[Previous] [Next] [Current Results] [Get Thread] [Author Profile] [Post] [Post] [Reply] [Image] [Image] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Article 18 of 314 Subject: THE LOTTERY 36/49 From: rdragon@ix.netcom.com(***) Date: 1997/03/24 Message-Id: <5h7248$ra6@dfw-ixnews10.ix.netcom.com> Newsgroups: alt.sex.stories [More Headers] I opened my mouth to make some smart remark, then realized what she'd just said. Will you refuse me something I so dearly want? She'd given me so much, and I loved her desperately. Could I really refuse her something she wanted so much? After all, I decided what her slavery consisted of. It wasn't as though I had to take advantage of her except after six, now was it? Of course, she didn't have to know that. "Melinda," I said, choosing my words carefully. "You're the newest member of the harem. I want to assure you that this isn't normal behavior on the girls' part. I would also like to point out that you have full control of your own body till six o'clock, and I wouldn't think of ordering you to do anything you don't want to. Having said that I invite you to attend the meeting I'm calling right now. I think it's going to set a precedent, and it could be important you hear things first hand." "Should I get dressed first?" She asked seriously. Biting back a smile I said. "That's entirely up to you. Ladies, I want you to meet with me in the library in five minutes. Be warned I'm going to video tape this meeting, and make several copies of the tape afterward. Since you are free spirits at the moment I council you to act in accord with your desires." With as much dignity as I could muster I went back and loaded a fresh tape, making sure I was using 8 hour mode. Pompous ass, wasn't I? When I got to the libarary the girls were still naked, even Melinda. She was seated in a deep armchair, arms and legs arranged to minimize her exposure. No one said anything as I took my favorite chair. I looked over the assembled girls. Mei, Thuy, and Gina were seated on the couch. Alima was perched on the couch's arm and Rachel was seated in the chair next to Melinda's. Mei was serene, Rachel impassive. Thuy and Gina were plainly nervous, Alima was putting on a brave front. Melinda looked very uncomfortable. "Today is Tuesday, April 2, 1990." I spoke suddenly. "It is 9:23 AM. This meeting is called to order. The reason for this meeting is to discuss the-" I hunted for a word. "-unusual request made of me by members of my harem." "The floor is open." Mei spoke. "Master, I formally request you make me your permanent slave girl." "State your full name and age." I said. "My name is Mei Ling Wu. I'm 19 years old." "And you are under no duress of any kind?" "You know I'm not." Mei said with dignity. "I'm doing this because I want to. More than I've ever wanted anything before. I love you, and I want to become your permanent slave. For real, not this game we've been playing." "Slavery is illegal." I pointed out. "Not of the heart." She said softly. "You and I know you'd never keep me if I wanted to go. You're too kind." "And what if I change?" I demanded suddenly. "What if I become some raging monster and try to hurt you? What then, Dragon Lady? I'd lose everything you ever gave me. Are you willing to risk that?" "I have faith in you, master. You aren't a monster. You're a good, fine man. Your heart is great, your spirit bright. This game of yours is just that. But I want more, master. I want to be owned by you, to know in my soul I belong to you." "I love you, Mei Ling." I said softly. "You're my guiding light, the wonder of my days. How can I cage you, Dragon Lady? How can I lay claim to you? The game must remain a game, or it isn't a game anymore." "Then damn your game!" Mei sprang from the couch, to land on one knee in front of me. "I want to belong to you. I love you with all my heart, master. Please, I beg you, don't deny me this!" And my bright lovely lady, always sunny, always bright, was on the edge of tears. "Make me your slave, forever! No more games! I offer myself to you, unconditionally, with no reservations. Please don't reject me." She was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. Naked, she was magnificient, not even Alima came close. She held my eyes, begging, demanding, wanting. "Are you absolutely sure this is what you want?" I asked her softly, dreading the answer, whether yes or no. "With all my heart." Mei said firmly. "I-" I had to swallow. "If you accept the new conditions of slavery, then I will