me. I smiled, then nodded. She acted as if I'd just saved her life; her shoulders must have dropped two inches as she exhaled. She very calmly asked Dale if he would like to see the flutter-giggles with her. Dale looked at me, then at her and said, "Not tonight, I'm sorry." She looked heartbroken, until he said, "What about tomorrow after breakfast?" She lit up; her nipples crinkled up. She thanked us politely and left. When she was out of earshot Tala and Dina both laughed. I patted my husband on the leg. "That was very good of you." He gave me a confused smile. "What?" I just smiled back and looked at the ladies; we laughed together. After dinner on the way back to our hut he was propositioned again, and set up an assignation for the afternoon. When that young lovely skipped happily off into the distance I squeezed his bum and told him, "You'd better save some for me." He laughed and threw his arms around me, hugging me. When we got to our hut we noticed it had been lined with moss. We had earned someone's gratitude. We spent quite a bit of time that evening working on reports, using the kaelen to keep our minds sharp. When I realized it was after eleven at night I called an end to that. We curled up together and I let my crew comfort us and take us off to sleep. I knew it was a dream. I was running, and it was so hard, my legs didn't want to move, yet I had to move, and move fast. They were after me. I looked over my shoulder and saw two of them, huge males, a meter or more long, flying noisily toward me. I knew they'd gotten Dale already. I had to protect my children, especially our son. They were more important than my safety; protect my children, my son. It was so hard to run, so hard to move my legs. I started clawing with my arms, trying to move faster. I felt one getting closer. I could imagine the stinger extending outward, knowing a female was moving slowly along toward us. He got closer and closer.... The children.... I woke up screaming incoherently. Dale held me and hugged me. I felt my kaelen drop from their usual nighttime nesting spot in the thatch down on to me, and it was all I could do to keep from screaming again and flinging them away. My heart was pounding. They skittered up to my shoulders and head and started the comforting sound. I quickly said, "No!" and stopped them. I held Dale, I held him tight. "I've got you, you're okay, what was it?" I was still panting with fear. "A dream, a very bad dream," I told him. He surprised me by starting the comforting sound; he did it pretty well for a man. The kaelen picked up on it after a moment, but I silenced them. "Not yet," I said. "Hold me please. I need to be held." We lay down and he held me close. I curled up in his arms, for the first time in a long long while. I finally started to calm down. The crew started moving around, picking up what moisture there was to be had on my body. I knew it had been a dream, but still my skin was crawling. I went back to pre-planetfall training and started my breathing exercises to calm my body and mind. With every inhale I calm the body and the mind. With every exhale I smile. Focus on the present moment. This is the only moment. It worked, as it had worked for me for years. I felt Dale's breathing, slow and shallow; he'd gone back to sleep. I sighed. My chorus started a sleepy time song. I didn't interrupt them. I woke a little before dawn and used the chamber pot. Then I held Dale close, comforting both of us. We got up later and walked to breakfast. "Want to tell me what it was about?" he asked, arm around me, protecting me, as we walked along. I shuddered a little. "I'll tell you before lunch; I'll meet you by the pool. You'll need to bathe." He laughed a little and gave me a hug. We were a little early for breakfast, but food was set out for us when we arrived. Adda soon joined us. I saw Dale's morning assignation watching us from a distance. "I know where our breakfast came from," I told him, nodding my head her way. He smiled nervously and ate quickly. It was funny. "Don't eat so fast. You'll have plenty of time to play," I chided him. I thought Adda and a few nearby women were going to choke from laughing with their mouths full. He finished eating quickly. I was taking my time this morning, not sure what I'd do; probably go play with moths. He gave me an expectant look. I laughed and hugged him to me. "You can go now. Remember, play nice." He gave me a strong hug and whispered, "Thank you -- I love you," in my ear. He stood up and started walking to the pools. The young lady with the gleam in her eye met him along the way and practically dragged him off. I sighed and looked at Adda. She smiled with me. Then she said, "You had trouble last night?" I nodded. Huts have thin walls, and I made a lot of noise, and a noise quite uncommon around here. "A dream." She gave me a look of concern. "About your home?" "No, about things that have not happened." We let it drop as Tala dragged in. She looked beat. I'd saved her some of the fruit we'd been given, and offered it to her as she sat down. She gave me a half smile. "Where is your boyfriend?" I asked her, surprised to see her alone this morning. She gave me a half smirk. "Where is yours?" she riposted. I chuckled. "The same place?" She nodded and laughed with me. I put a hand on her shoulder. She sighed. As we finished eating I turned to Tala once again. "What are you doing this morning?" she seemed troubled, uncertain somehow. She smiled at the question. "Could we talk?" she asked. "Of course." She looked around. Evidently she wanted a more private place. I nodded to her and stood up. She stood and we took our leave of the other women. We started walking, pausing on the path to the pools. Neither of us was particularly interested in that area. "I know just the place," I told her, and led her back to the hillside spot Dale showed me the day before. She liked the view, as did I. I was glad Dale put the fossil pieces away before we headed down yesterday. They would take a lot of explaining, especially since I didn't have the answers to the questions they posed. While there were plenty of moths around, Tala didn't pay them any attention. Instead after sitting down she began rambling, talking about growing up, not knowing her mother, and being raised by Adda and other friends. She talked about her boyfriend, how serious she was, doubting how serious he was. Something clicked in me. I turned her to look at me. She initially avoided my gaze, but then looked me in the eye and gave me a nervous smile. "Tala, would you like me to act as your mother?" Her face lit up and she threw her arms around me, hugging me. She started going on about knowing I would understand but not knowing how to ask, and on and on until I started my kaelen comforting us. I held her and rocked her gently. She slid down a bit as she relaxed. I gave her a nipple. As she suckled gently she sighed and relaxed even more. "Tala, you helped me greatly. I will be happy to help you, if He allows it, if they allow it. I will help you." As I held her and rocked her I thought more of what she was asking of me. Did I give her the final "test," or had she already done that? I would take her to choose a kaelen. I would sit outside the hut while she "made" her husband. She would undoubtedly acquire at least one other. And then I would be called upon to start the next cycle. Even with the kaelen comforting us, that thought and my dream sent a chill through me. Was the dream a warning against just this? I didn't think so. I felt it was an omen, but of something still in the future. I held Tala closer to me, rocking her. Her pretty face was relaxed in bliss. I held her for a while longer, then sighed and helped her sit. As she let go of my nipple it struck me that the experience hadn't been strongly erotic for me; I was comforting her, mothering her. That was opening a new set of very deep feelings in me. Tala sat up and gave me a dreamy look. We both sighed in unison, then laughed together. "Better now?" I asked her, caressing a cheek. "Yes, mother," she said softly. "Only if He allows it, if they allow it. I'll talk to Adda as soon as I can. When do you want to make your husband?" The question seemed to take her by surprise, even though it felt entirely predictable to me. "After the flutter-giggles are gone," she said. "And until then?" I asked. She grinned and spun around, catching a moth. She held her hands out to me and transferred it to my hands. Then she caught another for herself. We giggled together as we shook them, sliding more to the middle of the mossy area. I looked at her, then closed my eyes, brought my hands to my face, and took a deep breath. Oh I'm glad these things only appear once a year, I thought as I returned slowly to the world. We sat up again. As we looked at each other, Tala frowned. "What is it?" I asked. "You are older, much older," she said, "Sometimes it shows in your eyes, in the way you speak." We looked to be just a few biological years apart in age, I in my late teens. "Yes," I said softly. Suddenly I did feel older. "How old are you?" she asked. I smiled to her. "Do you really want to know?" She thought in silence for a moment, shadows of thoughts washing across her face before she said, "Dina told me you were from far away. Yes, I want to know." I took her hands. "We were born far away from here, and our ways are different. We came here to live as you live, to learn what you learn. I have seen about as many seasons as Adda." That seemed to shock her, but not much. She looked out at the sky. There were a few clouds in the distance. I expect she was looking for one of the moons. "How far away?" she asked. I sighed as she looked at me once more. "Farther than that. Farther than you have words to say. Our ship took almost a year to get us here." "Can I see your ship? Did you build it? Can you build others?" she asked rapidly. "Our ship was built for us, and we cannot build another. Perhaps you will see it one day, but not soon." She sighed. "You know so many things." I laughed a little and shook my head. "I know different things. If I were a fish who had just grown arms and legs and could now breathe the air, I'd know many things about living in the sea, but I wouldn't know how to make bread. Or a husband. There are many things I want to learn, many things for you to teach me." She nodded. After a while she asked, "Will you leave us? Will you go home?" I shook my head again. "I don't know. Where is home? Home is where your family is. Here I have a husband, a mother, and now my sister has become my daughter." I saw the tears form in her eyes, and felt them forming in mine. We hugged quietly. A new world of feelings was opening up inside me. She gave me another squeeze and sat back. "Thank you mother. We should go." I gave her one more hug before we stood up. We headed back down the hill. We paused by the large pool. I looked in the water for Dale; it was still a while until lunch, but I didn't see him. Tala saw her boyfriend and smiled. Then she turned to me and gave me a questioning look. "Go get your man. Dale is to meet me here before lunch. He must still be playing." Tala laughed and gave me a hug. "We will find him," she said, and skipped off to her man. I watched them hug as they met. Then they walked off hand in hand along one of the paths. I sat in contemplation, thinking of my role here, my multiple roles. As I was lost in thought I felt a presence and looked up to see Adda sitting down next to me. She smiled. "Where is your husband?" she asked. By custom, these assignations were to be fairly brief. "He must still be playing," I told her. Then I took her hand and said seriously "Tala wants me to act as her mother. I want to as well. Is this permitted?" She gave me another of her beatific smiles, then a warm hug. "Yes, I will tell the others. We were not sure she would ask; we were not sure you would accept. Do you know what this means?" "No, but does anyone know the first time? I owe it to you, to Tala, to Dina." "That is a good answer," she said with a somber smile. She got up and walked quickly away. I wondered if she would talk to Tala, and in how much detail. I'd asked Tala, not the other way around. Was I ready for this? I'd answered that question already; was anyone? There was only one way to find out. It was just a dream, after all. I saw Dina, Adda, and some other women come by a while later and fan out. A few minutes later Dina returned with Dale in tow. As they got to the edge of the pool, Dina took his skirt and he walked, almost sleepwalked, into the water. I stood and removed both skirt and kaelen. Dina met me halfway to the water. "I rescued him," she said with a laugh in her voice. "I'll wait for you." I waded in; the water felt good, as