Archive-name: Changes/joe1.txt Archive-author: Ruth White Archive-title: Guinea Pig, The - 1- 6 CHAPTER 1 It wasn't that long ago that Gloria Watson had been using drugs uncontrollably and, out of despair, attempted suicide. Now her rehabilitation was almost complete. All that remained was a departure interview with the director of The Institute, the facility which had saved her life and restored her to sanity. Gloria knew Dr. van Damme by reputation only and did not know what to expect as she entered her office. Dr. van Damme rose to greet Gloria. Gloria tried not to gawk. She had known that the doctor was a woman, but that she was as strikingly beautiful as she turned out to be. She was tall, blonde, and dressed all in white; suit, blouse, hose, and pumps. A small name tag pinned to her jacket said "von Damme". She wore little make-up and her hair was gathered up in roll on her head. "Hello Gloria. It's a pleasure to meet you at last," said Dr. van Damme extending her hand. "I'm glad your recovery went so well." Gloria took the proffered hand, shook it, and the two women sat down on the couch where Dr. van Damme opened the conversation. "Gloria, I want you to tell me in your own words what happened to you. How you wound up here, and how your experience here will enable you to function in the real world again." "Well, Doctor." "Please, Gloria, call me Justine." "My troubles started after I married my ex-husband, Joseph Watson. He was everything any girl could ask for. Fantastically wealthy, handsome, and sexually insatiable. He was thirty and I was twenty. Being young and coming from a lower middle-class family, I was in awe of him and his wealth. I always felt inadequate around Joe and he did everything he could to reinforce my perception. What did the marriage, and me in, was his continual betrayal of me. Joe just could not resist bedding any blonde with a big chest. I'm sure you've noticed that I conform to his ideal. I later learned that he has always behaved in this manner, why he even has a son who is almost my age; he got a girl pregnant when he was only twelve!" "After a year of my trying to get him to settle down, he divorced me. I blamed myself and my shortcomings for this. He provided me an extravagant settlement and I tried to loose myself in drugs and alcohol. When that didn't work I tried to kill myself. A friend shipped me here to your clinic for treatment and to avoid any scandals in the tabloids." Dr. van Damme poured out coffee for them. "And what have you learned from your treatment here?" "Well, I don't blame myself anymore. None of what happened was my fault; it all lies with that son of a bitch. I really believe he wanted to make it with all those women because he's really insecure about himself. Take his height for example, Joe is only five foot seven but always wanted to be six feet tall. I don't feel ashamed and guilty any more. I'm mad as hell and I want to get back at him for ruining my life and almost causing my death." "Gloria. Surely you don't mean that." "I certainly do Justine. I don't know yet what I will do to get even with him, but I will spend the rest of my life trying, if that's what it takes." "You certainly seem determined Gloria. Perhaps we can find a way for my organization to help." "But Doctor, I have no more money. I'm broke." "You needn't worry about that Gloria. Anything's possible." Dr. van Damme produced a file. "We investigated your husband during your stay to see if the things you told your therapist were delusions or reality. It makes very interesting reading. He's certainly deserving of some severe punishment, and I think it would be even more fitting if he paid for it himself. I'm sure we can work something out." "Oh Justine, could you? Would you? Joe Watson is a powerful and wealthy man, are you sure you want to get involved?" Dr. van Damme spoke into her intercom. "Clarice. Bring in a blank contract form please." Then continued, "Gloria I fear no man like Joe Watson. My organization operates in many areas, and as a result, has made numerous friends of real influence and power. Joe Watson can't hurt me, he can't even find me if I don't want him to. Besides I've taken down bigger than him before. Now shall we discuss specifics?" CHAPTER 2 Joe Watson followed the girl into her hotel suite. Congratulating himself silently, he thought, "man, what a fox. She's so hot, and I'm just the guy to give it to her." Joe had been captivated by her since he spotted her in his customary pick up joint. She was all tits and ass and paraded them proudly. His cock was as hard enough to drive nails and he couldn't wait to ram it in her. "Want a drink Joe?" She called from the other room. "Sure, eh..." He couldn't remember her name. "Make it Scotch and water." Joe and his date sat on the couch and sipped their drinks. He wanted only to rip her dress off and go at it then and there. He played it cool though, thinking