accept you. Reluctantly." "I accept them." Mei said instantly. "Whatever they might be." "Listen to them before you decide." I warned her. "First, your slavery will last twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Second, you must sign an affidavit stating you agree to the terms of your slavery. Third, if you ever decide to leave there will be twenty-four hours of torture before you're released. It won't injure you physically, but will be as painful as I can inflict. Do you still agree, Mei Ling Wu?" "Yes." She said instantly. "Since I'll never leave you, the penalties for leaving don't bother me." "There's one final condition." I said. "To mark you as a slave you will wear a heavy chain necklace, impossible for you to remove short of destroying it. So all the world will know you're my slave the collar will bear the inscription: My name is Mei Ling, and I am the willing slave of Paul Reiner." "That sounds wonderful, master. I'm yours." She said. I sighed, wondering where I was going to find such a necklace. The necklace had been a last ditch effort to dissuade her. "Then so be it. I accept you as my slave, Mei Ling." I said reluctantly. All the other girls, except Melinda burst into applause. Melinda looked on, confused. Rachel got up as Mei returned to her seat. "I want to be your slave too." Rachel said. I sighed. "Full name and age." I said. "Rachel Two-Feathers, I'm 18 years old, and my Apache name is Moonlight's Laughter." "And what about your parents, Rachel?" I asked softly. "How would you ever visit them again, wearing a slave collar? It won't come off, and you can't hide it. In fact, I would order you not to try." "I don't care." Rachel said, although she paled. "My place is here, and I'm already your slave, in my heart. I'd figure out something." "I'm not ready to accept the responsibility, Rachel. If your father knew he might do something rash. In fact, he probably would. You know that." "Must it be a collar?" Rachel asked. "Couldn't it be something else? Maybe a bracelet, or a belt, or something?" "I'm not willing to risk it, Moonlight's Laughter. Making you a permanent slave-" I paused. "You know, that's an awfully cumbersome term. We're going to have to come up with something better." "Handmaiden." Thuy said suddenly. Mei nodded. I shrugged. "Ok, handmaiden. Making you a handmaiden, Rachel, is just too dangerous. It would endanger the harem. I can't demand you cut yourself off from your parents." "Mei's got the same problem." Rachel pointed out. "No." Mei said, thoughtfully. "I often wear unusual jewelry. It wouldn't obviously be a slave collar. But Paul has a point, Rachel. In your case it would be too dangerous." "Not if the inscription weren't in English." Rachel said. "What if it were in Chinese? I'm a member of this harem and I deserve a chance at becoming a handmaiden. Please, master." I considered. The chain I had in mind would certainly pass for a necklace, and not even seem all that unusual. "Old English runes." I decided. "Something unlikely to be understood by anyone. Yours too, Mei. And something further, if someone does manage to read the inscription you must give yourself to them for the night, if they want you. Agreed?" "Yes, master." Mei said. Rachel nodded. I sighed again and put my head in my hands. "Master." I raised my head, knowing what was coming. "Yes, Thuy?" I asked resignedly. "My name is Thuy Li Min, and I am 18 years old. I want to become your handmaiden." "Dammit!" I roared, rising to my feet. "Have you all taken leave of your senses? Thuy, come on! You don't know me! You've been here just a little over a week! You can't want to do something so, so-" I floundered, not able to find a word to fit the enormity of what she contemplated. "But Mei and Rachel do know you." Thuy said. "I trust their judgement. And I trust my heart. I want to be your slave, for all time." She was nervous, but resolute. I looked at Alima, and Gina, who nodded their agreement. "What you are proposing is so-" I floundered again. "Wonderful?" Mei suggested. "Awesome." Thuy said firmly. "Bizzare!" I shouted, sinking back into my chair. "It means I can take you any where, any way, any time. It means you'll have to go through a day of hell in order to leave. It means you'll wear a collar for the rest of your life. Gina, think about what you're planning! You haven't even been here a week." "I don't care. For the first time in my life I'm accepted for what I am. I'm not a freak anymore. You did that, you and the girls. I'm proud