it always does. I caught up to him and hugged him. When he hugged me he had a ferocious hunger in his hands, but weakness in his arms. I led him to deeper water, holding him. "What happened?" I asked. He laughed weakly. "It was the bugs again. Things started out as you had said. We found a cozy spot. She took a moth and I took a little whiff of mine; not too much, but enough I thought. I decided to give her a real thrill, so when I woke up I went down on her. You should have heard her, maybe you did. But when I slid into her, her bug took over. It was like one of our rutting sessions. She was flat on her back, and the bug was running me through cycles of coming in her and collapsing. It was intense. Dina rescued me." I held his head, pretty much supporting him as we moved to the falls. "Poor boy," I cooed to him. He gave me a tired laugh. We rinsed our hair and moved slowly back to the shore. We put on our skirts. Tala and Dina helped us comb out our hair. Dale thanked Dina for rescuing him. She laughed. "Where is his playmate?" I asked. Dina gave me a sly smile. "Still sleeping, with a smile that will last until both moons are full." We laughed together as we headed for lunch. Adda and the others were already eating. Once more, someone had brought us lunch. I looked around and could tell who it was. She had slightly larger breasts but smaller hips. "She looks like your type," I whispered in Dale's ear, nodding my head her way. "I wonder if they know doggy style? Having her on top of you might be difficult if she was unconscious." He looked up and moaned a little. I laughed along with the rest of the ladies. "Too much play? Does my baby need a nap this afternoon instead?" He smiled and blushed. "Well..." Tala suggested, "You can always take a full breath, or catch two." I could see he might be contemplating that. As we finished lunch his afternoon paramour walked over. "Play time again big boy," I told him, messing up his hair a bit. He sighed, then looked at me and laughed. He sprang to his feet in a show of male ego. She approached us; she had a single kaelen. Dale put his arm around her waist. "Be gentle with him, he worked very hard this morning," I told her helpfully. Dale frowned at first as we laughed, but was laughing as well as they walked off together. I turned to Tala. "Do you know about the moss in our hut?" She nodded her head as she swallowed something. "Yes," she said when her mouth was empty. She told me it had been done by the group of teens I'd helped. They'd be keeping our hut cleaned and with moss for a week or two as thanks. Dina asked me, "Do you have plans for this afternoon?" I smiled and said, "Your husband too?" She gave me a low laugh. "Yes, but I was busy this morning." I shook my head. Oh well. I thought about it myself, but not seriously. "I think I'll go shake some moths," I announced. Tala added, "She has a very nice place to do it." Dina nodded. "May I come with you?" "Yes. We'll need to be back in time to look for my husband, though. He may need rescuing again." We laughed, but Adda nodded seriously. The three of us went back up the hill. We each caught a moth and sat down. As I looked up at the end of a deep breath I saw Tala had done the same, but Dina was sitting there smiling. What was she up to, I thought as I melted to the mossy ground. I found out as I drifted back to the scrambled sensations of a tongue in my center. I heard someone (Tala?) start the kaelen on blissful release for us. I let go to the sensations. I floated up again to the comforting feeling, and felt a nipple at my mouth. It was heaven to be held to that soft warm nipple. I awoke later and sat up to see Dina comforting Tala; both had that look of bliss. When we were all capable of talking again Dina asked me, "How did I do?" I chuckled and ran fingers on her thigh. "You did very well." Tala surprised me by saying, "Yes, she did." I looked at Tala, then Dina. Dina said, "And Tala practiced with me. My husband is learning, as will hers. Soon we will all know." Tala added, "Just like with swimming." I laughed and was joined by the others. It was a little different from the new swimming strokes we'd taught them. I looked at the sun angle; it was getting late. Dina sighed. "We should go down and rescue our men, especially Dale." As we headed down I said, "You think Dale will need rescuing again?" Tala said, "Oh yes, both of them are the same moon, as are most of us." I almost stumbled on the path down as my mind clicked the pieces together. What had we called it in college? The female dorm syndrome? Get enough females living closely together, and gradually they all slip into the same menstrual cycle. I knew that my cycle was out of phase with most of the women in the village; it was actually quite nice. During some phases of one moon in particular, the huts held two women each. Being out of phase, I got one to myself. So that meant we might be dealing with a bunch of women at the peak of their fertility. The bugs certainly could tell that. And they certainly seemed to want our children. That explained the ride Dale was getting. "Tala," I asked as we walked, "how will you keep from having a child?" She shook her head, this must be something everyone understood. "He will sing to me in my hut at night, telling me it is not yet my time. I will spend my days in the huts as usual." That answer was somewhat of a surprise, yet expected. It was another answer to my question of why we weren't awash in babies. Did they prevent fertilization, attachment to the uterine wall, or just insure a menstrual cycle at the next appropriate period? Or did they do something completely different? "What is that sound?" I asked. Dina turned to me. "We won't tell you, not yet," she said with a smile. I stopped and sighed; we were at the bottom of the hill path. Large mounds of feelings resettled inside me, moving, reshaping, and rebalancing. I told them, "I know He wants me to have a baby; so do I. These knots take time to untie." We walked back to the pool area. They told me to wait, and went off in search. This time Tala and Dina both walked Dale back. He was still dazed, and they looked as if they were having trouble moving. I laughed to myself; this could be very good for a monogamous relationship after all. They dropped their skirts, and his, and Tala led him into the water while Dina shed her kaelen. I shed mine and quickly moved to them. I took my husband and floated him on his back. He looked at me with glassy eyes, smiled, and let his eyes close. "They did it to me again," he croaked. I looked at Dina and Tala; they were washing furiously. They must have waded through quite a cloud of pheromones. They came up out of the water smiling. We all went to the falls. They stood under the falling water for a while. "How is his friend?" I asked. Tala gave a low laugh and Dina answered. "He is working hard on this one," she said, pointing to Dale. "There were two kaelen there. She too will be smiling until the next full moon." It seemed to be a good recipe for success; pump them full of sperm and keep them on their backs. Perhaps I should check with the ship. Even if a trip up to the ship was necessary, I could do that from one of the peaks and only be gone a few hours. He was not to be denied it seemed. He wanted babies; he was going to get babies. Hmmm... Going to the ship... There had been a few days recently when Dale hadn't been around for lunch. He'd talked of fossil deposits a few hundred clicks away. The big problem would be in avoiding sonic booms while the ship moved you inside an effector field. Both of us had done that many times in training. We got out and combed out each others' hair, Dale sitting more or less comatose. Dina whispered something to Tala, and Tala headed off as we walked back, one of us on either side of Dale. We arrived back a little before dinner time. We sat in our usual places to rest. I lay Dale down at my side, putting him in the rescue position. Adda came by a little later, joined by three of the other elders. Both Dina and I bowed respectfully. One of them said, "Thank you for helping Tala. She is asking much of you." I sighed and replied, "She has given much to me; you all have given much to me. I am happy I can give something back." Adda sat down and the others went to their usual spots. Adda looked down at Dale. She started making a sound; it was male, resting, and something else. The something else was familiar. I'd heard it during my period. Recovery? Rebuilding? I practiced it a little. Adda smiled to me and told me to sing it for him when he was asleep; it would help him regain his strength. Dinner started a while later. I got Dale to sit up. I thought about using the kaelen to give him a kick, much as I'd done to the boy I'd saved, but thought against it. Right now he needed to rest and recover. During the early part of the meal a very pretty young thing with one kaelen came over to us, bearing a very nice array of fruit. She put it down in front of Dale and me, looking Dale in the eye and smiling as she did so. Her nipples showed her intentions. She asked sweetly if he was busy in the morning. I expected a groan, but instead he said, "How about tomorrow after lunch?" She smiled and thanked us, looked me in the eye, and when I nodded, she bowed again and left. "You are insatiable!" I exclaimed after she'd walked away. "Who are you with tomorrow morning?" I accused. He handed me a piece of fruit and said, "You." I was still tempted to mash the fruit in his face, or worse yet, into his chest so he'd have to bathe again. Instead I said, "I love you." He nodded and said, "I know," then more softly, "I need to be held tonight. Protect me." That just about melted my heart. His balls may belong to the bugs, but his heart was mine. After dinner we went back to our hut. I could tell we left a couple of women frustrated. They probably had another day or two. I also got inviting looks from some young men as I led my husband. Once inside, I comforted him and led him to sleep, putting him down on the soft moss. I started one of the kaelen making the restorative sound. The kaelen hopped down and rested on Dale's head, its abdomen swaying over his face. I sharpened my mind and worked on my report for a while. I had more answers, or more puzzle pieces, but still more questions. The bugs could regulate births, that was clear. They could sense fertility. Did they prevent fertilization, implantation, or cause abortion to eliminate unwanted births? From my own training, to which I wished I'd paid more attention, I remembered that for our science, the least meddlesome approach to a woman's hormonal cycle and balance was to interfere with implantation of the fertilized egg along the wall of the uterus. But, who knows what they'd evolved. Another puzzle that popped up was from Dale's comment on his morning's rut. I'd have to follow up and confirm that. He said there had been but one kaelen there, yet the woman had been flat on her back, and he'd been run through the wringer. Possible solutions included more than one kaelen, each controlling one person; one kaelen switching from one sound (meaning pheromone) to another, or most intriguing, one kaelen producing more than one pheromone at once. Did they synthesize on the fly, or did they have a stored library ready to go? Once again it got late and I was no closer to solving this world's puzzles. I held my husband and let our kaelen sing us to sleep. Part 4 Changing Roles We both slept well, and woke to fresh fruit and juice inside our hut. I didn't know if it was someone thanking me for saving that kid, or more likely, someone with hots for my husband. We did our morning routine, ate some of the fruit, and took the rest with us. Dale was well rested. I'd slept well, with no unpleasant dreams. When we got to breakfast, I noticed our seating arrangements had been shifted slightly but significantly. Before, Tala sat between Adda and Dale and me. Now, I was next to Adda, Dale by me, then Tala. This ordering indicated the family relationship; I was Adda's daughter, and Tala was mine. It was a simple change, but it made my head spin. When we sat down, Tala's boyfriend was with her. They were about through eating. I gave them some of the fruit we'd brought, and looked over my future son-in-law sternly. Was he good enough for my little girl? I'd have Dale find out more about him, and talk to him myself. They left soon after. He bowed to me with newfound respect. After they were gone, I looked at Adda. It seemed as if she was going to burst with laughter, as was one of her friends. She moved over to me and said, "You did that very well. I thought he was going to wet the ground, you gave him such a great-grandmother of a look!" I broke out laughing, amazed at how