he might be able to enjoy this one for more than one night. "Tell you what Joe, why don't I go slip into something more comfortable?" She left the room and Joe thought, "Hot damn. Here we go," and downed the rest of his drink in one gulp. When Joe's date returned she was wearing something more comfortable; a sweatshirt, jeans, and tennis shoes. Joe didn't seem surprised. In fact, he didn't even notice. The girl eyed his inert form on the couch for a moment, then dialed the number she had been given. "He's good to go. Come and get him." She retrieved her bag and belongings and after making sure that the door was unlocked she departed, leaving Joe to his fate. CHAPTER 3 "You can open your eyes anytime now Mr. Watson. We know you're awake." "I was just trying to collect myself and remember what happened," said Joe. Opening his eyes he saw an older man wearing a white coat and carrying a stethoscope. Glancing about he noticed he was restrained in what appeared to be hospital bed. Furthermore, he saw wires leading from his bed to a bank of monitors that were meaningless to him." "What happened? I have a heart attack or something." "No. Nothing that simple I'm afraid." Let me get the director to explain the situation to you. Several minutes later Joe looked up as a pretty blonde entered the room. "Mr. Watson, welcome back to the world of the living. My name is Dr. van Damme and I'm sure you have many questions..." "You bet I do babe. What happened, where am I, and when can I leave." Joe interrupted. "To answer your questions in order. You were drugged; slipped a mickey I think the vernacular is. You are on my private island, far removed from the United States, and I don't know when, if ever, you can return there. Does that satisfy your curiosity?" "What the fuck is going on here? Who the hell do you think you are?" Joe exploded. His answer was a slap from Dr. van Damme that rocked his still woozy head. "I'll thank you to keep a civil tongue in your head. The story your associates will put out is this; as a result of your notorious womanizing, you have contracted AIDS. You have secreted yourself at a private clinic outside the United States to undergo experimental therapy, much as a famous actor did not to long ago. Eventually you will succumb to your illness and your remains will be cremated. After that, it won't be long before the world forgets that Joseph Watson ever existed." "How could this be happening to me?" Joe wondered. "Who put you up to this?" He demanded to know. "The answer, Mr. Watson, is that you did. The way you treated your ex-wife, and the way you've treated women all your life, caught my attention. That, and the fact that you were vulnerable." "That goddamned bitch Gloria. Figure her to get mixed up in something like this." Joe thought for a minute. "What do you mean vulnerable?" "You were such a disagreeable person that no one cared for you. We were able to influence every individual who might be concerned over your absence. They all sold you out. You were a failure as a person Mr. Watson. That and your miserly penny- pinching did you in." "What are you talking about?" "You were too cheap to keep a good law firm on retainer. I'm sure if you had, that they would have advised you to change your will immediately after your divorce. As it was, you didn't, and have created all manner of potential difficulties for yourself. Such as the one you're in right now." "Let me go. Look, whatever she's paying you I'll double it, no wait..., I'll triple it." "Lets understand one thing Mr. Watson. Your wife didn't put us up to this. We put her up to it." "So what's going to happen?" "When you die, your wife will become executrix and administrate of your estate, at least until your son becomes twenty-one. She's going to pay us for our 'treatment' of you and a good portion of the fees will be rebated to her via overseas bank accounts." "And how much is this treatment of mine going to run." Inquired Joe. "About five million dollars to start, but that's just the beginning. The Institute provides many services; psychological, surgical, behavior modification, anti-aging, and infertility just to name a few. Many of these treatments are unsanctioned in the industrialized countries, such as injecting fetal cells to reverse the aging process. Our many affluent clients come here, where any treatment they desire can be provided. Whether or not their nation's medical authorities consider them effective or ethical. Even so, these treatments have to be tested somehow and that's where you come in. Your wife made you available to us to perform research on as part of your punishment. In addition to the base fee of five million, your wife guarantees us a profit of thirty-five percent on all procedures performed on you." "But what exactly is it you plan to do to me? "The bad news, Mr. Watson, is that we are going to create a new you. We will change both your appearance and