"The Lady in Blue" Chapter Nine: Lisa takes charge Lisa's point of view Surprisingly, to me, the politician refused to leave until Ted was looked after. He pulled off his jacket and firmly took charge. "I was a combat medic in the army years ago. I haven't forgotten everything. Hmmmm." He moved Ted's hair and examined his head. Then, he wiped his hands on his shirt and opened Ted's eyes one at a time, giving each eye a quick look. "Good news, it doesn't look bad. It looks like the bullet glanced off and didn't penetrate." I hadn't realized I was holding my breath until it sobbed out of me. The tears that had been threatening to take over were unleashed. Both Hawk and Mary held me, softly speaking words that didn't really register. I could see Sue crying uncontrollably while Stan held her just a few feet away. "He might have a concussion. His pupils don't look quite the same size," Ramon continued, "but if so, I don't think it's too bad. I'm a little concerned because he passed out, but all things considered, Lisa, I think he'll be fine." It took a few minutes for me to get my composure back. I sat there on the ground holding Ted's hand while Hawk and Mary comforted me and Ramon held a handkerchief on the wound. Ted woke up a few minutes later. Sue came over and we kept him talking to keep him awake. He seemed dazed but lucid. The next few hours were chaotic, at best. Sue and I stayed at Ted's side as the Sheriff's deputies and paramedics swarmed the scene. When they took him to the hospital, I made a very hard choice and told him I would be there as soon as I could. Sue went with him, and Stan would have if he could've escaped. When I caught up with Hawk, she was hip deep with the other police, questioning people that were still lingering. She was seated at a small table with a man and woman, writing as the woman spoke. "So, you saw a white man about five nine or ten run into the parking lot with what looked like a gun. Dark hair, slim build, but you never saw his face. He tore out of here in some kind of black SUV. That about sum it up, Jo? Earl?" At their nods, Hawk stood up and shook hands. "Thank you both. I hope the rest of your vacation is less dramatic." After they left, I stepped up and Hawk smiled at me. "The Bellers have a possible lead for us. They seem to have been the only ones in the crowd to see the shooter at all. It was a man but they didn't really get enough of a look to help with an ID. It could be Price or Kotov, if that was even him I saw." "I'm finished pussy-footing around," I growled. "We need to get this settled before one of us gets killed." Hawk nodded. "Then, it's a damned good thing I'm here to get it all figgered out for you," a deep baritone voice said from behind me. I turned and found a tall, broad, white man in his late forties. He was dressed in western clothing and had a badge hanging from his shirt pocket. His upper lip was dominated by a huge, bristling walrus-like mustache in the same salt and pepper black as his balding head. "Digger Jamison, Texas Rangers. Who's Hawkins?" Hawk looked pretty steamed already just at seeing him. "I'm Hawkins. This is related to an investigation I'm running. What can I do for you?" Digger grinned but there was no humor to it. "You can thank me for takin' over this case. Since a politico was a possible target in this shooting, the Rangers are taking charge of this investigation and the one in Houston, too. You're now my contact with HPD, Hawkins. Don't you worry none, I'll make sure you look good, not that you don't already." He winked at Hawk. "This is bullshit," Hawk snarled. "De la Cruz wasn't the target. Stansbury or Davis were." Digger scowled at Hawk. "Let's not fight, now, y'hear? I've looked over your case file and my experience tells me that the two are connected," he said with a superior tone. "Of course they're connected. I just told you that, you..." Hawk started hotly. "I think," I said interrupting Hawk smoothly, "that we can agree that they are connected. Lisa Davis, Galveston County District Attorney's office." I held out a hand and Digger took it. "Ma'am," Digger drawled. "Don't you worry your pretty little head about all this. I'll get right down to the bottom of what's goin' on and get the varmint behind bars in two shakes of a lamb's tail." My mouth dropped open. Digger's statement was so outrageous, I didn't know what to say. I thought this kind of misogynistic behavior was a thing of the past. After all, women could be more than secretaries now. Hawk was silent and a glance showed her agape and speechless as well. Digger filled the void himself. "There, I knew that would set both of you fillies at ease. It's already purdy obvious that feller, Price, is likely the killer." "Oh, puh-leeze!" Hawk said, finally catching her voice. "I cannot believe I am hearing this! I'm going to call my Captain and get this fixed, Lisa." She stalked off without a word more to Digger, but I could