quickly I'd adapted to the role. Dale received two more propositions, turning one down flat, tentatively accepting one for the next morning. We headed up the hill again, and after sharing moths, I comforted him and returned him to the rejuvenating sleep. I sat and thought, working more on my report, chasing a myriad of loose ends. I woke him and we walked down again for an uneventful lunch. Uneventful if you ignore more propositions, for both of us. Dale gave me a sly look after one young man left some fruit for us. He had bathed, trimmed his hair and beard, and even cleaned his teeth. I shook my head slowly side to side and thanked him. After he left dejectedly I laughed softly to myself and whispered in Dale's ear, "I love you." Dale left soon after with his afternoon paramour. We'd seen the two from yesterday during lunch; they were both still smiling, although their husbands looked a little glum. I told him we'd send out the rescue parties in time for dinner. Tala left with her boyfriend, Dina left with her husband. Adda and I sat together for a while. She said softly, "I spoke with Tala. In some ways you are my sister." I looked into her eyes, looking across a gap that was inches, light years, and thousands of years all at the same time. And yet I felt so close to her, to Dina, and to Tala. "Yes," I said with a lump in my throat. "In some ways. But we have walked different paths. In some ways we are sisters. Yet you are my mother, and sometimes you are mother to a child who knows very little." Adda nodded, looking across the gulf. "And sometimes you are older and wiser than all of us." The lump grew, my eyes stung. "We came here to learn, and we have learned so much, and yet so little. You have taught me how to love and how to give. How can I thank you for that?" She took a kaelen off her right shoulder; I recognized him as her chosen one. She stroked him with a finger and he flipped over in her palm, hissing and wiggling his legs. She rubbed his belly, then looked up at me smiling. "You are thanking us." I bowed to her and went to one of the contemplation spots by the small pool. I asked one of the teens to let me know when dinner was approaching. She smiled and bowed to me. I reclined on the moss, in the shade. The breeze was warm and humid, as it usually is. How good snow would feel now. My nipples shriveled up at the thought and I laughed. What would these people think of snow? How could I describe it to them? I set one kaelen to restful sleep, the other to rejuvenation and closed my eyes. I awoke to a girl sitting next to me with a gourd of water. I sat up and drank it, thanking her. I recognized her; she was the one screaming from a couple days ago. "How is your boyfriend?" I asked. She said, "Very well, thank you. We are all more careful." "Good," I said, then added, "Sometimes I'm not." That broke the ice with us; she gave me a relaxed smile. As I moved my shoulders I asked her, "Has my husband been found yet?" She laughed a little. "Oh, they know where he is, they were very loud, especially the woman." I could imagine how loud, and why. I laughed as well. Then she asked me about our way of kissing. I could tell she meant oral sex. I gave her a female anatomy lesson and described things to her, telling her how to train her men well. She thanked me and said she would. She helped me stand. She was a pretty girl, probably fifteen. She'd be married in a year or two. We walked over to the pool. Dale was sitting on a rock, not moving, as two women walked away from him laughing. I guessed it had happened again. I'd have to tag the ones he'd been with for the ship to watch. Let's see how good these bugs are at regulating pregnancy. I took my skirt and kaelen off, and stood him up and removed his skirt. He just stood there with a silly smile on his face. We were standing near a deep part of the pool, ten or so feet deep, and on solid footing. I used a variant judo throw to get him over my head and throw him into the water; I dived in after him. He came up sputtering as I surfaced near him. He turned to me and grinned. I took off swimming, and didn't let him catch me until we were in shallow water. When I did let him catch me, I didn't fight fair. I wrapped my legs around him, grinding into his cock, and got one hand around the back of his head and squeezed his neck the way I know he loves. I let him struggle for a bit before I let him kiss me. We arrived for dinner a bit early and sat down. Yes, the bugs had done it to him again, and he was worn out. "Does that mean you're going to rest tomorrow, or just in the morning?" I asked. He gave me a smile and I laughed. Tala approached, with her boyfriend. Both looked very well laid. Tala bowed and sat down. Her young man dipped his head slightly and sat by her. I frowned. I looked at him. "Let me see your hands," I barked. He slowly held his hands out. They were filthy. I reached out and rubbed his light beard between finger and thumb, coming away with residue. "If you are going to sit here with my daughter you are to be clean. That means clean hands, face, and hair, and at every meal. Understood?" He squeaked and nodded his head. And he sat there. "Well?" I said. After a moment he scrambled to get up and started to leave. "Stop!" I called. He froze in his tracks. "What is your name?" I asked coldly. I thought I remembered his name, but I wasn't sure. He squeaked again, and, "ben, ben," is all that came out. It's a filler sound in their tongue, such as "ah" in ours. "So, Ben it is," I told him. "How do you show respect for your elders, Ben?" He bowed, a little better, and started off again. "Stop!" I yelled. He stopped. "Do you always run off without asking permission?" He bowed his head a little and squeaked some more, finally asking formally, "May I go and wash up?" I smiled. "Yes, please do. We will save dinner for you." He looked at me and bowed, then looked at me again. I waved a hand to Adda; he caught on quickly and bowed to her and the other elders as well, then ran off. I was biting my tongue to keep from laughing. When his heels left the clearing I let myself chuckle out loud. Adda let out a very satisfied laugh. "Is this what you wanted, Tala?" she asked. I looked at Tala; she wasn't sure she was happy or not. I held my thumb and finger up to my nose to check my suspicions. I was correct; they reeked of pussy juice. I held them to Tala's nose and she took a whiff, blushing a bit. I said softly, "You are training him well, my daughter." She smiled and laughed with us. Dale gave me a raised eyebrow. "If you hadn't been so busy today, I would have told you," I said with a satisfied grin. He rolled his eyes but smiled and took my hand, kissing it. I told him Tala had asked me to act as her mother. That's why we were sitting a little differently. I also told Dale to check out our future son. Tala gave me a quizzical look at that. "Ben," as I would call him from then on, returned much cleaner, and before we'd finished eating. We had saved him some food, which I think surprised him. The general rule for meals is simple; if you're late, you go hungry. We finished eating and Dale took him aside for a chat. As I was getting ready to head back to our hut Adda said, "Come walk with me." I glanced at Tala; she seemed surprised. Well, let's show the proper respect. I turned to Adda and said, "As you wish, mother." Adda gave Tala a very self-satisfied look. I went off with Adda. We went to one of the contemplation spots and sat down. "I approve of the way you are doing things. Tala may not, but she's young." Adda told me. "Thank you," I told her, "this is a new role for me." She shook her head, smiling. "But you have done similar things before, we can tell." I thought about the students I'd taught, those I'd supervised. Yes, there were some similarities. "But not here. There are special things I must do, things I don't know. Teach me, mother." She smiled and nodded. "Yes. You decide the day she is to make her husband. Decide when it will be best for you. They are ready any time. If you wait long enough, she will ask. But it is better if you tell her." I sighed. I was to pick the day. I was to start the cycle again. What would be best for me? Was this a test of my suitability, to see if I could choose wisely? I thought for a bit. She'd probably get two or three kaelen. I shuddered, remembering what Adda had gone through, what I was going to go through, my dream. Figure four days for the cycle. Split the time between the end of my period and ovulation to give me time to recover from my period, and then recover from the ordeal before the bugs took me into rut. "Mother, tell me if my choice is wise. Three or four days after returning from the huts feels correct." She smiled and gave me a sigh of her own. "Yes, that is the best." "Will you be there to help?" I asked, surprised at the emotion in my voice. "I will help as much as I can," she told me. I knew what that answer meant; I'd gotten it from others, and even given it myself. "Thank you, mother. I will make you proud." She started to stand. I stood and we hugged briefly. "I know you will, my daughter," she said before we started back. Dale was in our hut when I returned. "How's our future son?" I asked. We hugged as I sat down on the moss. "He seems pretty good," Dale told me. "I'll talk to the others, but I think he's a hard worker, and healthy. I had the ship do a scan on him. But..." He shook his head slowly. "But what?" I asked as I felt his shoulders. He sighed and sat up a little straighter. "It's the same with most of them. Honest, hard working, healthy, it's just..." "What? What's wrong with them?" My interactions with males were quite limited. He had access to data I didn't have. Did he see a pattern, a trend? "They're all bubble heads, I guess," he told me finally. "And that means?" He sighed again. "No spark, no inquisitiveness, no drive. Ask them to do something, they'll give their all to do it. Ask them to think of a better way..." "Are you saying they're dumb?" He frowned. "What's that supposed to mean? Cognitive limitations? Along what dimensions? What limitations derive from their language structure, what from their environment, genetics?" I nodded. "Okay, it was an ill formed question. But I think you're on to something. All the females I talk with are bright, and most are inquisitive. If there's a difference, I want to know about it." It had to be the bugs again. Anything unusual here leads back to the bugs. Could you breed smart females and dumb males? Nah, I didn't think so; the genetic and environmental components were too closely intertwined between the sexes. You'd end up with both sexes dumbed down. That left upbringing. I hadn't seen how the young were raised. How were the bugs involved in that process? What motivated the bugs? Still unsure, I used them to comfort us and give Dale the recharging he'd need for the next day. I slept well, with no nasty dreams, but one with undercurrents all the same. It was the bugs. They were after one of my old systems engineering professors, Professor Conn, of all people. What did that mean? The next day was a repeat, but a little more frenzied. We had to rescue Dale in the morning and in the afternoon, and that evening after dinner we could all tell the flutter-giggles were just about gone for the season. As I led Dale back to our hut we could feel the cool damp wind that told us a storm was approaching. I laid him down on the soft moss and comforted him, sending him to sleep, and then setting one of my kaelen to rejuvenating him, while I had another sharpen my mind. I sat in the darkness, feeling and hearing the storm approach, practicing breathing exercises I'd neglected for a while. I straightened my back and focused on my breath, letting the feelings roil inside, just as the storm roiled outside. I remembered what Barbara taught me so long ago: "Serenity isn't freedom from the storm, but peace within the storm." Eventually I lay back on the moss. I put a hand on his side; he moved a little. We are not natives, I told myself; we are members of the Survey Service. We are professional nomads; our home is nowhere, and wherever we are. With that, I let my companions sing me to sleep. The next morning was cool, windy, and rainy. The flutter-giggles were gone. This made some people sad, and others happy. Things could return to normal once again. Dale headed off with a small crew to check on some erosion control measures he was trying at one end of the fields. I worked with Dina assessing the damage the moths had brought. Probably thanks to the scare the first day, we didn't have any serious injuries. Dina was surprised; there were usually a few broken bones and some serious lacerations. She'd been talking with one of the elders; they had memories