Princess Chapter 1 (6/6, part 1) sf sexless m-dom "Welcome home, slave," I whispered. "Welcome home, Master." A great feast had been set in the Captain's Hall of the Guild and we we re unceremoniously escorted there as our vessels were placed in the capable hands of the Portmaster's men. Both Princess and Anna followed me, leashed together by a six-foot chain. I smiled to see that Anna had taken the front position, with Princess following. Anna was certainly asserting herself. The Hall was huge, but with so many people having come to watch our arr ival the feast had spilled out in to the courtyard of the Guild. I led my slaves up to the head table and settled down to watch events unfold, freeing my girls from their leash so that they could fetch me ale and food. My captains and officers were soon at their places as well and our newly collared women were fast at work, mugs and plates arriving quickly as music began to drift over the din of the crowd. "Ale, Master?" Princess offered, kneeling as she presented my cup. Sh e was breathing hard- had she run the whole way? Anna arrived and noticed my regard, "Princess will be very popular, Mas ter. I do not think she passed one man who did not place his hands upon her. Would Master care to sample my plate?" "Of course, of course, set it down. So, Princess, you seem to attract attention today." "Yes, Master," she whispered, a smile on her lips, "It seems I do!" "Well then, why not see how much you can attract? Has Anna told you ho w to walk a room?" "Master?" "I want you to walk about, circle the outside of the room, and if you s ee any man with no drink, offer to fetch him ale. If he has no food, offer to fetch him food. Simple enough?" "Should I not offer wine? Master?" "No, girl, not just now. Go, and I will send Anna to fetch you in a bi t." "Yes, Master." Princess stood and I watched as she moved on to the floor of the Hall a nd quickly knelt before a man. He sent her off to fetch one thing or another and I turned my attention to Anna kneeling patiently at my side. I had not been fond of Anna when first I had laid eyes upon her, but I had to admit that she was growing more desirable by the day. What was it about this small, comely woman that so entranced me that I would send my prize off to serve others and keep her at my side? I sent Anna for more ale and regarded her as she walked. For the first time it struck me that she was uncommonly graceful. In a room filled with celebrating citizens she never mis-stepped, never bumped in to anyone, never spilled the cup she carried though it was filled to the brim. I took the cup when she offered it, then noticed that Tavo's own cup was nearly empty, not that he minded as he was casually fondling his own new slave, a red-haired wench he had named Mayla. With a gesture I sent Anna to refill his cup. "Tavo, watch Anna. Tell me what you think." Tavo turned his gaze from Mayla for a moment and I saw the look he gave her, examining her as he would a prospective foe. He smiled, "Well trained, I wager. A dancer, perhaps?" "There is more to this, watch." Mayla was nibbling at his left ear, a distraction Tavo wanted to encour age, but he did me the favor of continuing his inspection. Anna approached and noticed his gaze, smiling as she knelt and offered him his ale. Every move, every posture seemed perfectly executed, almost as if a great work of art had been given life. Even Mayla noticed it, staring at this rival girl with unhidden suspicion. "Anna," Tavo growled, "there is a great pile of fruit down there at the end of the hall. Fetch some, and be quick about it!" "Yes, Master!" He turned to me as she sped away, "She's old, captain, very old. I've seen a few like that, where the Youth Serums have taken strong hold. I wonder when she was born?" "That can wait until later, eh?" I grinned at him and Tavo took the hi nt, returning his attentions to his slave. I spied Princess across the room where she was caught in a passionate kiss, the man running his hands over her breasts and belly as he held her for long moments. She was laughing when he released her and sent her on her way with a gentle slap on the rear. She bounced over to another who quickly repeated the act...she was so young, so eager to explore this new life that had been thrust upon her. Had it been three days since I had had her? Far too long, in my opinion. Anna returned, her waist-length blonde hair swaying in perfect accompaniment to her walk as she carried a fruit-laden tray. I motioned her to set it down and drew the lovely slave in to my arms, her firm curves pouring in to my embrace as her lips parted invitingly. I took her up on the offer, her small tongue deftly toying with my lips as I moved my hands over her perfectly sculpted curves, feeling her shudder in response, every motion of her body screaming her eagerness to be touched, taken. I have been intoxicated before, but at that moment Anna had me as firmly in her grip as she was in mine. It took an act of will to tear my lips from hers. "Master?" she questioned, unsure as to my action. I ignored her for a moment as I sought out Princess in the crowd. The feast was quickly degenerating in to an orgy and I wanted her with me, not out on the floor. Fortunately she had almost circled the room and was not too far away. With one finger I turned Anna's eyes in Princess's direction. "Fetch her for me." "Anna obeys, Master." She slid out of my lap and went after Princess. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ could see something in her, something in the way that she walked, or perhaps in her response to me, that said she was unsurprised, even happy that I was sending her off on this errand. Only a moment later the both of them returned, kneeling at my side. Princess was breathing deeply, her skin glowing, her eyes bright, pupil s dilated in evidence of her powerful state of arousal. I was of a mind to send Anna away, but she, too, was in quite a state, and this was after all a victory feast... I took each by the collar, drawing Anna to my left side and Princess to my right as I settled back to relax and enjoy the evening.