hardly blame her. It's not every day you meet someone that pushes so many buttons all at once. She was on her cell phone before she was five feet away. Digger shook his head. "That happens all the durned time, missy. She'll come around when she gets to know me. So, tell me what happened the night your friend blew up." He pulled out a well-chewed stub of a pencil and a cheap flip notebook. I considered, really considered, losing it like Hawk but *barely* held myself in check. "Calvin. His name was Calvin and he didn't blow up. My car was bombed. Calvin was driving it when my car blew up." I started going over the details again and he quickly started asking questions about Ted. What I knew about him and who or what I had seen around. Who he knew. About Price. It didn't take more than a minute for me to figure out he had already focused in on Price targeting Ted, and that he was looking for information shaped to fit his preconceptions rather than keeping an open mind. "Look, Ranger Jamison..." I started. "Just call me Digger, ma'am," he interrupted. "And I'll call you Lisa. There. All comfortable like." He patted my hand. I was saved from tearing his head off by Hawk exploding behind me. "Goddammit, Captain! That's not right! This is my investigation and he doesn't know squat about it or Houston. I tell you, the man is a bloomin' idiot!" I grimaced at that. Even given the short time that I had known her, I already knew that tact wasn't very high on Hawk's list of merits when she was angry. I couldn't tell what her conversational partner was saying but it was loud enough to buzz in the air, even over here. Amazingly, Digger didn't seem upset at being called an idiot. "I think she might not know me well enough, jest yet. Give 'er time and she'll be seein' me in a better light. She's jest upset that I outrank her." Digger said in a sotto voice. Amazing. Simply amazing. What was with this guy? "No, Captain, I'm *not* too close to this case. I just know I can do a better job than some..." More angry buzzing from the phone. "Captain, that's not fair! Let me finish the damned case!" She rolled her eyes at the next set of buzzing and then she paled. Her mouth opened and shut a few times without words coming out. "You can't! You won't!" I saw her eyes light up, even more furious. "Fine. If you want it that way, you're the boss." She hung up before any reply was possible. Hawk stalked back up to us, her jaw working as I stared at her. "The bastard shit-canned me. I'm on indefinite leave of absence until this case is settled by this..." She seemed at a loss for words. I took her into my arms and held her. "Oh, Hawk. We'll fight this!" She hugged me back, but I could tell her heart really wasn't into it. "Don't you let that fret you none, Miss Hawkins. Like I was tellin' Miss Davis, here, I already have a good ideer of who the killer is. I have ten bucks that says I have him in the hoosegow by Wednesday. Then you're back on the roster," Digger said with an over-confidant tone. Hawk stiffened and shrugged out of my arms before getting right in Digger's face. "Did you ask the Captain to yank me, caveman? You don't think women can do this job?" Her finger started poking him on the chest. "I can do anything you can better for marbles, money or fun every day of the week. Your good ole boy drawl doesn't fool me for one goddamned second. You wanted this!" Digger threw up his hands and stepped back as she kept stepping into his personal space. "Whoa, purdy thing! I was just bein' friendly-like! I know you can do any ole thing you set your purdy little head to! I didn't tell yore Captain anythin' like that!" That just pissed her off more. "You ever hear of sexual harassment, genius? Women aren't just barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen anymore! You couldn't find your ass with both hands, even with the help of air cover, backup - code three, and directions in English!" I grabbed her by the shoulders. "Hawk! This isn't helping anything at all!" She resisted at first, but relented when I didn't stop pulling. "Digger, this is a bad time. I'll see that she gives a statement to the deputies and so will I." If anything, he seemed more amused than upset. "That shore does sound like a winner of an ideer. I ken git your numbers from them and call if I have any questions." His amusement didn't help me calm Hawk down. He hadn't taken long to find all of her buttons and lean on them hard. She finally turned around and stalked ahead of me. I ran to catch up and guided her into the house and onto the couch in the living room. "Sit," I ordered. "I need you thinking and not pissed off. This is not helping Ted, or either of us." She sat, fuming. "Dammit, Lisa, you just don't know what it's like! I don't just have a glass ceiling, I have homophobia to fight every day of my life, too. Captain Kruger was a great man and it was really bad for me when he was promoted and replaced. He never