of a few deaths in the past from the moths, but none in recent years. Dina told me she would guide me when Tala was to make her husband. I checked the chronometer; my period would be due in two days. Give three days for my period, three to recover; I told her it would be in eight or nine days. She told me to let her know the day before so we could make preparations. That gave me a little over a week to prepare myself. I spent the afternoon in one of the contemplation spots. I sat in a meditation posture I'd used for many years. Even though I hadn't used it much on-planet, my body recognized it and so did my mind. After a couple minutes my menagerie started the thrumming sound to sharpen my mind again. I let the thoughts and feelings flow through me, experiencing them and letting them go. Something about this place was so peaceful. But something told me there was a price being paid. It must be the reduced population, the carefully controlled breeding. It fit; they were trading growth, which would force change, for stability. I felt different parts of me reacting differently to this thought. Parts of me found this bargain satisfactory. Yet other parts knew that if this bargain had been made on the ancient Homeworld, man would never have reached the stars. To never know the stars -- what a price to pay! Yet as this thought brought strong emotions welling up within me, I also realized the other things they didn't know, as far as we'd been able to discover. They didn't know war, or famine, or hatred. We knew now that adultery did occur, but under careful societal sanctions. Fighting, even arguing, were all but unknown. What price, peace? They didn't lie. There wasn't much to be gained from it, for one thing. Children, and teens, still tested boundaries as they grew; it's part of growing up. What was different here? Other things clicked. A hypothesis formed. I contacted the ship and reviewed some of our biometric recordings. I experienced once more the sounds of our greeting that first night, then the questioning the next morning. Now I could recognize separate patterns from the kaelen chorus. One sound was a relaxation sound; that effectively reduced our ability to mount a physical attack. It also reduced our greeters' ability to defend themselves. Another sound in the mix was the comfort-root. The presence of those two explained why we felt so relaxed and safe. Another sound was in the mix; one I'd not been taught. I isolated it and had the shipboard AI search for other examples of it in my recordings. It was present the next morning when we'd been questioned, along with the relaxation sound. And, it had been present on a number of occasions where Dina had talked to me, especially early on. I let the linguist in me explore the sound, feeling for its root, its variations. I hypothesized the male variant and used command privilege to have the ship search Dale's recordings for that variant. The ship found it, and I listened to some of those incidents. I recognized elders' voices. Adda had asked him a week or so after we landed if he was my husband. I listened to his voice filled with emotion telling her he was and always would be. I felt a tear roll down my cheek, to be intercepted along my jawline by a small tongue. I opened my eyes and stretched for a while, lying on the moss, sheltered from most of what was now light drizzle. It was getting to be late afternoon. Soon Dale came by. I saw him separate from a group of men. He'd made himself a very silly looking hat to keep off the rain; we'd be seeing a flourish of those now. He sat beside me and we kissed. Then he lay down on the moss with his head in my lap. I decided to test my hypothesis. It was perhaps underhanded, but then that kind of behavior is one of the finest products of our civilization. I started my kaelen relaxing both of us, comforting him, and after he was very relaxed, started them on the male variant of my test sound. After a couple minutes I quietly asked him, "How many times have you been off the island?" I'd gently probed him on this issue in the past, and he'd always been evasive. He immediately answered, "A dozen or so, maybe sixteen. There are these rock formations about 150 clicks from here with incredible fossils. I think they may have been a hive species in the past. The ship may have found some more on the other side of the planet, it's too early to tell yet." I started stroking his forehead again, then pulled him up and leaned forward a little to get a nipple in his mouth. I started him into deeper relaxation. I silenced my kaelen shortly after that, and held Dale to me, thinking. It was a truth-sound. Why did that surprise me? They'd already demonstrated their versatility in affecting the body and the mind in other ways. Was it possible truth had a biological basis? Did this represent a new threat to us, to our security, or that of the ship? We knew the AI would not, and could not, land the ship. It could transport us up to the ship, and could transport others if we chose to do so. The closest we could come to self-destruct would be to send the ship back to base without us. That thought left me cold, and reflecting on that deep sudden chill told me this was not yet my home. I heard people gathering for dinner. One of the young women who helped me occasionally stood at a sociable distance. I smiled to her and nodded; she turned and left. "Wake up, sleepyhead," I told my wonderful strong man. I massaged his scalp a little. He woke up and reached up, pulling me down and taking my nipple again. He sucked for a few seconds. Then he stopped suddenly, catching his breath. He released me and sat up, giving me a questioning glance. I smiled. "I just figured it out. They've used that on us from the beginning, but rarely." He opened his mouth, but didn't say anything. According to formal protocol, he should ask my permission as mission commander before making use of effectors to leave the island, or before making any use of ship systems that could reveal our capabilities. "I don't mind. It's your job. I trust you to be careful," I told him. He still had a confused look on his face, sitting there. I moved up to my knees and held him to a breast, circling my hands behind his head and holding him to me, making him moan. "I love you. You are my husband. That hasn't changed." He squeezed me and a sigh racked through him. We held each other for another minute or so, then got up and went to dinner. After dinner, walking back to our hut, I could tell he was still thinking about what I'd done. In our hut I held his hands. "I'm sorry if I hurt you. It was the best way to test my hypothesis." He smiled, even laughed a little. "No, I don't mind that. It's fascinating, that's all. How did a bug evolve that ability; it's so specialized." "Abstract?" I added. "I would have thought so, but if they can fart truth, I'm not sure." I laughed at his choice of words. "I won't do that to you again." He held my hands. "It's okay, it's just another gland being stimulated. But how did it evolve? I can see relaxation, sleep, even reproductive control. But truth?" I speculated. "Maybe in a deeper symbiosis, they recognize lies as a threat to the host, and therefore a threat to them? My question is are they hard wired, or can they evolve and react to new situations, produce new compounds?" He grunted. "How about that mind-clearing thing? That seemed to take them all by surprise." I nodded; it had. Dale was evidently making good use of the ship, why shouldn't I? I set up a quick search program to scour the planet searching for instances of that sound. If it wasn't in use elsewhere, that would not help us decide between the reemergence of something dormant or a new development, but it would be another clue. Then I told him of what I expected in the next week to two weeks -- my period, recovery, helping Tala "make" her Ben, and then starting the cycle over again. I asked him to please stay on the island for me during those key times. He kissed my hand and said he would. We lay down and snuggled close. I held him to me again. My mind was still racing so. I had the kaelen lead us through comfort and into restful sleep. I woke with a start in the middle of the night. I didn't know what caused it; it was something deep. Dale woke and held me. I had to resist flinching when my kaelen recognized I was awake and dropped from their perches to climb back on me. Dale held me to his chest, his arms around me. Then he started making the comforting sound. My kaelen answered, and soon eased us back into sleep. I woke before he did, as the sun was rising. I recalled with some surprise the way he'd comforted me during the night. So they would respond to cues from a male! I used the chamber pot, then had a drink of water. He started to stir. I straddled him and as he opened his eyes I said, "This is for last night." I started my kaelen relaxing him and driving us to ecstasy at the same time. He moaned as he fought it for a moment, then gave in. When I felt him let go I put a nipple in his mouth and rode him in earnest. He came quickly, triggering my own orgasm. I let myself collapse to his side, pulling him to me, letting the kaelen comfort us, and then felt them feasting on our fluids. After breakfast we went up to our spot on the hillside. "You've been practicing," I suggested to him. "What?" he said innocently. "Speaking to the kaelen." He nodded with a lopsided smile. "Might be useful some day." I agreed. "Ever hear other men, boys talking to them?" He shook his head. "Other than the comforting, relaxing sound, no." "Want me to put together a study program for you?" He smiled. "Yes! Want to learn more archeology?" "No!" I told him, and we both laughed. I told him of my observations so far regarding root formation and the use of modifiers. I told him he needed to practice well outside of earshot of other people, as well as kaelen. The following two days passed without note, and I moved into a hut for my period. I'd planned on putting together Dale's study program, but just felt tired. I let my kaelen comfort and rejuvenate me, saving energy for what was to come. I emerged two and a half days later, bathed, and headed for lunch. I sat down in my usual spot. Adda gave me a wonderful smile; I'd thought she would be disappointed that I was still having periods. Dale and Ben appeared shortly, with another group of men. I gave Ben a careful eye; he was fairly clean. Dale sat down next to me and gave me a quick squeeze and a peck on the neck. "I missed you," he said. I looked at him. He seemed different. "What's happened to you?" I asked softly. He laughed and leaned over to my ear, whispering, "I'm five for five." "What?" I thought for a moment. "Oh! How do they know?" He shrugged. "The bugs, what else. I had the ship confirm. Three boys, two girls. Genetically sound. Looks like more support for the Diaspora theorists." I poked him in the ribs. "More support for male egos, if you ask me. Do they know the sexes?" He shrugged again, handing me some fruit. "Don't know. I haven't told anyone what the scans revealed." I talked to Adda after lunch; Dale was off again. Adda asked me, "Your husband told you?" I nodded. "He must be pleased," I said, referring to the kaelen. "Three boys and two girls." She looked surprised. "How do you know?" I smiled. "We know." I took a deep breath; I felt strong, rested. "And in a few days, Tala will make her husband." She nodded and smiled, bowing her head to me slightly. Damn, I thought as I walked. I should have set up a prospective study of the flutter-giggle induced rutting to see how many pregnancies resulted. Probably two thirds of the female population of the village should have been fertile during that period. I could have the ship scan for early term pregnancies. Yeah, let's do that. Do the scan during the early part of dinner, distributed over the area to minimize how excited the kaelen become. Why not just ask? I asked Adda, "How many others will there be?" She had a thin smile at my question. "Three others." I nodded. I didn't cancel the scan. I felt she was holding something back. What? Why? Or was I just imagining things? She changed the subject. "In the next few weeks we may have visitors from other villages. We will need your help greeting them." I smiled and nodded. "I will help however I can." She said, "I knew you would." I don't remember what happened during the rest of the afternoon, because when the ship gave me the results of its scan during dinner, I choked on the food I had in my mouth. After coughing violently and scaring the hell out of Dale and those around me, the first thing I did was had the ship rescan with tighter parameters; pregnancies restricted to conception during the period of the flutter-giggles, and all pregnancies. A