to be here, and I want to prove it as strongly as I know how. My name is Gina Washington and I'm 23 years old. I want to be your handmaiden." "And my name is Alima Jahrain, I'm 18 years old. And I want to be your slave." Alima broke in. "What about Sherry?" I asked suddenly. "Is she going to march in here after school and demand to be a handmaiden too?" "Yes." Mei said calmly. "That's just what we need. Tara coming and Sherry a slave girl. She'll have a field day." "Who is this Tara, please?" Melinda asked timidly. "Yeah, and why are you so concerned about her?" Gina asked. "Tara O'Keefe is another girl coming to join the harem." I said reluctantly. I hadn't wanted anyone else but Mei to know, but I wouldn't lie. "I have reason to believe she's a plant from the FBI to see what's going on." There was stunned silence. "Then she shouldn't come!" Alima said fiercely. "I'll pull her hair out!" Even peaceful Rachel growled in agreement. I held up my hands. "I don't know that!" I raised my voice. The girls quieted instantly. "What if I'm wrong? How would you have felt if you'd been greeted with suspicion and distrust? Rachel, what would you have done if Mei treated you like a spy?" "I see your point." Rachel said. "But it just makes me furious that some outsider would stick their nose in where it doesn't belong." "You can find out." Alima said. "With enough money answers are always available." Her face was grim. I reflected that Alima was right, and wouldn't hesitate. Her father probably handled things that way routinely. "We're talking about the FBI here, Alima. They don't mess around. They hear about somebody sniffing around and they're likely to get nervous. We don't want that." "You have a better idea?" Gina asked. I nodded. "Just maybe. Let's assume Tara isn't an agent. What are the chances she'll fit in?" "Excellent." Mei said. "Your choices have been ten for ten, I trust your instincts." "Ok, now let's assume Tara is a plant. What are the chances we can seduce her?" I asked the room at large. Thuy grinned, showing her teeth in something that wasn't a smile. "I like the way you think, master." She said. "She wouldn't stand a chance." "Don't be too sure." Rachel warned the Vietnamese girl. "I've dealt with government types before. Bureaucrats are easy to bribe, but have all the genuine feelings of a rattlesnake. Less, even." "She's a woman, isn't she?" Thuy shot back. "She'll be helpless with the master all night long, won't she? You figure it out." Mei grinned mischeviously. Rachel shook her head. But I could tell she was the only one with misgivings. Still, Rachel had proven herself an expert on people. I wouldn't lightly disregard her instincts. "There's nothing to decide until Tara arrives at two o'clock." I said. "Rachel, I'd like you to pick her up. That should give you time to make up your mind. I'm counting on your report to let me know exactly where we stand. You'll have about three hours to decide." "Gee, thanks." Rachel said. "That's how you earn the big bucks." I said, chuckling. "Speaking of big bucks," Alima said. "We haven't heard from our newest harem member." She looked pointedly at Melinda. "You leave her alone, Alima." I warned the Arabic girl. "She hasn't been here long enough to make any kind of decisions. Give her at least a week." "Yes, master." She said. Melinda was hugging herself nervously. She spoke up. "I have only been here one day." She said softly. It embarassed her to be the center of attention, but she took a deep breath and continued. "Everyone has been so kind to me, and Paul was wonderful to me last night. It was he who gave me these." She shifted so everyone could see her touch her nipple rings. There were raised eyebrows and incredulous looks thrown my way. "I am proud to wear his rings, so in a way he has already marked me as his handmaiden. My name is Melinda Orli and I am 20 years old. I wish to wear his collar as well." "Melinda, no!" I said loudly. "Jesus, lady, you've only been here one day! There's plenty of time to make that decision! Don't rush into something like that!" I really was frightened by the idea. "Listen to me, all of you!" I said, standing up. "Please! What you are committing yourself to isn't just a game! You're talking real slavery! Do you know what that means? Maybe Mei knows what she's doing. She's been here longer than any of the rest of you. And Rachel perhaps." I turned to the black girl, who met my gaze. "My sad, lovely, Gina. You've been here what, five days? How can you hope