cared about my personal life or my gender. I made Detective Sergeant under him and then Lieutenant. Now I have had Captain Jordan, a Bible-thumping, homophobic good ole boy, in charge of homicide for three months, and he was just waiting for this. He wants me gone and, mark my words, he will find a way to make this permanent." I slid my arms around her and she broke down, burying her head in my shoulder. Underneath her rock-hard exterior, she had an emotional side. She was just afraid to let it out. Afraid to let someone else see her pain. When she had cried herself out, I gave her some tissues. The box was being used so hard this week, I thought I'd better see about getting some more. While she wiped her eyes, I leaned forward and put my hands on her leg. "Here's what we are going to do. *We* are going to get out of here and drive to Galveston. We're going to get into Calvin's files and find out who might have wanted him dead. I think someone killed Calvin because that was who they were after. They must have stalked him and maybe I was just a bonus or something. I don't know why they are after us but there must be some loose ends or they would have faded out of sight. We're going to hit all the suspects until one of them cracks. What we *are not* going to do is let the good ole boy network sink this investigation." My eyes flared with a release of anger that I hadn't realized had been building in me for days. "Someone killed my best friend and now has almost killed my boyfriend. I am not going to sit back anymore and let Digger, your boss or anyone else dick with me. I am going to find the bastard and take him down. Are you with me?" Hawk grinned like a shark and wiped away the last of her tears. "Fuck it, if I get busted, I hated working for that prick anyway. I put myself through college working for a private investigator and had a license before I ever became a cop." Then she sobered up. "But what about you, hun? If they find out we are giving them the finger like this, you might get canned, too." I pursed my lips and nodded. "I might be asked to resign but I don't think they would push hard enough to disbar me. I can always get work as a lawyer or even open my own practice. But cheer up! They might never figure it out. Let's cross those bridges if we come to them." Hawk tossed her tissues into the trash and stood up. "We need to go leave a statement with the deputies like you promised. Then dick-cheese won't have any reason to be haunting us for a while. We need Columbo of the boondocks like I need dick." I smiled and raised an eyebrow. "I did see you cop a feel earlier." Hawk flushed and rolled her eyes. "That was more of a rhetorical statement. Let's not get bogged down in my sexual identity crisis. Let's get a handle on this first." I nodded. "Let's do it. Now, where do we get a car?" "We boost Ted's," she said as we headed back for the door, "if we can't get some keys from Stan. Stan. That's an odd name, don't you think? Stan - no, Stanley Stansbury. Did his mother hate him? Did they call him Stan-Stan when he was a kid? Geeze, poor bugger." I suppressed my amusement. "Do all cops have to joke when the situation sucks?" "Yes," she said without breaking stride. "It's part of the union rules. Speaking of which, I should file a complaint with my Association Rep. I doubt it will do any good but it's better than just letting him get away with it." "Let me know if you decide to sue him," I said. "I know some great attack lawyers," I replied as we were almost to the deputies. "God, I hate lawyers," she muttered and then glanced at me. "With certain exceptions." I shook my head. "You just want my body." Hawk snorted. "No shit, Sherlock! Where'd you get your first clue?" It took half an hour to give our statements. Actually, it took Hawk half an hour. I was done in fifteen minutes. When I was done, I looked around for Stan and I found him cleaning up some of the trash and setting chairs into some kind of order. "Stan, any word on Ted?" He set a chair down and slumped into it. "I talked with Sue and the doctor is sewing up the cut in his scalp now. X-rays show no fractures, thank God, and they think he even got away without a concussion. They'll probably turn him loose today sometime." He swallowed heavily. "Lisa, he was almost killed. What is going on? Who's doing this and who's really the target? I heard that Hawk was off the case. Who'll find the bad guy now?" I pulled a chair next to him and held his hand. "I don't know, but I promise you that I'll be all over this until I do know who did this and can take them down." I smiled a little. "Ted told me almost the exact same thing when Calvin died. Stan, he'll be safe in the hospital for now, under guard. Hopefully, Hawk and I will have some answers before he gets out. Speaking of which, I need to borrow a car. Can I take Ted's?" Stan nodded, fishing in his pants. "I got the keys from the paramedics. Here." He handed