minute later the ship reported the same result. I knew why Adda had been tight lipped when she'd answered my question, and why I felt she was hiding something. She'd told me we were having Dale's five, plus three more. The ship reported eleven pregnancies during the conception window I requested. There were two women in the village most obviously close to term. Three others were about four months along. Other than that, nothing. I couldn't help but give Adda a pained look. I hope she took it to be from my choking. She knew; she had to know. My God, what a price for stability! I know from my study of history that abortion is common in many societies. It was practiced on the ancient Homeworld through the beginnings of the Atomic Age and the first Exploration of Space, as hard to believe as that was. Why did this bother me so? Why did it shake me to my core? Did three women in our village know they were pregnant, and also know they would never come to term? Or worse yet, are they unaware that the decision has been made for them? Or is it Dale fathering five -- if I'd just kept him to myself another morning, another afternoon.... If I'd kept him busy and he hadn't knocked up some of those women, would the others have been allowed to give birth? I was still shaken as Dale helped me back to the hut. Inside, I held him and sobbed. The kaelen started to comfort me, but Dale silenced them. "Can you tell me? What is it?" Dale implored me. I couldn't control my voice. The damn bugs -- they had been working so damn hard to get me pregnant. Would that continue? Stability fueled by life? I couldn't find my voice; I was sobbing so. The kaelen started calming me again. As they did I held Dale and nodded my head. He understood and let them continue. He held me, rocked me. Gradually I settled down. Haltingly I explained to him the difference between what Adda had told me and what the ship reported. Dale calmly pointed out what I already knew about history. He also pointed out that we were in their world; our models did not apply here. He asked if I had a model that could explain the difference, the three that would be aborted. That snapped me back to reality. What kind of investigator had I become? I asked the ship to detail the pregnancies. We both reviewed the results. One thing stuck out immediately. Of the six pregnancies, three were first time. The other three were married couples who already had one or two children. I sighed and held Dale; I almost laughed. It made sense. We knew one or two children per family were the norm. N/K's orbital survey had shown that, as well as the apparent clustering of births in certain periods of the year. It made sense. Go for genetic diversity. If I were planning a program, that's what I'd do. We were outsiders and represented new genetic material. If we stayed, would I get knocked up by a native? From a genetic perspective, He would like that. So why was I being given the repeated chance to breed with Dale? From a genetic perspective, it made more sense for me to get knocked up first by a native. With the flutter-giggles around, it would have been easy to inflame my passions and keep me on my back.... Possibly there was choice in this system after all, choice within a limited range. "I love you," I told Dale. "I love you," he told me. We held each other close. As much as I didn't want to, I started the damn bugs easing us to sleep -- it was one of the few things that made sense. The next morning I was ready to start with Tala. Let's get the cycle started again. Before breakfast I saw Dina and told her we were ready to go ahead. She nodded, picked up some food, and headed out. I told Dale to keep Ben away all day. Adda greeted me cautiously at breakfast. "Are you well today, my daughter?" I sighed. "I am better, my mother." She reached out and we held hands over the gulf. As breakfast ended, Dale called Ben and they headed off. Tala started to get up. I looked at Adda; she smiled to me and nodded. "Tala," I said, "please come with me." She looked at me; apprehension, surprise, elation all swept through her. She trembled a bit and bowed. "Yes, mother," she answered formally. We went to the small pond and bathed. I could tell by the way she moved, by the way her body reacted, that she knew what was to happen. How many weeks ago was it that I started this journey, and started it in ignorance? We walked silently to the huts by the small pond. I saw Dina standing by one. We walked over to it; Dina bowed and left. I waved Tala inside. "You know what to do, my daughter. I will be here." I could see her eagerness, her nervousness, and her joy. Her hand trembled against the outside of the hut as she bent over to enter. I sat outside the hut, making myself comfortable. I sat in a formal meditation pose, one that had served me well over the decades. Inside the hut I heard Tala starting out. I don't know if it was from the sound alone, or if pheromones were drifting outside to affect me, but I felt calm and comforted. How many kaelen did she have in there with her? She started the next phase. Even though I was deep in meditation, I heard her rapid breathing, then soft animal noises coming from her. I felt a tingle and inhaled sharply, passion filling me. I felt my nipples react, and felt the dampness between my legs. I knew I had to move farther away if I was to remain conscious through the next phase. I opened my eyes to see Adda standing a short distance away, hands behind her back, smiling softly. I bowed to her, flowed up to standing, and moved a few feet further from the hut. I reached a point where I felt a breeze on my face; that would be good, and probably keep me safe, yet still within earshot. Adda approached and knelt by my side. "This is a good spot," she told me. "Someone will bring you lunch. Dina and the others will arrive by midafternoon. You want to wake her just before she begins a new cycle, or as she begins a new cycle. She should complete three cycles at least." I smiled and bowed again. "Thank you, mother," I said softly. Adda got up and left. I reviewed my audio recordings for the last hour or so and put chronometer marks on the beginning of Tala's cycles. I commanded the ship to track and predict, giving me visual updates. Tala was fairly loud in the hut. Is that what I sound like? I thought about reviewing that time, but decided to settle back and wait. I was about to get up and go cue the kaelen myself when I heard Tala start, and saw the ship generated marker flash in my vision. I felt the breeze on my face and settled back into meditation. I didn't go to sleep, but I did drift fairly deep into meditation. Why was I so emotional these days? I'd learned decades ago that even though I considered myself to be a cool analytic person, that was but a thin shell covering a volatile and emotional core. I thought I'd come to terms with my emotional side in my late twenties. I knew it was a source of strength, guidance, and wisdom; all I had to do was listen. What was I being told by that part of me now? I was unsettled, unsure. I had a vision of a thick, viscous liquid on top of another liquid, dampening it. Then Professor Conn reappeared and started to speak, only to be chased away by three huge winged male kaelen. I let these thoughts and visions drift through, not holding on to them. I remembered what he taught us, fitting it to this world. A system that seems stable is either growing slowly or decaying slowly. Maintaining stability requires energy, energy which is diverted from other parts of the system. Periods of instability correlate with rapid growth, change, evolution. You either fuel change or you fuel control, stability. Another marker flashed in my vision; Tala started another cycle. If my analysis was correct, the energy that would go into population growth was fueling the control mechanism. It was a high price for peace, for stability. How much were we disturbing this stability? And how would the system react to preserve itself? I shuddered at that thought, reliving for a moment my dream, legs moving so slowly as I tried to escape the winged males. No, not escaping; trying to save the children, especially our son. I remembered feeling they'd already gotten Dale. What did that mean? What had they done to him? I felt it wasn't as simple as using him for a host. I started my kaelen sharpening my mind. I didn't have all the puzzle pieces yet. I chuckled to myself; we never would. Still, I felt I was missing something; we were missing something. Another marker; Tala was going into passion again. I listened to her move through it quickly, easily, and more intensely. After a few minutes of silence she moved again into rest. I settled back into meditation. Dale and I should take a day or so for a formal review of our reports so far. How do we do this within the bounds of normal behavior? By sharpening our minds, we could do it in a few evening sessions, yet I wanted a longer period, and the ability to work in a space where we could have projected visuals. Even though the images projected directly into my visual cortex were very high quality, being able to move among larger projections, rearranging and editing, was still valuable. I laughed to myself; in spite of the augmentation, we are still kinesthetic beings. Tala was midway through her third cycle when a young teen brought me lunch. The manner in which she presented it to me told me she considered this an honor. I asked her if she had eaten yet; she told me no. I asked her to sit, and shared my simple meal with her. We ate quietly as Tala went into another rest phase. We finished eating and she slipped away, bowing with a big smile on her face. I settled in once again. Tala completed two more cycles before I heard the others approaching. I opened my eyes to see them sitting off at a respectable distance from the hut. I could also see Dina's hair moving gently in a breeze; she had seated them well. I had the ship flash its projection of Tala's cycles into my vision. Her next cycle would probably start in about fifteen minutes. Fine, I'd wait ten and go in. I nodded to the group and closed my eyes again. How would I prepare to go in there? The place had to be loaded with pheromones, and I'd be walking into it. Two minutes prior to entering I started my crew sharpening my mind, then used a little shot of the stimulation sound. My mind was crystal clear and my heart racing as I opened my eyes. I smiled to the group waiting patiently with the unbaked bread, then bowed and flowed up to standing in one motion. I walked to the hut, bowed down, and entered. Still I was hit by the cloud of pheromones -- the sensations and feelings tugging at me. The kaelen in the top of the hut scrambled around at my entrance. My chosen one made a chittering sound briefly, and all of them went silent. I sat next to Tala. I could also smell her arousal; what a delicious body she had. I chuckled to myself; that's not the way to think of your daughter. As I was excusing myself for that thought, blaming it on the cloud of pheromones, Tala opened her eyes. They were somewhat glazed, but they opened. I helped her to a sitting position and gave her some water to drink. "How are you, my daughter?" I asked. She sighed and blinked a couple times. "I am well, mother." I gave her a hug and helped her out of the hut. The others came quickly and started loading in the materials to bake the bread we would share in the morning. I led Tala back to the pond and helped her bathe. For a while I held her floating on her back, holding her head above the water in the crook of my arm. After a few moments she relaxed and I moved her slowly in the water. We washed in the small falls; the colder water helping to bring us both back to a more alert state. We got out, and the girl from lunch and one of her friends combed out our hair. With our skirts back on, and my kaelen in place, I walked with Tala back to the village center. "Is it tomorrow night, mother?" Tala asked me. "Yes. Are you ready?" I replied. "Are you?" she asked in return. I laughed and held her to me. "No, I'm not. But tomorrow comes anyway." We were early for the evening meal, so we walked for a while, circling lover's lane. It was fairly quiet; we were still catching up on work delayed by the arrival of the flutter-giggles. Still, two of my favorite spots sounded quite well occupied. Somehow we ended up by the seashore, near the spot we landed. Tala looked apprehensive. "What is wrong, daughter?" I asked. She stepped closer to me. My kaelen were acting a little agitated. I touched each to calm them. Tala said, "I very seldom come here. This is a man's place." That was interesting. Why was it a man's place? As I took a deep breath of the sea air, I understood. "We'll head back. This is the place