"What do you have planned for lunch today, Doctor?" Garak cut in. "Nothing much. To tell you the truth I'll be lucky to catch a sandwich at my desk." "Dinner then, I understand they've just opened a new restaurant that serves Earth food." "Sounds great. I'll meet you at 19:30 hours, then." he smiled. "Perfect," the tailor said as M'rk began to blow dry his hair. "Are you sure you won't have the protein pack?" Bubba asked as he began to snip away. "No time today, I'm afraid," he smiled politely. "How's Chief O'Brien?" Garak asked suddenly, "I haven't seen him in awhile." "He's visiting Keiko on Bajor," Julian said, "It's the first time they've been together in months." "Hey, thanks!" the hairy alien said as he wiggled his toes, "Now how about that bikini wax?" "Unfortunately, I have another appointment-sorry." S'tv said, not sorry at all, "Try for another time-say Tuesday." "You're off Tuesday's," Bubba frowned. "I know," the Bajoran said through gritted teeth. "Oh, but you enjoy helping Fred so much!" M'rk smiled sweetly, "We wouldn't want to steal away your favorite client, now would we Bubba?" "Oh no," the Bolean's smiled widened, "In fact, I think S'tv has an opening at noon tommorrow." "Actually, he has several openings, it's just a matter of finding one that's not filled at the moment," M'rk grinned evilly as he walked over to the appointment calender, "Why, yes! He has a small opening at 09:00--which is unusual for him." "Especially with those hips," Bubba said under breath causing the Doctor to choke slightly. "Shall I pencil you in?" "Sure, see ya Sneeze! Oh, and Doc?" the alien paused. "Fred," the Doctor acknowleged reluctantly. "I hope you didn't catch a cold from the other night," he waved, "You must have been freezing--either that or you might want to switch to boxers. It might help loosen things up down there, y'know?" "Bye Fred," the Doctor said coolly. "Bye," the alien smiled, "Oh, and I was just kidding about the whole prostitution thing-honest." "Leave Fred," Bashir gritted out over Garak's soft chuckles. As the hairy alien left Bubba looked around in confusion, "What was that all about?" "Nothing," the Doctor said quickly. "The good Constable might not be so quick to agree Doctor," Garak said his eyes bright with humor. "Okay, dish!" Bubba insisted as he brushed the last of the hair off the Doctor's shoulders. "It's nothing," Julian said getting up and turning to the Bolean, "How much do I owe you?" "It's on the house," he said waving him off. "I'll walk you out, Doctor," Garak said rising as well. The three men watched in interest as the Doctor and the Tailor walked away, heads close as they talked in low, feverent whispers. "Ummm Hmmm!" Bubba said crossing his arms, "tell me there's not something going on there." "I still say Bashir's straight," S'tv insisted, "I mean, he dated Leeta for Prophet's sake!" "Anybody could have Leeta!" M'rk snorted, "Hell, Rom had Leeta!" "Um, um, um-and you know that had to hurt, gay or not," Bubba tsked,"Dumped for a Ferengi-no wonder the boy went queer." "And what was it Fred said about a teddy?" M'rk asked roundly, "Maybe the good Doctor's not so niave after all." "No, just way twisted," Bubba laughed. "So speaks the man with more leather than a Xena re-run!" M'rk snorted. "Well, one does want to project a bit of mystery now and again," he fluttered his lashes coyly. "Sorry, Honey, but that cat's been out of the halter top for years!" the Bajoran returned. "Who's next?" M'rk asked sweeping the floor. "Dax," S'tv grinned looking up from the appointment book, "Talk about an interesting sex life!" "I personally don't see the appeal of a Klingon," Bubba said sourly, "I mean, other than the deep voices, rippling muscles, and incredible sex drive what else is there?" "A pleasure induced coma for one!" M'rk gave him a disbelieving glance, "I thought you said you were over Joe Bob?" "I am," the Bolean shrugged, "I'm just bitter,okay?" "'Nuff said," S'tv smirked, "I do sometimes wonder though what Dax thinks about when she's in bed with Worf-I mean, I've heard stories about Curzon. The man was a walking, talking orgy!" "I mean, what is she thinking?" M'rk wondered aloud, "'I've seen bigger-Hell, I've been bigger'." "What I want to know, is who wears the pants in that little family?" Bubba asked. "Maybe they take turns, after all-this is the mechanical age and it would explain all those prune juices," S'tv replied archly. "You go Girl!" Bubba snapped his fingers, "Oh wait, here she comes. Take notes boys, after all, she has seven lifetimes under her belt!" "And under everyone else's belt as well,"S'tv chuckled, "Who knows M'rk, maybe she'll share a few tricks that can even get you laid." "Well, Prophet's know, you've turned enough tricks not to need the extra study time, right Dearie?" M'rk said with a saccharrine edge. "Bitch." "Ho." "Cool it Kids! Here she comes," Bubba smiled, "I don't know about you, but I've got a feeling that today is starting to look up!"