them over. "Hawk is still working the case?" he asked belatedly. "Yes, but keep that close to your vest. We don't want to telegraph that to anyone. Let them think we've slunk off like good little girls." I said. Stan nodded. "No worries. I can do that. I've seen that new guy watching you and Hawk. You think he'll follow you?" I frowned. That seemed... What? Out of character? Too intelligent? Both and more? "He sounds like a good ole boy to me. What makes you think he would want to follow us?" Stan shrugged. "I just think he's interested in the two of you and is taking pains to not seem that way. I'm a people-watcher, and what I see doesn't add up, really. Don't mistake backwoodsy for stupid. When you two went into the house he made a circle around it and then watched the front door. He's definitely interested in you two, alright." "Well," I admitted, "I suppose he might try to follow us then. You have a plan?" He smiled the Stan smile. "I'll come up with something. You need a distraction, and I'm sure I can provide something worthwhile. Go wait for Hawk and make a break for it when you see my signal." I gave him a quick hug and stood up. "Thank you, Stan, and thank you for not blaming me for this. I know how easy it would be for you to hate me." Stan shook his head. "You are the best thing that has come into my brother's life for a decade, or more. You don't know how badly Sue and I were starting to feel about his chances at any happiness. You, Lisa, are an angel from Heaven, and I don't blame this on you. I blame the person behind it. Ted told me the night he first saw you that you were interesting. He just never realized it was in the old Chinese curse sense, too. You know, may you live in interesting times." I impulsively hugged him again. "Thank you for that. Except the Chinese thing. I never expected to live in interesting times either." I gave him a peck on the cheek and headed back to the pavilion. Digger was watching me as I walked back. His expression was clearer this time, more open and with a smile of good cheer that I was starting to become suspicious of. I smiled sweetly and waved back before turning my attention to Hawk. She was just finishing giving her statement. She smiled without humor as she walked up to me. "That doofus has been watching me. He really doesn't have a clue. How the hell did he ever make the cut to be a state trooper, much less a Ranger?" She shook her head. "It really does prove that it's who you know, or in his case, maybe it's who you blow." We both snickered at that thought. "Maybe. Stan thinks there's more than meets the eye." I moved us to a table near the driveway and Ted's car. "He gave me Ted's keys and is going to make some kind of distraction while we skate so Digger doesn't follow us." Hawk looked skeptical. "Him? Follow us? Humph, he doesn't have the brains to pour piss out of a boot with the instructions printed on the bottom." I shrugged. "Take it as you will. I think we should just accept the distraction and when it comes we..." A loud crash from the smaller metal building next to the adobe building housing all the barrels of wine startled both of us. Then, the wall closest to us bowed and ripped apart as half a dozen barrels thundered through them. It was far enough from the pavilion that there was no danger to us but it drew everyone to see what was happening. Even Digger was on his feet and running towards the building. "That's our cue. Let's roll." We ran to the car and threw ourselves inside it. I tossed my purse in between us on the seat. With a subdued roar, it started. We turned in the drive and zoomed out onto the county road. A clean getaway. The drive to Galveston was quiet, and when I parked outside the office, I saw a police car parked out front and got worried. "Shit. Now there's a guard. What do we do?" Hawk motioned forward. "Drive around the block and into the alley. I saw some fire escapes last time. I bet not everyone in your office is diligent about locking the windows. They never are. The guard will have locked the outside doors and be gone down to the lobby. Legal question, counselor. Are we breaking the law here or bending it?" I chuckled grimly. "Not that my opinion makes a lot of difference, I bet, but probably bending it. I have authority to be in the building and even in the files in Calvin's office. By law, you can't break and enter where you have authority to be. So, entering the building may get us misdemeanor property damage, if we have to break something. Calvin's office is an active crime scene, so there is the possibility of tampering with evidence, but that's weak. Real weak, since they will have already been through it. My call is we could beat it, but we'd still be smoked turkey if we get caught, so let's be real quiet." Hawk exited Ted's car and pulled down the metal ladder with a clatter and started climbing. I locked up and climbed behind her. She stopped on the second floor