we landed," I told her. We walked back along the path Dale and I had taken, how many months ago? I understood why the shore was a man's place, why the kaelen didn't like it. Woman's power was based on the kaelen and their pheromones. The crisp moving sea air rendered them ineffective. As we walked along the path, I started them sharpening my mind. I should do this more often, I thought; I needed to keep my analytical skills sharp. And bury my emotional side again, a not so small voice inside me called out.... Ahh balance; we're always struggling for balance. We walked into the village center as people were gathering for the evening meal. Dale and Ben were standing around; they wouldn't sit down until we arrived. I laughed softly to myself; we entered the center on a path pretty much opposite the one to the pools. That should confuse things. We were both happy to see our men, and they were happy to see us. We sat down to our meal. Afterwards Tala and Ben headed off. Dina and Adda got my attention; I told Dale I'd meet him back at the hut. He hugged me hungrily and headed off. Adda, Dina, and I walked to the hut of one of the older women. I remembered it as the place I'd picked my kaelen. We sat and I was introduced. Tomorrow I would help Dina prepare the hut that Tala and Ben would use. After dinner I would bring Tala here, so she could choose her kaelen. As we did that, Dina would lead Ben to the hut. I would bring Tala, and once she went inside, I would return here for two additional kaelen; these I would place on the outside of the hut. They would enter if they were called. Then I would sit and wait. She asked me if I was ready. It wasn't tomorrow I that concerned me; it was two days from now. I looked at her and told her my daughter had asked the same question. After a pause, I gave the same answer I'd given Tala: "Tomorrow comes anyway." She responded with a wonderful laugh. We bowed and left. As we walked back, Adda said softly, "She hasn't laughed like that in a long time. You gave a good answer." I chuckled a little; I gave a very old answer. I stopped to relieve myself on the way to our hut. I needed him inside me tonight. I was hungry and wet by the time I got to the hut. I dropped my skirt and pushed him to his back, starting my kaelen relaxing him, bringing me to ecstasy, and holding him off. I rode him mercilessly until I was nearly exhausted. I slid off him and comforted him for a while, holding him to my breast. Then I lay on my back on the soft moss and started the kaelen again. I started them bringing him up again, and releasing and relaxing me. I felt myself melt into the moss in a wave of passion as he entered me. Sometime later after he'd filled me, we rolled together and I comforted him, our chorus once again singing us to sleep. The next morning before our meal Dina and I walked over to the hut Tala had used the day before and recovered our bread. We walked back to a separate area; Tala and Ben were there, as was Adda. I handed them pieces of the bread, saying, "This is special bread for us to share. Today is a day of rest for both of you." I saw the shock of recognition in Ben's face, and the look he gave Tala. Tala smiled and bowed to us. The bread definitely had its effects; I felt good, elated, yet calmed. I wanted to hold Dale, to kiss and nuzzle with him, to roll around on that soft moss with him. But Dina and I had our work to do. Besides watching Tala and Ben, I was told we needed to relax them if they got too excited. We took a break, then Dina showed me where the moss was grown. It was a cool, damp spot on the other side of one of the hills. A well-worn path led to it. There were stone and wood implements here, used for harvesting the moss. It was simple work, although the moss itself was heavy. I was glad I kept up my strength through swimming; I was able to carry more than Dina could. At her suggestion, I also cut a small patch for me to sit on through the night. After setting the moss in place, we had lunch. After lunch Dina took one of her kaelen and placed it in the brush above Tala and Ben. She motioned to me and I did the same. I placed mine, then started singing them to sleep. The kaelen picked up the tune quickly. Dina and I silenced the kaelen remaining with us as we stepped away, watching Tala and Ben relax in each other's embrace. I remembered that, how wonderful it had been. I learned that the making of the finely woven skirts was the task of the younger girls; a pair were ready for Tala and Ben. Everything seemed to be in place, and under control. Everything except me -- every once in a while my heart would take off racing, wondering about my part of the ritual to come. The rest of the day was easy on the young ones. We woke them in late afternoon and watched them bathe in the pool, obviously nervous with anticipation. Tala worked especially diligently in washing Ben's hair and beard, glancing over to me occasionally. We ate dinner; I ate heartily, and Tala and Ben ate hardly at all. After dinner I hugged Dale. "Stay on the island," I whispered to him, "I love you." He sighed and said, "I love you. I'll miss you." Then I nodded to Dina. She took Ben's hand and led him away. I turned to Tala and said, "Come with me, my daughter." Tala looked to me with nervous anticipation and fell in behind me. We walked silently to the old woman's hut. She was sitting outside smiling when we arrived. She laughed as we approached. I turned to Tala and said, "Pick one." Tala sighed and started choosing. It was the same as it had been with me. I could see the concentration on her face, the disappointment as one skittered from her touch, and the elation when one hissed in pleasure, then flipped on its back in her hand, wiggling its legs. Tala looked at us with tears in her eyes. She knew what was to happen; I hadn't. The old woman laughed again and waved us away. I took Tala and her new companion back to the hut. I kissed her on the forehead and looked her in the eye. "You know what to do, my daughter. I will be here." She trembled with excitement as she hugged me. Then she practically jumped into the hut. After a couple minutes, I returned to the old woman's hut. She waved for me to sit, so I did. Her smile was infectious. She seemed to have eight or ten young kaelen on her, and two old adults, each with a gemlike shine. Three of the youngsters skittered over to me, seemingly racing around my body, each trying to outdo the other in taking the longest, most circuitous, and most ticklish path to the top of my head. I laughed with her at their antics. Then she sighed and said, "You have much to teach us." "Thank you, grandmother," I said formally, "We have much to learn from you." She looked up into the sky. "You are from out there?" she asked. I sighed. "Yes, from farther than you have words to say." "Without Him?" she asked. I nodded. She laughed, shaking her head at such a strange concept. She touched my forehead with her hand. "Go to your daughter." Tears filled my eyes. I whispered, "Thank you," and left. Back at the hut I placed the three youngsters on the outside. Then I moved my chunk of moss over by a tree and settled in. It was going to be a long night, and a noisy one. After a while sitting there, my kaelen started a new sound. I practiced it, and as I did, felt myself slipping into a relaxed half-awareness. I was aware still, but not totally. Time was different. So was space -- as I remembered the sensations of entering and leaving subspace, I felt the tensors of spacetime somehow. I felt our presence in the system, and the local sun. I drifted to the cycling of cries from the hut. I heard the chittering sound only once during the night, Tala's kaelen calling for reinforcement. What did that reflect, I asked myself? Was it a measure of the strength, the drive, of the wife, or a measure of the effort required to subjugate the husband? In either case, it was no wonder I'd ended up with three. Shortly after sunrise I felt someone approaching. I opened my eyes to see the young girl who had brought me lunch now approaching with breakfast. I smiled and accepted it from her. I moved slightly; my joints had withstood the night well. I gave silent thanks, looking at the stars, for a summer spent studying meditation on a world with slightly higher gravity. How many years ago had that been, and how many light years from here? I queried the ship; 230 light years away was its answer. Tala and Ben evidently woke some time later, and went through another round of lovemaking. Would they do another round? I guessed they would. After breakfast time, the elder women gathered. Adda came and sat next to me. As she approached, I bowed and moved over, giving her my moss patch to sit upon. She sat down, smiling. Young girls also appeared with the makings for another batch of bread. The gathered throng was treated to another round of lovemaking, ending with a very passionate set of both male and female cries. I head Adda chuckling softly; I held her hand. A few minutes later we heard rustlings from within the hut. I felt Adda's hand at my back. I bowed and swept up again, thankful for all that practice. I seemed to move smoothly, without much pain from sitting for so long. I met Tala as she exited the hut. I hugged her and kissed her. "Welcome, my daughter," I told her. She giggled a little, still somewhat delirious. I left her and her newly made husband in the hands of the younger women. One group took them down to the pool to bathe; the other group set up the bread making in the hut. I picked two lonely kaelen off the outside of the hut and rubbed them briefly. "Maybe next time," I told them softly. A couple of the elder women laughed at my remark. Dina led me down to the pool as well. I took off my skirt and kaelen, and went into the water. I took a deep breath and swam underwater for quite a distance, popping up to float on my back. I swam on my back for a while, using my arms and shoulders, working the kinks from my hips and legs. I got out feeling rejuvenated. Two young girls scrambled to me, one winning out to comb my hair. She politely asked if I could teach her to swim like that. I told her it took practice, but I could. With my skirt and kaelen in place, I stood by the edge of the water and waved the newlyweds in. Tala brought her catch to shore. He looked as dazed as Dale had been. The girls handled them both gently. I smiled, remembering. It had not been that long ago! With their fine skirts in place, Tala with her two kaelen and dazed husband in tow, I led the procession to the midday meal. As Adda had done, I led them around the gathered group and back to our sitting position. Dale eagerly joined me. My young friend appeared again with fruit for me, and for Tala. We accepted it and began the meal. After lunch, I went back to our hut with Dale. I think he had other things besides a nap in mind, but I had the kaelen sing us to sleep. I needed the rest. Tala presented us with bread at the evening meal. She had tears in her eyes as she approached me, yet held her head proudly. She said, "Thank you, mother," in a voice choked with emotion. After the meal I led her and her husband to the spot between the trees for the reception line. I hadn't noticed it when we'd done it, but Dale and I got hugs as well. In our hut afterwards, Dale's lovemaking was frantic and driven. I lay on my back, letting the kaelen relax me, then take us to sleep. Part 5 Another Cycle When I awoke, Dina was outside the hut. I spoke to her; Dale was to leave me for the day. My meals would be brought to me; I should eat everything, and rest as much as possible. Dale was practically in tears as we hugged. "Don't worry darling, this has been going on for countless years," I told him. My comforting seemed to help him; it wasn't as effective with me. I drank all the juice, then used the chamber pot. I was definitely going to increase my fluid intake today. Tala appeared a while later with breakfast. As I recalled with Adda, the portions were larger, with more protein. I ate it all, drank more fluids, and then reclined once again on the moss. I didn't know what to do next, but my kaelen did, or were they coached from outside? I'm not sure, but they carried me into a rejuvenating sleep, where I floated for the rest of the morning. I was almost awake for lunch, and spent the afternoon on my back. Dinner arrived and I surprised myself by still feeling hungry, even though I'd eaten more today than I usually did in two or three days. I turned to my chosen, sitting on my right shoulder as usual, and said, "This must be your doing. Have you been resting up as well?" I stroked his back and he hissed for me. I heard someone approach and my heart began beating frantically in my throat. My kaelen started comforting me, relaxing