your personality. The good news is that you have shown a definite preference for the design we are going to use." At this point Dr. van Damme retired. Leaving Joe to contemplate her cryptic announcement as he drifted off into unconsciousness. CHAPTER 4 Joe lay in his bed. He didn't want to get out of it. Even walking across his small room to the toilet seemed to wear him out. He'd lost all track of time and didn't know how long he had been here. Severe diarrhea had afflicted him shortly after his arrival, he'd lost a lot of weight, and was exceedingly thin. He still didn't feel quite right, his skin was pasty white, he'd grown a beard, and his sex drive had vanished. This last worried him most. Joe had always prided himself on his virility. He couldn't even get a hard on to masturbate, no matter how erotic his thoughts. Joe's image was displayed on a video monitor in the conference room. The doctor in charge of this phase of his treatment addressed the audience in the room. "Treatment has proceeded along the determined lines. The administered dosages of the prototype drug A6D have been effective. Subject's testes are no longer producing sperm or male hormones and are degenerating. There has been an ensuing loss of interest in sex as a result. Subject is, in effect, castrated. I recommend that A6D be commercially developed and made available to those governments that have expressed an interest in such a treatment for chronic sex offenders." "Thank you doctor," said Dr. van Damme. "Your work, as always, is praiseworthy. Now our genetic engineering department will have the floor." A bearded young man, looking barely old enough to be a graduate student, approached the podium. "As you all know we have conducted extensive research into recombinant DNA theory. One of the easiest DNA chains to manipulate is that of the bacteria, Escherichia coli, which lives in the human digestive tract. A bacteriophage was introduced into subjects diet which exterminated all E. coli resident in his body. Subject then consumed foodstuffs containing our modified species. It has thrived and far exceeded our expectations." "This introduced species produces natural estrogenic compounds as waste, which are then absorbed into the bloodstream through the lining of the large intestine. Analysis shows that the subject's hormonal balance is now that of a mature female. The only difficulty is that it is slightly on the high side. That's not really of any concern in this case, and we think we've found the cause. We believe this treatment can be manipulated to do away with the need for repeated dosages of almost any drug, not just hormones. Early experiments show a potential for a bacteria that can produce insulin. Furthermore, I personally feel this line of research warrants additional inquiry as having the promise to provide a reversible birth-control 'vaccine'." Dr. van Damme led the room in a standing ovation for the researcher. "Thank you very much. If I don't miss my guess, you may have a Nobel Prize in your future." Standing up, Dr. van Damme spoke into a small microphone. "You may commence." Then she addressed the assemblage. "Well, I'm sure we can all agree that this subject is making an enormous contribution to scientific and medical knowledge." Ignoring the snickering that followed her remark, she continued. "Next is a demonstration of a product that we hope will someday be in every beauty salon in the world." While she spoke, attendants had entered Joe's room and restrained him to the bed. They were busily attaching connections between Joe's body and a control board. Dr. van Damme spoke. "As you know women employ many methods of depilation. Few opt for electrolysis due to the time, pain, and expense. We hope this device will change all that. A process has been developed which we call batch depilation. As you know, when a person comes in contact with voltage, electrical current passes through the body, more often than not producing death by electrocution. An exception to this is electricity at high frequencies, not the radio frequencies used for some electrolysis, but rather four hundred cycles per second. This electricity passes along the skin. What we do is pass high voltage four hundred hertz power between electrodes attached to the skin, after desensitizing it. Then, as the current flows, it burns out the hair follicles. Let's watch a demonstration." Speaking into her microphone, Dr. van Damme said "You may proceed with the presentation now." Joe didn't know what was going on. He offered no resistance, lacking both the energy and the inclination for such a move. His skin had been coated with a slimy gel which tingled for a moment then stopped. Metal bands had been fitted around his body at various intervals from his feet, up his legs, around his waist, chest, arms, and even his fingers. He was fitted with a collar and then a cap, not unlike those used with the electric