I know that the title I have chosen for this series of accounts can be misleading. It gives no explicit indication about what the reader will shortly encounter. So I will tell you. It is my story-- the account of my private life. For the first time really, it is the melding of my public persona with the full reality of how I have chosen to live, to indulge my imagination and to achieve the realization of the fantasies of my youth. I have little illusion about how the reader will judge me. Self-indulgent may be the most generous description I can hope for. But at one level of reality I don't care and at another level of reality, I clearly do. The part of me that wishes to share my story with the reader is not inhibited by concerns about others' judgments; the part of me that maintains the buffers that shield my lifestyle and identity from the rest of the world acknowledges the consequences of flouting norms of behavior. Well so far I have been a bit abstract and I am anxious to start but a bit of biographical data is necessary. I am forty-three years old. I am also quite wealthy. My father was a founder of a household-familiar kitchen appliance manufacturer. When I was twenty-two and a second year law student, the business was sold to an even larger public company and my family became that entity's largest single group of stockholders. A year later I inherited all those holdings. I have sold much of the stock I inherited and have invested the proceeds fairly diversely. The last time I looked (and I look reasonably often) I have about $115 million invested in publicly traded securities, about $26 million in cash and cash equivalents and about $65 million in less liquid investments. That may sound like a lot of money. It is, but it is not so much money that I have a highly visible public profile. You would be surprised at how many private fortunes in the U.S. exceed mine. Access to wealth of course is one thing that makes me different--it is also what makes my life as I live it possible. Here is how it began. Beginnings - June 1977 I graduated from law school in 1976 and that fall joined a large corporate law firm in New York. After about six months, I knew I was not cut out for this regimented practice. First, I was beginning to spend a lot of my time managing the investments I was starting to make. Second, I did not need the salary I was earning as a new lawyer and I did not need the possibility of advancing in the profession as the means to secure my future. Third, I was not crazy about the work. The problems I dealt with were dictated by the needs of my firm's clients-- not by what appealed to me. Fourth, I hated the loss of autonomy that working for the law firm dictated. I decided that I wanted to be my own boss, to set my own schedule and spend full-time managing my investments. But I also knew that there would have to be some regimentation in my life. There was a period when I was in college when I lacked the discipline to go to class and my grades had really deteriorated. Once I got into the routine of forcing myself to go to classes, to go to the library for study, all on a schedule, my grades rebounded. I knew that I could not leave myself the option of not having a set of obligations each day. That meant to me that I would rent an office, employ a staff, and plan on showing up at work every day. I hardly knew where to begin. I knew I had to rent an office, furnish it and hire the people who would work with me. I started with a first step. I rented a suite of offices for a short-term (six month) period. I believed that I would use that time to get my systems in place. My next step then was to hire an executive assistant. I contacted a placement agency and described what I was looking for. I wanted someone more than a secretary; someone who could take charge of the day to day business of running my office; someone who would hire and supervise other clerical and support staff; someone who could do the leg work on furnishing the office; I envisioned the quintessential, efficient, all purpose gal Friday and that is what I described to the agency. There would be no problem in filling the position I was assured, and I was promised a stream of pre-screened applicants to interview the following week. The first handful of candidates were hardly impressive, however. Many of the candidates lacked polish. Others seemed overly concerned with being assured that they could leave promptly at 5:00 p.m.; others did not seem to have the experience or the references to give me confidence that they could fulfill the job's requirements. Then I met Ann. Ann showed up for her interview precisely at 2:00 p.m.--the scheduled hour. Since I had yet to hire anyone to help me, I was particularly annoyed at the inconvenience of juggling late applicants appearing in my unattended reception area while I was conducting interviews in my office. Ann was about my age, perhaps a year older than I was and extremely impressive by any standard. The first standard I noticed was her appearance. Ann had shoulder-length dark brown hair framing a fair and flawless complexion. Her eyes were brown and she was about 5'6" tall. She had a wonderful figure, at least to my tastes, which meant that she was considerably busty and simultaneously thin waisted. I took note of these things as we talked about her experience (she was managing the New York office of a French chemical manufacturer) and the position I was seeking to fill. My eyes lingered at her chest, I thought discretely, as I noticed the outline of the lace of her bra visible through the translucent fabric of her blouse. We talked a good bit about the position and about my reasons for starting up the management company. I described my vision of what I hoped to achieve and talked about the role I had in mind for my assistant. Ann said she was interested and I was about to offer her the job, when she said there was one problem--the pay was too low. Now I had discussed salary with the placement agency and they had said that the $35,000 a year I had in mind was high by then prevailing standards. Indeed they thought I would attract people to apply for the job who were otherwise content in their present positions, but who would be interested in moving simply for the increase in pay. Ann was telling me otherwise, the advertised salary was too low, that she was sure I would be getting what I wanted and needed if I were willing to provide a more suitable benefit package. I was impressed with Ann's competence, skill and professionalism (and appearance) and rather than deflect the issue, I asked her what she had in mind. As closely as I can remember it this is what happened: "Look," Ann said "I want to be paid an annual salary of $100,000 a year and I know you will be very happy if you hire me to run this office for you, because I know exactly what you want." "There's no way I would do that - - -" I started to say, but Ann continued. "While you think about it would you excuse me for a minute while I use the ladies room?" I directed Ann to the appropriate doorway and waited for her in the reception area while I rued the fact that the ideal candidate had priced herself out of the job. After about a two minutes, Ann reappeared and I noticed immediately what had changed. As Ann strode towards me there was a bounce and shift and jiggle that I had not seen before and as she drew within ten feet or so I could see the pronounced imprint of her nipples against the fabric of her blouse. It