and waited for me. "Let's check the windows. If not these, I bet one a little further out from the fire escape might be unlocked." She checked the windows, but they were all locked. With a sly smile, she put one leg over the rail. "Hold my arm. Don't let me go." I stared at her, aghast. "You could fall!" "I could get run over by a cab, too. Hang on to me, Lisa. Let's get inside and into Calvin's office." Hawk stuck her hand out and I took it with some trepidation. "Hold on tight." Hawk swung out and suddenly I was pulled against the metal rail and it dug into my hips. I grabbed on with both hands, one grasping Hawk's and the other holding her jacket. Her weight was heavy but not beyond my capacity. "Hurry up." Hawk reached out and pushed up on the window next to the fire escape and it slid open. "Bingo! I'm going to grab it and when I tell you to, I want you to let go," she said with some strain. Hawk grabbed the window sill. "Let go."" When I released her hand, she pulled herself into the window and with a wriggle of her hips, she slid inside with a thud. The window closed and I heaved a huge sigh of relief. A few minutes later, the window next to me opened and Hawk stuck her head out, grinning. "Didn't have to break anything! No sign of a guard up here. He must be in the lobby downstairs. Sloppy bastard. I bet Murphy picked him personally for this assignment." I awkwardly slid through the window with her help. Then I closed it behind me. "What is it with you and Murphy? You and he really seem to have some major issues. Who pissed in whose Wheaties?" Hawk paused at the closed door, with her hand on the knob. A slight frown crossed her brow. "What is it with you anyways? All this "how does that make you feel", touchy-feely stuff? Was your minor in psych? I thought all you prosecutors were more hard boiled than that." I raised my hands defensively. "I had some therapy for a few years. I found it helps me to actually ask about things I want to know, and sometimes it helps the other person to talk about stuff, too. I know, it's personal, and if you don't want to talk about it, tell me to mind my own business. I've seen you let your hair down when we talk, though. I think it's helped you to open up." Hawk scratched her ear and slowly nodded. "I've thought about things that either needed to be thought about or that I've never considered before. Does that make you my therapist or my confessor?" "Nope," I said smiling, "it makes me your friend. Come on, let's get in there and get done before Murphy comes around to catch us." I led the way out of the room and to Calvin's office. The door was closed and the doorway was criss-crossed with crime scene tape. With a deep breath, I opened the door and slid under the tape. "I'm surprised they didn't lock it." I looked around while Hawk slid in behind me and flipped on the light. Then she closed the door and started looking the room over without touching anything. She was very interested in the area behind the door. "That fucker was right back here. I wish I had been a little more on the ball and we'd have this all done. I'm sorry, Lisa." "It's not over yet, Hawk. We'll catch him. I'll look through his files and you do the cop thing." I said, opening the file cabinets. The cases were all at least passingly familiar to me, since we talked about the ones we didn't work on together. We didn't have a lot of time so I pulled each one out of his closed case files that was serious enough, in my mind, to warrant payback. I also took all his open case files. A quick trip to the copy room and the machine was zipping out copies. Hawk was on her hands and knees looking under the desk when I came back in. She looked back at me and then resumed her search. "There is a lot of crap under here. You should speak to the custodial staff. They've been shirking." "I'm sure I don't want to know what's under my desk," I said back. "What do you hope to find under there?" "Damned if I know. When I see it, I'll know what it is, though. Like... What have we here?" I watched her ass as she was wriggling back out. Then I rolled my eyes at myself. Just what a man would do. God. Hawk sat on the floor holding a small key ring with two keys on it and a paper tag on a string. "A clue, Watson. Park it." Sitting next to her, I examined it. "Do you think the killer dropped it here? Should you be touching it? You know, since there might be prints or DNA on it?" "I think I know whose DNA is on it. Calvin's." She said with a grim smile. "It was on a small hook and hanging out of sight." The tag said 'Daedalus backup files'. It was dated last month and had the initials S. W. P. "The handwriting is the same as that in his case files. This was written by Calvin. The question is, what is this case?" The name baffled me. We didn't have odd names for the cases. They were usually the State of Texas verses someone. "I have no idea. I'd certainly remember a name like that. Let me