chair. The technicians stepped back and threw a switch. There was a humming sound and Joe felt the skin on his right calf tingle. After a period it stopped, only to be repeated at another location on his body. There was the odor of burned hair in the air. Finally, the bands were removed and a mask was fitted over Joe's face and the procedure was repeated there. The technicians removed all their equipment. An aide came in and helped Joe to the bathtub. Dr. van Damme changed the video pickup to the bathroom and she and her staff observed as Joe was bathed. They watched with fascination as the goo was scrubbed from Joe's body, for along with it came his hair. All of it! "As you can see it is quite effective. We can choose the area to be treated. The process is quick, cheap, and relatively painless. You will notice that the subject now exhibits no hair anywhere on his body except in the pubic region." Joe was put back in bed and administered a sedative. Totally hairless, and bald as a baby, he drifted off to a gentle sleep. CHAPTER 5 Joe lay face down on an operating table in an amphitheater. He was anesthetized and could neither feel nor move. In his euphoric state, he could not pay attention as the as the surgeon described what was happening to him. "Today I am using micro-miniature appliances, incorporating fiber optics and lasers, to demonstrate some inspiring developments in surgery." "First, I am performing liposuction to effect body contouring. As I am sure you are well aware, this is a high profit margin business for us. However, I am going beyond conventional routine here today. In order to create on the subject the smallest waistline possible, as called for in the treatment protocol." "Accordingly I have made a small incision at the spine where the lowest set of ribs connect. I then insert a multiple lead fiber optic cable to carry video, transmit laser energy, and control the miniaturized equipment." The surgeon accomplished this and went on."Now I simply cut through each rib at the spine, severing them. I inject a radioactive compound, with a short half-life, into the marrow to kill it. Next I apply a sealant to the spine to prevent any attempt at reattachment.The rest is simple. The bones die and gradually become brittle. Subsequently, the subject is exposed to the ultra- sound shock treatment used to break up kidney stones. This shatters the now fragile bone, and the body assimilates the fragments as it would any source of calcium." The surgeon finished up. "Another advantage of this procedure is that there is no scarring. Surgical adhesive is applied to the entry puncture, and we are done." The surgeon departed with a smattering of applause from the gallery. Another surgeon appeared in greens. "Good morning. I am going to continue the physique contouring started by my esteemed colleague. As you know the subject of weight reduction is complicated by the fact that once formed by the body, fat cells are never destroyed. When the body is starved, as when dieting, they just give up their fat and remain where they are, waiting to be refilled. Liposuction as performed earlier does remove these, but here I venture a step further." The surgeon did something to Joe's hip. "I separate the fat cells by centrifuging them, then filter them to a uniform size with a permeable membrane. These cells are collected in a tank and, using a process I call lipoaugmentation, re-inserted into the body according to a computer generated matrix. You now need only place the subject on a high fat diet. When the fat cells refill, the body assumes the desired profile." "Notice that I have inserted a probe into the hipbone to function as an dispenser. It serves as a reference point for the matrix, and the re-introduced empty fat cells are deposited around it automatically by the computer." Nothing more was said as the machines performed their work with mechanical efficiency. The surgeon readjusted the probe to several points on Joe's hips and buttocks. Eventually, everything was removed. At this point two attendants came and rolled Joe over very carefully. Joe stared up at the ceiling wondering what was going on. He languished in daydreams, unable to focus on the activity going on around him. He shut his eyes. The surgeon, meanwhile, had gone to work on Joe's chest. The needle was inserted down the center of each nipple to the breastbone. The surgeon took notice that they were not the typical vestigial nipples of most males, but rather they exhibited the developmental characteristics of a pubescent female. The machine completed it's assignment and the next surgeon entered the operating pit. CHAPTER 6 After countless days of suffering, Joe awoke in a sunny room. He was agonizingly stiff, swollen, and sore. He couldn't find a part of his body that didn't hurt. Dr. van Damme and several other persons stood around looking at him. Joe tried to move and discovered that his entire