Phony Doctor Examined My Wife? MM/F NC VOY My wife Dianne is the kind guys notice, but she's basically shy and tries to ignore the admiring glances she gets. She'd certainly never show anything on purpose, and definitely avoids "accidents". She wears skirts a lot, but her knees are always properly together and she's careful about getting in and out of cars, bending over, and that kind of thing. Even though I'd had a thought or two about whether it would be a turn-on for me if someone else saw more than they should, I'd never even thought about it really happening until it all fell in my lap a while ago. She applied for a job at a large company, got through the first interviews, and then was told she needed to give her medical history to the company's in-house medical office. They set up an appointment for her on a Thursday, but then she got a call changing the appointment to early Wednesday morning