look in the files." We climbed up and started looking through files. Nothing. There wasn't a folder with that name in this cabinet. "Let's look in the computer system and see what pops up." I said at last, giving up the manual search. "The access will be logged, won't it?" She asked. I nodded. "Yes, but we all have a file of everyone's passwords in case of emergency. Not very secure, huh? I'll wake up my computer and access it under my account and they still can't be sure who did it, if they even ask later." "God love the cock-eyed bureaucracy. They'll never know who did what. I like it." We trooped to the copy room first. The copies were done and I put all the files back together. Fifteen minutes had the copies in a big binder and the original files back where they came from. When I closed the door to Calvin's office, it felt like I was closing a door on his life and my eyes misted. Hawk put her arm around my shoulders. "We both seem to be weepy recently. I know you miss him but it'll get easier." I sagged against her and just let her strength flow into me. "I'm glad we both seem to be strong when the other is feeling down. What would we do if we both got all weepy at the same time?" "It's what friends are for, or so Ted tells me," she admitted. "I'm not so familiar with it since I haven't really had many friends. I can be a little - abrasive." I laughed, cheered up already. "Abrasive? You? Are we talking about the same woman? We're just going through changes in our life, stress. I have Calvin's death, Ted and exhibitionism to shake up my world. You have an asshole boss and, well, I guess you could call it a sexual identity crisis." Hawk shook her head. "You might say that. I'm a lesbian and you have me kissing guys and wondering if I'm for real or just a player. I still don't know what I want. No, that's not true. I know what I want. I'm just uncomfortable with how much more acceptable the price of doing business is getting." I unlocked my office and sat down at my messy desk, bringing the computer to life and starting to search. "I saw you touch him after you kissed. Frankly, I never thought you'd kiss him. That surprised the hell out of me. Then groping him? You really are considering it, aren't you?" She sighed and nodded. "I'm getting more comfortable with the idea than I like. Part of me is more curious than I would have ever believed, Doctor Freud. Do you want to hear about what I think about my mother?" Hawk asked. "Nope. You need to have some secrets." The screen came up with the query box and I typed in the name. Nothing for that name in the system. My cell phone rang. "Davis." "Lisa? This is Sue. Ted's cutting himself loose and he refuses to go home with me. He's insisting you come and pick him up. The hard-headed idiot said to tell you that he won't lie down while you girls do all the work." I smiled. That was Ted. "We'll come and get him. Look for us in an hour or so. I'll call before we get there." We said our goodbyes and disconnected. "Hawk, we have to pick up Ted. He won't go home with Sue." Hawk shook her head. "You two can be stubborn. I'm surprised you can agree who wears the pants." I grinned toothily. "He does. Men need zippers. It makes them feel empowered." I locked the computer, pocketed my keys, and we closed the office behind us. We exited back down the fire escape. I was very happy to be back in the car and driving. Hawk looked through the copies as we drove. "The information we are looking for may not be in these files. It may be in Calvin's head or house. We'll have to search it." "I suppose we will have to start digging into his life. God, I never would have dreamed we were going that way." I said softly. "Here's another thing you may not have thought of," she said. "We know that whoever it is, they are not shy about attacking you, even in a public place. We need to all disappear from our usual haunts for a while. Leave the bad guys wondering where we will turn up next." "What do you have in mind?" I asked. The sky was getting dark so I switched on the lights as we were going back through Houston. Damn, it seems like I had been back and forth a lot over the last few days. "A no-name motel: get a double, and we check Ted and you in as Mister and Missus Smith. You don't mind shacking up for a few days with Ted, do you, Lisa?" I laughed. "No, not at all. It actually sounds like a good idea. The question is, do you?" "Two beds makes it all safe, girl." Hawk smiled back at me. The remainder of the drive to the hospital was without incident. I called Sue when we were about ten minutes away and she gave us directions to the place, including the entrance closest to them. We pulled into the drop off and I went in, leaving Hawk to watch the car. Sue and Ted were inside, Ted in a wheelchair and Sue sitting beside him. He had a small bandage on the side of his head. I knelt beside the chair. "Hey, hero. I was going to come down to visit you, and