body was restrained. "Well it looks like our surprise is ready to be unwrapped," said Dr. van Damme." Joe's torso and legs were released. He discovered that his hands were surrounded by some type of box, his feet were in casts, and he had no feeling or freedom of movement in his extremities. "Dr. Morgan would you describe for us please your modifications to the subject." An elderly doctor came forward. "Thank you Dr. van Damme. This is a procedure we have been working on at the request of another branch of our organization. We have been able to alter the subjects fingerprints." The assembled onlookers showed great interest. "Do go on Doctor." "Well using computer controlled lasers at an oblique angle we were able to eradicate the center of the original print. An electron gun was used to, I guess burn would be the best term, a pattern onto the finger. The resultant scarring is regulated, and becomes indistinguishable from the loops and whorls of a natural print. With a sufficiently sophisticated program you can not only change someone's prints, but give him another person's." Understanding the possibilities inherent in this, the crowd murmured it's approval. Another doctor was working on releasing Joe's feet from their confinement. At Dr. van Damme's cue he explained what he had done. "What you are looking at gentlemen represents a turning point in reconstructive bone surgery. I have actually accomplished two feats here, if you'll pardon the pun. I have taken the subjects feet and rebuilt them to Dr. van Damme's specifications. What were a man's size ten wide are now a perfect woman's size eight medium." There was talking by his audience but no questions,so he continued. "What is really interesting are the other adjustments I was able to make. You know how we podiatrists tell the girls to stay off of high heels. Slaves to fashion that they are, they never listen to us and, as a result, suffer many foot ailments as a result. It seems that the human foot was just not designed to walk in high heels." "Doctors, what I have done, is to devise and create such a foot! I strengthened the weight bearing bones and made alignment changes to the metatarsal bones. These feet could run a marathon in spike heels." The amazement of the group was apparent. "And now last, but certainly not least, Dr. Brenner will enlighten us as to his accomplishments." "Thank you Dr. van Damme. I too work in reconstructive surgery. One problem faced in severe damage to the hands and feet, is the permanent loss of nail growth, which serves to protect the fingers and toes. Our material department has been able to fabricate an acrylic polymer that is indestructible by any means available to us here. What this means is that we can formulate a replacement nail that will last forever." The Doctor busied himself with the box which held Joe's left hand. "You have to be very precise in your measurements with these because once they set, that's it. These were modeled to Dr. van Damme's specifications and have been anchored to the subjects finger bones." Looking at Joe, he giggled and said, "I would avoid countries which practice torture if I were you, young man. I can guarantee that your fingers will pull off before those nails do." Still groggy, Joe just looked at him blankly. His hand was freed from the box. Joe tried to move his fingers, but they were too sore. He held his hand up to his face and gasped. At the end of each finger was a long oval nail at least an inch long. AND THEY WERE BRIGHT RED! The doctor went on, "These nails will take some getting used to and I must warn you to be careful until you are accustomed to them. They could be dangerous." Addressing Dr. van Damme he went on. " I believe you will find that these nails will not chip and the colors will not fade." Joe's other hand was freed and it joined it's mate. Joe stared, in shock, at the long red talons, now permanently attached to his fingers. The doctor released Joe's feet from their containers. "I also took the liberty of replacing the subjects toenails while I was at it." Joe struggled painfully to move to a position from which he could see his feet. He was rewarded with the sight of ten cute little red toenails peeking back at him. He noticed that his feet were indeed much smaller and somehow more graceful. He moved them and observed that they flexed in a peculiar manner. Engrossed with his fingers, Joe failed to notice Dr. van Damme motion everyone to leave. he looked up to find her alone with him. "Please doctor. Tell me what's going on here. Why are these things being done to me?" "Because, Mr. Watson, you are at hand. We needed a test subject and you're it. Also, as I once told you, we have contracted with your wife to erase any trace of Joe Watson from the face of the earth and dispense appropriate retribution in the process." Joe wanted to learn more but she spun on her heels and walked out. To be continued ... --