me. I closed my eyes and breathed deeply, accepting their advice. I heard Tala's voice outside the hut; she sounded shaky, unsure. "Mother, it is time." I took another deep breath, exhaling slowly and with control. I put on my skirt and left the hut. I smiled to Tala and Dina. "I am ready, daughter." I said it as much for my benefit as hers. She looked so young now, and I felt so old. We stopped along the way and I relieved myself. Then we went to the small hut in the trees. I took off my kaelen and put them on Dina, my chosen last. I nodded to Tala, and she did the same. Dina handed me a large leaf, then Tala followed me into the small hut. It felt like such a long time ago I'd been here with Adda. Now it was my turn to begin the cycle again. I took off the woven cover, then the lid. Tears filled my eyes as I looked down at the females, still wrapped up, waiting to fulfil their destiny. I sat to the side and told Tala, "Pick two with well dried leaves. Choose well, my daughter." She moved hesitantly on her knees. I could see her hands shaking as she touched the precious contents of the wooden container. This should be the first time she has seen the females. She felt among the precious contents, choosing two. I placed them in the leaf. I replaced the lid, and the cover. We left the hut. I handed Dina the leaf with our females. Our kaelen were excited; I knew why. I picked up my chosen first. "Are you ready?" I whispered to him. All three danced on me as we walked over to another small hut. I took the other two kaelen off and placed them on Dina; they were upset and didn't like it. I stroked my chosen as he moved excitedly. As much to him as to Dina and Tala I said, "It is time to begin the cycle again." I ducked inside the hut. I dropped my skirt and put it by the entrance, then let myself onto my back on the moss. I tried breathing slowly in and out, trying to maintain control. I wasn't too successful, especially with my chosen dancing excitedly on my forehead. I was glad I'd closed my eyes, feeling prickly feet on my eyelids; under normal circumstances he was careful not to step near my eyes. I heard Tala enter. I patted the moss next to me. "Sit here please." She sat next to me. "Now unwrap them one at a time and put them here." I touched my belly, halfway between my navel and my thatch. I almost said, "Then hold my hand," but I swallowed the words, and started making the comforting sound, as had Adda. It helped, almost a year of conditioning showing its effectiveness. I heard our precious packages being unwrapped, with a soft gasp of astonishment from Tala. Then I felt a cool object on my skin, and my chosen start to move. I was afraid, more afraid than I'd ever been in my life. I wanted to scream, to run, to be anywhere else. Yet I remained there, breathing slowly, repeating the comforting sound. I felt the other small package being placed and my heart took another jump. Then I felt warm hands on me, and heard Tala making the comforting sound with me. For whose benefit? But she did help calm me, especially her touch. I felt the male dancing around on my belly, and felt a female start to move. The male started running all over my body, circling on my left shin. I felt him race back to the female, then back to my shin, with the female following slowly. Visions of my nightmare returned briefly, feelings of large females moving slowly, ponderously, following the much faster males. I focused on the breath, focused on the sensation at my nostril as I'd been taught. Deeper and deeper, more and more relaxed with each breath. I felt a warm sensation on my skin. I focused on the nostril, nothing except the nostril and the breath, trying to banish the rising fear. I almost screamed at the pain, a hot searing pain in my shin, ripping up my leg, shattering me. What little fluid I had in my bladder escaped. It was all I could to remain still. The thought flitted through my mind; I could still move if I wanted to -- this was a symbiosis. The searing, stabbing nature of the pain decreased as the burning increased. I felt another sensation through the burning, seeing in my mind's eye the larva issuing from the female and attaching itself to my skin. Focus on the breath; focus on the breath. I felt the male moving away, racing around on me again. Then the bottom dropped out. I sighed and exhaled as my muscles relaxed. I thought the flutter-giggles had turned me to jelly -- this was much stronger. I was filled with warm liquid pleasure, radiating through my body. The sexual edge built, carrying me into a limp orgasm. It was an orgasm that rolled along, never completing. Through it I barely felt the second searing pain somewhere on my right foot. The burning mixed with the pleasure, and then another wave of pleasure swept through me, carrying away my mind. I had only dim awareness of waking slightly and drinking, so thirsty, then slipping back into bliss, time and again. My skin was hot. The moss felt so good, supporting me. I dreamed of my mother, so far away. She was nervous and scared; I tried to comfort her as best I could. At first this scared her even more, but then she relaxed. I told her how much I loved her. I awoke a little more. I felt different somehow. I could move a little. I flexed my legs and felt what seemed to be cool spots on my legs, on my arms, and on my chest. My head was lifted and I had some water. It was cool and delicious. I rested. Then my head was raised again. I opened my eyes to see Tala and Dina. I took a sip, then another, of thick nectar with a pungent taste. I relaxed again and felt myself expanding. My senses touched Tala, Dina, Adda, the old woman covered in kaelen. I felt the connection between them, connecting us together like a tough fibrous root. I reached out and touched my mother again. Another wave of orgasm spread through us, rippling underneath space. I held my mother one more time, telling her I loved her, then felt her slip away as I tumbled back underneath space and into sleep. I opened my eyes. I was weak, barely able to raise my head. It seemed to be mid afternoon outside. Dina and Tala were still collapsed by my side. All our kaelen were with us again. I had the ship check my condition. The kaelen startled momentarily as the ship did its scan, then settled down again. I looked at the projection in my mind. I'd been out four days. I had six small scars on my body now, six! I was weak, dehydrated, but otherwise okay. I moved to sitting, slowly. I reached carefully for some water and drained the gourd quickly. I took my chosen from my shoulder and rubbed his abdomen. He flipped over and hissed, moving his legs. "You did well, my companion," I told him. My speaking broke the spell on Dina and Tala. They both started to move. Dina sat up first, and was surprised when I handed her some water. We got Tala up, and gave her some as well. She looked as if she'd been through a very rough trip. I hugged them both to me. Hands helped me out of the hut. The elder women were there. Dale was standing beside Adda, tears on his face. I smiled to him, and to Adda. Behind Adda was Ben. We were helped to the pool. The water felt delicious. Oh how I wanted to float in light gravity again, just drift in coolness for days. I also wanted ice cream, mountains of ice cream smothered in hot chocolate, with cherries and flaked coconut. I wanted fiery hot curried lamb, so hot and spicy it would burn me from one end to the other and I'd scream for days; mounds and mounds of lamb in a thick rich sauce, over a small amount of rice. I laughed out loud as hands helped me up near the falls to wash my hair. I put my arms around Tala and Dina, opening my eyes again. Tala had a look of awe, of wonder, and possibly a little fear in her face. Dina smiled with wonder. "You cared for me well, my daughter," I told Tala. "What is bothering you?" She looked over her shoulder, then back into my eyes. "So far away." I nodded and held her. "Yes, far away. But we are here." She sighed and put her head on my shoulder. We moved out of the water and I let them comb out my hair. I was still weak, and very hungry. After I had my skirt and my kaelen, I went to Dale. He hugged me fiercely. I noticed Tala holding Ben as well. "Thank God you're safe. I heard you scream -- I wanted to help you, to be there so much," Dale practically sobbed in my ear. Had I screamed out loud? I guess so. I held and comforted him. I felt stirrings inside me; food wasn't the only thing I was hungry for. "I'm back, and I need you," I whispered hotly in his ear. Adda approached; I gave her a hug. "I hope I have made you proud, my mother," I told her formally. She sighed. "You did well, my daughter, very well. You continue to surprise us." She walked beside me back to the village, Tala on my other side. A hundred or so meters away though, my legs just gave out. Dale, who was behind me, swept me up and carried me the rest of the way, much to the astonishment of the others. How good it felt to be in his embrace! For me, the evening meal started early. I ate an entire baked fish, picking it clean. Even without seasoning, it was delicious. I was stuffing away fruit and drinking thick syrupy fruit juice as the rest of the village gathered for the meal. As the others gathered, it was apparent I was being held in a new regard. Even some of the elder women bowed to me. What did I see in their faces? Fear? Wonder? I don't believe how much I ate. Finally, though, I was full. Dale had to practically carry me back to our hut. Inside, I held him to my breast. He clutched me hungrily. I don't remember what happened after that. I awoke the next morning with a very full bladder. I grabbed my skirt and headed out to one of my usual spots to relieve myself. I felt fine this morning, if a little on the hungry side still. I should have had the ship track me more carefully during the process. I wonder how much weight I lost? Dale found me. "What was your hurry?" he asked. I held him to me. "I really had to go. Oh it felt so good to hold you again last night." He ran his hands over my back. "You can do it some more today if you like." I laughed. "I was planning on it. I thought we could spend the day up the hill." He nodded as we walked side by side down the path, arms around each other. "Sure you can make it up there? You were pretty weak yesterday." I took a deep breath of the morning air. "I'll do fine. I'm pretty much recovered, aside from still being hungry." He laughed. "I don't believe how much you ate last night! Of course you were making up for four and a half days, and six males." I looked at him. "All six were males? Is that common?" He laughed a little. "Very rare, not only to have all males, but also three from each female. A powerful omen, they say." People were already gathering for the morning meal as we entered still side by side. The unmarried women and their male companions (each woman seemed to have one) were looking on with some anticipation. Then I remembered the special bread baked in the hut I'd been in. I guess it took a certain amount of time to cook. At the end of the meal, Tala and Dina appeared with it, distributing it to the unmarried women. They ate greedily and hurried off with their companions. I leaned over to Tala, sitting next to me. "Is it that special?" I asked her. She laughed and handed me a leaf with something in it. "Yes. I saved some for you." I took it and set it under my skirt. Dina said to me, "You should rest today and tomorrow." I keyed my calendar. I was due to ovulate in another four days. Yes, I'd better rest. I nodded to her. "I am taking my husband up the hill for the day. Can someone bring us lunch?" Tala immediately said, "Yes, mother." I stood a while later, followed by Dale. I took our gift, and putting his hand in the back of my skirt, we bowed to the elders and headed for the hill. The walk did me good. I was much stronger, but not completely recovered. Once in our special place, nestled in on the moss, I shared my gift with Dale. After a few minutes I felt the glow begin to suffuse through me. I pushed him on his back and played him as I played my kaelen, bringing us to crashing orgasm after orgasm, until I collapsed in his arms. We recovered and I suckled him for a while, enjoying holding him to me again. I watched the lines fade from his face as he relaxed in contentment. Tala and Ben brought us lunch shortly thereafter. I could tell Ben wanted to dawdle and look around, but his wife packed his hand in her skirt and took him away. "Damn that was good, but I'm still thirsty," I announced most of the way through lunch. Dale looked at me and gave a mischievous smile. He rolled his eyes up briefly, and my kaelen started hopping around in excitement. An effector-generated container appeared in front of