here you are busting out. You're not mad that I went to start clearing this up without you, are you?" I swallowed a little. Ted smiled and shook his head. "No. I'm happy you're looking into it. I could have walked out. I don't have a concussion. All I have are a few stitches. The doctor even said we can..." He looked over at Sue and blushed as she shook her head. "Then let's get you out to the car and get moving. Hawk has a plan." I stood up and hugged Sue. "I'm so glad he's okay. We're going to duck out of sight for a while. We'll have our cell phones. We don't want to put you in any more danger." She looked back at me, wide-eyed. "Why can't the police help us? Protective custody or something." "Manpower," I said. "That, and I'm starting to be worried about - other aspects of the case. It'll be best for you and Stan if we don't keep you in the target zone. Go home, and I'll call you when we're set up. I'll make sure he rests and takes his medications. Any complaints about that, Ted?" "No way. Sounds like heaven, if you're there." Sue handed me his medicine and we pushed Ted outside. Hawk smiled as she held the back door open. "Your chariot awaits, stud. Ted didn't look weak as we got him in the back. Sue hugged Hawk and we drove out of the parking lot after watching Sue get into her car and leave. "What place do you have in mind," I asked as I drove. "There's this little place I know in south Houston. We can take stock there. Get some take-out and start talking over the case files and what moves we need to make next," Hawk said as she turned in her seat. "Ted, you mind if I ask you some personal questions? About Lisa and - relationships." Hawk sounded like a cop but not as pushy. "If I give the wrong answers, do you have to cuff me?" He grinned at her. "No, doofus. I just want to know." "Ask away," he said. I could tell she was forming the question and wanted it just right. Interesting. As a lawyer, I knew all about asking the questions the right way. That was almost as important as asking the right question. "In the store, why did you - you know - help Lisa's exhibitionism? Don't get me wrong, I think it was standup of you, but I've been wondering what the driver was." Ted's eyebrows rose. "Well, I was thinking about the last time we were there. How she enjoyed it and that Alice didn't seem mind. Lisa trusts you and I figured you wouldn't get upset with her. I know I was taking a chance but I thought it would be something Lisa would like. It had been a long time since I've even had a relationship and I've *never* done anything like that. I guess I wanted to see if I could experience the thrill with her that way, too. I have to admit I did enjoy doing it in front of someone." He sighed. "I guess I can't really explain what I was thinking when I decided to do it. Her pleasure and safety was top in my mind. If I really thought she didn't want to, I would have stopped." He looked at me and I watched him in the mirror. "Lisa, you did enjoy it, didn't you?" "Yes, Ted." I reassured him, "I enjoyed it. I wanted it, even though I never knew that I did before this week. You did the right thing." Ted sighed in relief. "Thank God. I don't want to screw this up." "Ted, we're going to have to have a long talk," Hawk said. "You jumped on me to save me back at the vineyard and while that irks me a little, since that's my job, that's a huge thing to do and I appreciate it. Just don't do it again and let me do my job. I - I've never been good at relationships with men. I tend to not trust them, and then I get all abrasive with them, but I've started finding myself trusting you more than I have trusted any man in a long time, and I need to be up front with you. I can't keep hiding this." Hawk looked over at me and then back at Ted. "There's no easy way to say this." She took a deep breath. "Ted, I like Lisa. I like her a lot. I made a pass at her." She tensed up. Ted smiled. "I could tell that you were attracted to her. You even mentioned it to me in the kitchen. So, what did she say?" Hawk sagged a little at his mild reaction, and I blinked in surprise. They had been talking about me? "We talked," Hawk said. "Lisa said that she had been thinking about me, too, but that she was your woman. That she wouldn't screw around on you." Ted nodded but said nothing. "We talked about it," Hawk continued. "I'm still not ready to commit one way or the other but I want you to know - to tell me yes or no to something. Lisa said if I talked to you, asked to join you both, that she would be willing to have sex with me if you did, too." Hawk was speaking faster as she went on it and I could tell she was really nervous. "I don't know what I want to do, even after kissing you. I just need you to know I will abide by whatever y'all decide," Hawk said, "and if you say no, I'll drop it." Hawk sighed and was watching Ted to see how he reacted, with the expression of a woman that thinks she just took a