to know me in so short a time? How can you be sure?" "I'm sure." Gina said firmly. "This is my home now. You are my master. And I'll fight hell itself to stay. Don't you want me?" Her voice sank on the last question. "Of course I want you! But I want you free to go or stay as you decide. Not from some noble gesture you'll live to regret." "Look at you!" I swept my arm around. "Naked, pleading to be enslaved! What the hell is wrong with you? Don't you know how dangerous it could be if you're wrong about me?" "We aren't wrong." Rachel said, coming to stand in front of me. Her eyes were steady. Her bush was just beginning to get full again from her depiliation. "I tortured you once, Moonlight's Laughter." I said softly, taking her by the shoulders. "I deserved it." Rachel said softly. "If you leave after being enslaved it will be much worse." "I'm not going to leave." She said smiling. "You won't be able to get rid of me." I had to smile. "My brave Rachel. How lucky I am to have you. Are you absolutely positive? Don't do this because Mei is. She's crazy." "I resemble that remark!" Mei said tartly. Then she smiled. "I'm not. I've been your slave since that first night. Accept me as your handmaiden." I shook my head but gathered her in for a hug. "You're going to be the death of me, Rachel Two-Feathers." I murmured in her ear. "Hey, I hope you brought enough for everybody!" Alima said, shamelessly crowding up. By the time it was all over even Melinda had hugged me. "Ladies, I don't know what to say." I said looking around. "How can one man be so lucky?" Nobody answered that. "Well?" Mei finally asked. "Well what?" "What is your first command, master? Please make it a good one!" "Uh. Hmm." I said. "Let's see. Ah. Mei, you will find someone to make the collars. They must be hypo-allogenic, so they won't cause a rash or anything. They've got to be attractive, like jewelry. And they've got to be damn near indestrucible. Once on, it should take an act of God to get them off. And they have to be engraved of course. You remember the inscription?" "My name is Mei Ling and I am the willing slave of Paul Reiner." Mei could remember almost anything she heard letter perfect. It was annoying at times, but came in handy. "And a similar one for the rest of the girls. You're authorized to spend up to ten thousand for each collar. Try to do it for less. Final approval by me." "At once master!" And Mei sprang away to the computer. "I am not happy about this." I told the rest of the girls. "I really wish you'd change your minds." "Not a chance." Alima declared. "Mei was right. This is what we need to do." "Mei said that?" I asked mildly. "How curious. Did she happen to say why?" "Because we want to prove ourselves worthy of what you've given us." Thuy said. I felt confused. "What? Room and board?" "No, silly." Gina said. "Love. And complete acceptance." "I don't understand." I complained. "Melinda, do you know what they're talking about?" She silently shook her head. "Each of us have different stories, master." Thuy said. "For me, it was the way you totally conquered me that first night. And the way you tended me the next morning, sorry that you'd left welts. Although I didn't mind." "And the rest of you feel similarly?" I asked. One by one they nodded. Melinda looked thoughtful. "And what about you, Melinda?" I asked. "Why do you want to be a handmaiden? Does any of this make sense to you?" "I think so." She said slowly. "I want to be your slave because it's the most exciting thing that's ever happened to me. I'm shy, and when you force me to do something, it's as though someone else takes over my body. I can do things I'd never dare dream of, and enjoy them." "Like your rings?" I asked. She nodded, blushing. "For me, it was the way you accepted my problem as something special." Gina said after a short pause. "You really thought it was something to be proud of, and you made me feel wanted. For the first time in my life I didn't have to worry about somebody finding out about me. That's worth anything I can give you." "And you saved my life." Alima said. "I won't forget that, not ever." "I nearly ended your life." I said, shaking my head. "Rachel saved you." "No, master." Alima smiled. "She brought me back. But you were the one who showed me what I really was. You forced me to really look at myself. I didn't like what I saw, but you ground my nose in it. Hopefully I've changed. Because of you, people like me now." "You saved me from becoming a whore." Rachel said. "You