us, containing a few liters of water. My kaelen scurried down and touched the field surface with their antennae. I dipped my hands into the water; it was cold! I had a drink; it was cold and marvelous, tasting like a mountain spring. I drank my fill, as did Dale. "Care to explain that?" I asked after the field whisked away and my kaelen returned to normalcy. He laughed. "It's from a spring near a fossil site down near the south pole. I get thirsty too, you know." I laughed and held him. I started telling him of the experience; I could tell he wanted to know. He laughed with me at my hunger for ice cream, chocolate, hot curries. He reminded me that we'd been eating an essentially fat-free diet for a little over a year. I ran my hands over his chest, moving closer to him. I told him I realized that, as I looked at his trim, muscular body. The diet and exercise had done him very well. I started my kaelen relaxing him into ecstasy, and me into easy release. I mounted him as he moaned, his eyes fluttering closed. As I rode him, my mind wandered. And I commanded the ship to enfield us and take us to one half standard gravity. My skin prickled momentarily as the field enclosed us and we got lighter. My kaelen scurried around for a moment until I refocused them on the task at hand, taking us further to ecstasy. The ship's AI used its initiative again, supporting Dale's body in a pattern we'd used a lot in our journey here. After an incredible series of orgasms, I collapsed on to him and felt us rocking gently back and forth. As I drifted off to sleep, I momentarily considered forgiving the AI for what it had done to us. Only momentarily -- it still had a long way to go to make up for the storm. We woke to being dumped unceremoniously back into full planetary gravity. My kaelen chittered and scampered in disgust. A few seconds later, Tala stuck her head up from the path. I sat up and smiled to her. "Yes, my daughter?" "Mother?" she asked curiously, "I thought I saw something up here, like the sun on water." I looked around us with what I hoped was a poker face. She'd seen reflections off the field the ship had projected. I slapped Dale on the thigh. "Let's go swim," I told him. It was the next best thing to low gravity. He sighed and sat up slowly, although with a smile on his face. Tala laughed and headed back down the trail. I frowned at Dale. "That was close," I said softly. The AI had saved our hides, cutting the field as someone approached. Dale shrugged his shoulders. "Wasn't my idea, darling. And thank you, it was very nice. I love rocking in your arms." I sighed and hugged him, feeling the hunger in my breasts, feeling it spread between my legs. We went back down and had a swim in the big pool. I enjoyed swimming on my back, stretching out my shoulders, using the muscles. As a teen, I'd competed in swimming. My shoulders still showed it, I guess. We ended up having an impromptu swim class for a group of teens. Dale worked on backstroke, I worked on crawl and breathing. For a while I thought I was going to have to take him to lover's lane before dinner, the way he was watching some of those girls and their pert nipples as they swam for him. But fortunately or unfortunately, we both calmed down and went to an uneventful meal. Life seemed to be returning to some semblance of normalcy. We retired to our hut for another normal evening of passionate lovemaking, ended by going to sleep with him at my breast. If At First You Don't Succeed I haven't spoken much about illness. That's because we hadn't seen much or really any to speak of. We of course see the occasional injury from falls, cuts, and the like. People who climb trees fall from trees. Both Dale and I have taught them improved ways of splinting and setting fractures. This has especially helped the young adults. But we don't see infection. I surmise it's the kaelen again, able to act on the immune system. So why oh why did I wake up a few mornings later sicker than I've been in many years? I vomited on the way to breakfast. Dina and Dale helped me to one of the small huts. Dale was shooed away, but Dina stayed, then Adda for a while as I was violently ill from both ends for a day and a night. Well, they stayed outside the hut, not inside with me. They wouldn't come close and I couldn't blame them. My head ached; my body ached. I went through fluids, and fluids went through me. Even with kaelen help, I slept poorly, waking to retch some more, spewing from both ends, then collapsing again, hot and feverish. And I woke the next morning feeling fine, aside from my stomach muscles being sore from the dry heaves and my poor asshole burned from gastric juices -- and I'd wanted hot curries. I bathed by myself, but had to be helped back to the village by Tala and one of her girlfriends. I was early for lunch, but they brought me fruit and water anyway. I ate slowly, unsure what would stay with me. But it stayed and by the time people gathered for lunch, my appetite was back. Dale was overjoyed to see me, hugging and kissing me. Evidently whatever I'd gotten wasn't contagious. He wanted to know how I was feeling. He also reminded me that we had a hot date that night. I laughed at that; he joined in. We had a good lunch. He had to supervise some planting; he was trying contouring for better yields. It would be light work and he'd be back early. Adda was glad to see me recovered. After lunch she led me to that little mossy area. It seemed as if she wanted to talk, but I was exhausted. Seeing that, she smiled. She had me lie down, and then leaning over me, stroked my forehead as I'd done to her in the hut. She started making the comforting sound, soon echoed by our kaelen. I let go to it. I sensed a new sound, or set of sounds a little later. One was peaceful sleep; another was a feminine sound, and as I drifted off I felt myself being refilled with energy. Dale was very happy to see me at dinner. We ate a good meal; my appetite returned. We bathed after the meal, and retired to our chosen hut. I lay down on the cool moss and sighed. The next day and a half were an orgasmic dream as we gave ourselves to Him. Tired and a little sore, we dragged ourselves out of the hut and into the pool. We washed each other and held each other close. At dinner that evening, we smiled to Adda. She sighed, and the way she did it got Dale and me laughing. Tala joined in, then Dina, and even Adda. We had a very quiet, very comforting evening and night, holding each other, comforting. I haven't spoken much about dreams. I still had them. If I hadn't, I'd have been worried. That night I dreamed of making love in a cold place. We were in a cold place, under much lighter gravity -- one of our postdoc research assignments? I pulled Dale to me, and we surrounded ourselves in a blanket of what looked like fur, but felt and smelled like the wonderful soft moss of this place. I needed his warmth so much. I wanted him deep inside me. I teased him until his cock was so hot, so hard. I started sliding him into me... And I awoke. It was still dark out, humid as usual. The kaelen were quiet, my first suspicion allayed. This dream must have come from inside me, not externally influenced. A cool damp breeze swept through our hut; well, there was some external influence. I moved and Dale was awake and alert. "What is it, darling?" he asked softly, leaning over to kiss a nipple. I was still hot. I pulled him on top of me and kissed him passionately. I felt him grow between my legs as I ran my hands over his shoulders. The diet and exercise of this life had done us both very well; we were in better condition than we'd been in a decade or two. My kaelen picked up on what was happening; they probably sensed my arousal. I certainly was feeling wet. I signaled them to take us on a wild but brief ride. When our ride was completed and we lay panting in each other's arms, I pulled Dale to a breast and had them sing us back to sleep. New Dawn The next morning it was cool, raining lightly, and windy; a storm was moving through. I'd been thinking about the ship, and this was a good opportunity. Dale rushed off with some men to insure something or other wasn't damaged by the storm. I walked out to the beach. There, near the spot where we landed, the waves were being whipped by the wind, or was it the other way around? A storm was indeed approaching. I queried the ship on how to circumvent or remove the contraceptive implant. I received a request to do a thorough body scan and acknowledged. It would take about half a second, and my kaelen would just have to get used to it; they didn't like being at the shore anyway. I felt the tingling over me, something I hadn't felt for a while. My kaelen became agitated, skittering around in my hair, trying to keep protected from the storm. The scan completed. After a minute with no results reported to me the ship requested permission to rescan. Surprised, I granted permission. That scan took a few seconds. I put my hands up to calm the kaelen, making the comforting sound. They were agitated, but that's all. Then the ship told me I was pregnant. After I regained my balance from almost falling over, I requested confirmation and full analysis. It immediately confirmed. I told the AI to rescan. It did, focusing on my pelvic region. Not only was I pregnant, but I was carrying twins, a boy and a girl. The ship's systems could tell, even after only a couple days. I thought about sharpening my mind, but pheromones don't work at the shore. That's one of the reasons I came here, I reminded myself. Instead I reviewed my medical history and that of my family. Twins were rare but present. If I held true to the family, as with my mom, her mom, her sisters and my sister, pregnancy would be uneventful, if you ignored morning sickness for the first trimester. The way the women in my family traditionally found out they were pregnant was by waking up one morning extremely sick. Let's see what the kaelen can do with that. Genetic mapping showed the kids would be strong, healthy, bright. They would also have blue eyes. I scheduled the ship to do daily health checks, and to give me updates on my health and that of our children. I should be dosed with trace vitamins and minerals as needed, and my growing family treated as needed. The ship told me the contraceptive implant had a mechanical gate on it, and the gate was now closed. It would no longer be effective, and the residuals would not affect the pregnancies. I closed my eyes facing into the storm, took a few deep breaths of the sea air, turned and walked back. Adda was waiting for me at the edge of a small clearing. "You left the village," she said with concern in her voice. I took her arm and put it in mine. "I walked to the sea to think." She sighed. "You are so far from your home." I stopped and turned to her, putting my hands on her strong, broad shoulders. I felt the tears forming, and hoped I'd be able to say what I wanted without choking up. "Mother, this is my home now. This is where we will have our family." She looked shocked, surprised. I continued. "I am carrying a boy and a girl. They will have names that are new to you, but they will be happy, healthy, strong, and loved." She looked puzzled. "How do you know?" So there was a limit to His sensitivity. What was I carrying after a day or two, a couple hundred to a couple thousand cells each? As I said, I'm a linguist and cultural anthropologist, not a biologist. I smiled. "I know. And they will have blue eyes." She shook her head, then looked up to the sky. "Is it possible for you to leave?" I saw sorrow in her face. There are so many puzzles to solve here. How long has this society been stable? How long had it taken to evolve? I smiled again. "Yes, but why would I leave my home?" We walked together to the central area. We met Dale on the way. We hugged. Then I told him. "They did it," I said, looking at my husband, the father of our children. He looked puzzled. "Did what?" "It must have been that fever right beforehand; they were flushing out my system." "Did what?" he repeated, a little louder, getting agitated. I held him to me, making the comforting sound, cradling his head for a moment. My kaelen chimed in and I let the feeling envelop us. Stepping back a bit I ran my hand over his short, trimmed beard. Would the boy look more like him, or like my brother? "They did it. We did it. Twins. A boy and a girl." His knees buckled and I grabbed him. Adda helped hold him up. He shook his head to clear it, then smiled. "Confirmed?" he asked with a cautious look and a deep breath. I nodded. "Confirmed. Blue eyes." He sighed. I saw him look up; I could tell his mind was racing. "Do we risk it here?" he asked; do we risk having them down here? I held his head in my hands. "This is our home."