real chance. Ted looked at me in the mirror and scratched his chin. "I have to admit, I've been thinking a little about you and Lisa after we talked." "Ted," I said. "I don't want you to think I'm unhappy with you. I'm very happy. I guess I'm just curious. If you say no, I won't be upset. I'd like us to agree on anything like this in our relationship. I won't do anything outside our relationship. It has to be both of us or neither of us. Okay?" He leaned forward and kissed the back of my head. "No worries. I agree with you, Lisa. If either of us doesn't feel comfortable with something, we don't do it. Together or not at all. Hawk, I appreciate your honesty and trust." The drive was quiet as both Ted and Hawk seemed to be thinking. I asked Hawk for directions. She had me leave the freeway and start making all kinds of turns while she watched out the rear window. "What are you doing?" I asked. "Looking for tails. We're clean. Go this way." Hawk took us down some more side streets and then into a motor court. She ran into the office and came back out with a key. "Last room left," Hawk said with a shrug. "I have a gay friend that works here and he said there is a damn golf tourney in town. The Valareo Texas Open. It was supposed to be in San Antonio but they had a huge fire there last month so it was moved here, to the same place they play the Shell Open. Who would have thought this many people would come to see men in ugly clothes whack balls with sticks? Room 237, in the back." I drove back and parked. We went inside. The room was clean enough, not even really worn. The one thing that was unexpected was that it only had one king sized bed and a couch. "There was no choice. I'll sleep on the couch," Hawk said. Ted protested but she waved him off. "You have a banged up head and a girlfriend. One couch, one person. Don't worry about it. Let's settle in and order some pizza." Hawk dialed while I sat on the couch and held Ted. "You're not mad, are you? Really?" Ted kissed me. "No, sweetheart. I'm not mad." Hawk asked what we wanted on the pizza and it was soon ordered. We took turns showering, or at least we let Hawk shower first. When we came out of the shower, she was sitting there with the pizza on the table with some two liter bottles of soda. Ted asked us about the day's events while we ate. He looked at the keys and we talked about some of the cases. A relaxed rhythm was developing among the three of us. Hawk was joking with Ted and me. When the last of the pizza was gone, Ted leaned back and looked at Hawk. "I've been thinking about what you said, Hawk." She froze and then took a drink of her soda, her cop face sliding into place. "And?" "If you feel comfortable having sex with me and Lisa, I will say yes. I really appreciate you both taking my feelings into account. It means a lot to me. You think about what you want and let us know. Whatever you decide is fine. And, Hawk, I want you to know that you are a hottie. Does that make it easier or harder?" He asked with a grin. She smiled wryly. "Puh-leeze. Well, I guess it's in my court. I'll let you both know what I decide. Let me sleep on it." I stood up and stretched. "Good idea. It's been a long, scary day and I think Ted should hit the sack. Us, too." Hawk pursed her lips and nodded. "I think you're right. Let's crash." Hawk stripped down to a tee shirt and panties. "It's not like you haven't seen me naked." I shrugged and joined her in a tee and panties. Ted stripped to his tee and underwear. Over the next half hour, we settled into the bed. Ted whispered in my ear, "I'm sorry, but I'm not sure I feel up to getting frisky." I kissed him. "That's okay, I understand. If you wake up tonight and feel like it, you can surprise me while I'm asleep. After this morning, I think that would be fair." He laughed and we snuggled down to sleep. Sometime in the night, I woke up with the sensation of someone sliding into bed behind me, on the side away from Ted, nearest the bathroom. The room was totally dark but I knew it was Hawk. "The couch is crunching my back. There is enough room for all of us. Do you mind?" "No," I whispered. "I don't mind at all. Goodnight." I felt her body snuggle in behind me and had to quiet the flutter in my stomach. Sleep took a little longer to come but I finally slipped back into slumber. I did wake up briefly as I felt Ted slip out of bed and heard the door to the bathroom close. I saw the dim glow of light as I heard him making a midnight run. I thought about how crowded the bed was. Hawk wasn't making me uncomfortable but they had both been hurt. Good sleep was important for them to recover. With a sigh, I grabbed Ted's pillow and moved to the lumpy couch. Hawk was right. It was not as comfortable as the bed but I could take it. I tossed Hawk's pillow back onto Ted's side of the bed and laid down. I breathed in his scent, sighing happily. Sleep took me before he could come back from the bathroom.