kept me from dying in some filthy hotel in Phoenix or Tuscon. You gave me a home and a second family. You've given me more money than I can ever spend. And a way to really make a difference in my life and the lives of others." Her speech made the other girls sit up and pay attention. "Because of you I'll stay young for years and years, master. I can't think of anywhere I'd rather be, or anyone I'd rather spend my life with." Rachel spoke from her heart. The words burned at me. I didn't deserve such praise. "And you gave me love." Mei said from her seat by the computer. "You gave yourself to me as surely as you took my virginity. We are lovers, master. No matter who you make love to, or who you give me to, we'll always share each others dreams." She rose and came to me. "I'm frightened to death of losing you." She said, sitting beside me. She took my hand in a gesture unique to her. "I want you to own me and never let me go." "Mei Ling, Dragon Lady." I choked, then recovered. "I love you. I love the others too but you will always hold a special place in my heart. You were first, and you gave me love when I was lonely." "Rachel, Moonlight's Laughter. You say I saved you. Hear the truth, lady! Without you there would be no dream. You bind us together, you smooth over our troubles. You give all of us our life here together. We all owe you far more than a few trinkets!" "And Thuy, little lotus! Yours is the hardest task. You bear the pain of my anger for all. If ever I want to hurt one of the girls you are the one I come to. You take the agony and turn it into orgasm. You joyfully take what would hurt the others to yourself. No love has any woman to give greater than that." "Alima, proud Alima! You are the one to be conquered, the challenger of my arrogance. You wear your slavery like a shield, forcing me to subdue you, and work out my vanity so I don't make a fool of myself." "Gina, my sad lovely lady. You most of all I should thank. Making you happy is a reward beyond price. Giving you the pleasure you deny yourself brings me joy and peace. Worlds are won or lost by men striving to please women like you. Be happy here, forever." "And last, but not least." I stood and walked over to Melinda, taking her hands. "The quiet one. Shy and retiring. But strong, so awesomely strong. Courage of the heart is a rare thing." I said, stealing a line shamelessly. "And you have that, Melinda Orli. The heroine who fears everything, and does what she must regardless. Welcome home, Melinda. You've given me yourself, and there can be no greater gift than that." Melinda blushed furiously, but kept eye contact, a happy smile fighting through the embarassment. "I love you all!" I roared, dropping Melinda's hands and spinning with arms wide. "For you, no more games! I swear by all that's holy, we will share a love to rock the pillars of heaven!" I grabbed the nearest girl, who happened to be Gina and spun her around. Laughing I sprang to Thuy and scooped her off the floor. She squealed happily as we staggered around the room. The other girls jumped us and for a short time I was buried in a sea of naked flesh, each struggling to be closer to me. After a while we all collapsed, exhausted. I was shamelessly happy, down to my very toes. Closing my eyes for a moment I reveled in the feeling. I had to force myself back. "Too much of that and I'll end up in a padded room." I said, struggling to stand. "Come on, ladies, time to get back to work. If you're going to be slaves, you'll have to keep your nose to the grindstone." Have you ever seen a half-dozen naked women stretch like cats after a long nap? Damn near popped my eyeballs. "Now if you handmaidens will kindly get your asses decently covered, we've got to prepare for a new slave girl. Chop Chop." I said clapping my hands. They scattered good naturedly. When Rachel left at one-thirty to pick up Tara her room was ready and I had briefed the girls on the fantasy I had planned for Tara. What I hate is waiting, don't you? When everything's in place, there's nothing left to do-but wait. Fortunately this wait was only for half an hour. -------------  [Image] [Image] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Previous] [Next] [Current Results] [Get Thread] [Author Profile] [Post] [Post] [Reply] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Home Power Search Post to Usenet Ask DN Wizard Help Why use DN? | Advertising Info | Press Releases | Jobs | Policy Stuff Copyright © 1995-97 Deja News, Inc. All rights reserved.