lady-of-the-keep mf sf The Knight tethered his dark steed to the broken log by the river across from the keep. The beast pawed the ground with his mighty hoofs before lowering his massive head to drink. Sinking down next to his horse the weary knight gazed beyond the calm water. He had fought many battles for the king, well earning his knighthood for bravery. He had served well for seven years, growing from an awkward youth to a man, wise past his twenty three years. His scared body hard, his mind quick. He smiled remembering the night he left the king. The campfire on the battlefield. Their final victory. The mead flowed freely. Laughter. All were filled with thoughts of home. The king releasing him. "Travel Alex! Find yourself a wife!" The others laughing....knowing full well he had not yet lain between the legs of a wench. He relaxed, stretching out on the riverbank. "Ah...A dream?" He wondered as he watched a vision appear across the river. She stood on the bank, a woman, her body full, her breasts pressed tightly against the gossamer fabric of her gown. She removed her sandals, stepping into the cool water. "Not a vision at all but flesh and blood." He sighed. The lady let her gown slip to her waist, splashing water on her face, neck and breasts. Alex sighed deeper, imagining what it would be like to be those drops... Suddenly a movement in the bushes behind the lady breaking his thoughts. The lady upon hearing the cracking of the twigs spun around, her hand on the small silver dagger at her side. Alex had mounted the stallion at the first sight of the creatures emerging from the forest. Digging his heels, galloping frantically, looking for access across the river. The lady choked back a scream as the trolls approached her. Their large misshapen faces leering at her. The leader held a coarse rope out to her as he came closer. With horror she watched as they closed in. The matted furs they wore hardly covering their squat, hairy bodies. With great skill the leader tossed the rope around her, pulling her to the ground. The scream broke from her throat as she watched him lifting his furs, his thick, oversized penis erect, hanging to his knees. She slashed out with the dagger, drawing blood, angering him. He knocked the dagger from the her hand then slapped her hard across the face. She sunk to unconsciousness as she felt his claws tightening the ropes. The trolls grunted to each other, using the ropes to create a crude sling, half dragging, half carrying her away from the bank. Alex searched in vain for a place to cross the deep river. Hearing her scream, he plunged his horse into the water. Churning as he forced his beast on. Jumping onto the ground, running, sword drawn. The trolls snarled as he approached. Alex took one look at the lady, bound and helpless, and an incredible anger overtook him. Swinging his sword, lopping off the head of the nearest troll, unleashing a fine spray of blood from it's pumping throat. The leader growled, showing sharp yellow teeth. The others, drawing weapons, advancing, swarming around his legs. Alex swung again and again, hacking and slicing at the trolls, their bodies falling around him, his legs bloodied. Searching for the remaining, the leader......gone! Alex lifted the lady, cradling her in his arms, her head resting limply against his chest. He carried her inside the keep, up to the bed chamber, placing her gently on the soft bed. He took the cloth from the basin by the bed, holding the wetness against her swollen cheek. He ran the cloth down her neck to the scratches on her breasts. Lightly touching the curve of the breast, a finger across each nipple, watching them spring to life. She moved in sleep, shifting, her legs parting slightly. Alex drew a breath in sharply as his hand followed his eyes, tenderly caressing the soft down. Watching her move, her long blonde hair spread out around her. Her hands still bound behind her back. He lowered his lips to one pert nipple, kissing, sucking, then the other. His fingers parted the soft fur between her legs, touching her wetness, opening her petals, exploring. She opened her dark blue eyes and stared at him. Suddenly ashamed of his actions he rose quickly from the bed. "Oh m'lady, forgive me." Blushing slightly she replied, "My dear knight, you are my savior. You have rescued me from a dreadful fate at the hands of the evil trolls. If this, be the reward you choose I shall willingly comply." "Ah m'lady, I have no wish to force myself if this is not also your desire." She nodded, a bit shy. "It is my desire." Alex smiled at her, removing his chains and clothing. Taking his dagger in hand. "On your belly m'lady." She rolled over as he cut through the rope...freeing her. He placed the blade under the fabric of her gown, ripping it away. His hands caressing her back, the gentle curve of her bottom. His tongue tracing her curves. Kissing her neck, turning her over, trailing his tongue along her body, lower, opening the flower to him. She gasped at his touch, arching up to meet his tongue as he tasted her nectar. She moaned as he continued, her head tossing from side to side. Waves of pleasure spreading through her. Alex's manhood could wait no more, lifting her legs, bending them, his sunk his shaft into her depths, his strokes long and hard, pounding her as they exploded together, his hot seed filling her. He held her for a long time after, talking of his life and of hers. Of his search for a wife, and of her waiting for the return of her husband from the battle. They made love again, many times before the sun again rose. Standing at the gate of the keep, two lovers parting forever. She took a gold ring from her finger and pressed it into his palm. "We can not be together in this life Alex...but perhaps in another life. Look well upon this ring, upon the mark. Someday we will return and I shall put this mark on you, then we shall remember this life." Clutching her to him, pressing his lips against hers. "I shall remember it always m'lady...shall never forget." A last kiss... Mounting his great stallion, not looking back, a single tear.