was clear to me that she had gone to the bathroom to take off her bra. The audacity of that move had an electric effect on me. "I'd like you to come to work for me Ann" I said. "How soon can you start?" "A week from this coming Monday" was the reply. And that is how we began. First Moves The electric image of Ann's bobbling breasts bouncing along as she walked toward me when she emerged from the ladies room remained imprinted in my mind over the ensuing week. Why was this such a powerful image? I guess because it was not within the range of my experience to have dealt with such overtly and aggressively sexual women. Sure by that time I had experienced a series of relationships and girlfriends. But they were all with relatively "normal" girls and women whose backgrounds were like mine and our sexual activity was behind closed doors. Ann's move seemed to bridge two worlds, injecting overt sexuality into the world of daily routine and the thought of that marriage was one which had a powerful impact on me. The Thursday before Ann was to begin work, she called to confirm the details and timing of her arrival the next Monday. We discussed that she would spend the first few days trying to complete arrangements with the vendors and suppliers who were needed and that she would set up what was necessary to complete the hiring of the staff I needed. Our conversation was totally business- like and I was wondering whether I had let my judgment about work be clouded by Ann's actions the previous week. But I knew that no permanent, irretrievable commitments had been made and that if things did not work out with Ann, I would go back to square one and make a more conventional hire. I was in the office the next Monday by 8:30--a half hour before Ann was expected and a little earlier than I would usually have arrived. I was anxious to see how things would go. Like clockwork, at 9:00 the door to the suite opened and there was Ann. Ann was wearing a light coat and was carrying a brown leather tote bag in addition to her pocketbook. After a quick hello, she went to the closet and removed and then hung up her coat. Her back was to me as she did this and my attention was certainly focussed on her. I saw that she was wearing a very dark brown leather skirt over hose and her top was a clingy sweater of a lightweight wool material. When she turned to face me it was more than evident that she was, again, braless. I heard her speak: "Look, Bob, I told you that I know what you want and what you need and you are not going to be unhappy that you have put me in charge of running your office." I was in a bit of a struggle to maintain my composure: "Ann, we have a lot to do . . ." I started to splutter. "Bob," she continued "listen to me for a bit, we need to get some things out of the way." Ann took a few steps towards me. "I know why you hired me. You were fascinated by the thought of my being around you all day long, and of course there are these." And as she uttered that last phrase she took each of her hands and placed each on the lower outside surface of each breast and supported each in her palms and sort of pushed them forwards and up slightly, much as they would have been supported if she were wearing a bra. I was stone silent. Ann was still talking. "Now I will tell you why I wanted to come to work for you." "I think you can afford to pay me well and I know I have agreed to work for $100,000 a year but I know you are going to want to pay me more as you see the type of job I can do for you." "You also seem like someone who wants to succeed and who will give me the chance to really make your business prosper. I don't think this job will be boring for me and I won't let it be boring for you." "But don't get the wrong idea, I am not here for you to have sex with at your whim-- I am no whore -- but I know there will be a sexual component to our relationship and to how your office is run, but I will set limits and I know you will respect them." "Ann," I responded, "all I was looking for was an executive assistant and I am a little at a loss as to how to deal with you. Obviously I am intrigued by you but . . ." She cut me off again. "Bob, just take it one step at a time and I will show you what I have in mind. I'll show you -- we don't have to talk it all out in advance. Let's just get on with our work and we can talk about the events of the day at the end of the day. And what I'd like to do now," Ann added as she reached for the leather tote bag she had brought with her and which I could see had various papers, pads and personal effects, "is set up my desk and see if I can figure what is what around here." I began to think that Ann was determined to really play with my mind. One minute there was business as usual, the next there was a shockingly provocative act. At that point I started to be a little concerned that I was losing control of my new business and that perhaps I had made a mistake. Ann busied herself by unpacking her belongings at her desk. Her desk was in an alcove just off the reception area and outside of my office. I was seated in an armchair in the reception area where I had greeted Ann upon her arrival. I remained there for about two or three minutes while I entertained the notion that hiring Ann had been a mistake. I looked up as Ann addressed me. "Bob, are we expecting anyone this morning?" "No, why do you ask?" Ann did not answer me directly. Instead she strode purposefully to the door to our suite. I saw her try the door mechanism, make a few adjustments and I realized that she had locked the door. I had not anticipated what she would do next. In one swift motion, Ann crossed her arms, reached down and taking hold of the bottom of her sweater lifted it over her head. With this one sudden move, Ann stood before me bare from the waist up. Her breasts were quite large, flaring slightly outward and capped with lovely pink areolae with prominent nipples. Every movement she made caused her breasts to jostle and bobble in the most inviting way. Despite the pendulous nature of her breasts she was not in the least bit fat. Her stomach was firm and there were no rolls of flab overrunning the belt which was cinched at her waist. "I've got plenty to do" she said breaking the silence as Ann returned to her desk and continued to unpack her belongings and arrange things in order. But for the fact that Ann's bare breasts were conspicuously in motion as she set about her tasks, there would have been nothing unusual about this scene. It would have looked to anyone else as if it were an ordinary office in operation. But of course this was not the usual arrangement. At that moment I was continuing in my state of puzzlement as to what I was in for. I looked at my watch. It was 9:30 a.m. Ann had been with me for half an hour. It seemed much longer. I spent the next few hours at my desk. My office door was open and as you might expect my attention was pretty riveted to Ann's activities. Just as I was starting to make a phone call, I would see Ann bend over to accomplish something and I would be treated to the view of her magnificent breasts swaying like churchbells. I was not getting much work done. Shortly after noon another of my appetites intruded. I was hungry. I invited Ann to lunch explaining that we might take the time to talk about what I wanted her to accomplish in the few days. The bizarre nature of our situation was driven home as I watched Ann pull on her sweater as a prelude to leaving the office.