Archive-name: Bondage/plk-q.txt Archive-author: Felix Dartmouth (c) Archive-title: PLK Q It was Friday afternoon, and her roommate had gone on a date. Roxanne was anxious for her to go so that she could have the room to herself. She got back to her dorm, locked her door and opened the closet door to examine herself in the full length mirror. She admired the way she looked dressed up as she was in the bright red silk blouse with the full sleeves and slightly puffed shoulders and swooping neckline. Her dark straight skirt emphasized the slim quality of her figure and took the eye down to her black heels. She walked over to her chest of drawers and pulled out the bag with the two pair of handcuffs that she had purchased. She opened up the lightweight pair and locked and unlocked them to make sure that the key worked. It worked fine, as did the spare. She marveled at the light weight. The difference of three ounces really was noticeable. Leaving the keys on the bed, she took the handcuffs and walked over to the mirror and locked them on her left wrist. She looked at herself, turned sideways and hung her one handcuffed arm down to her side. Then, turning her back to the mirror and looking over one shoulder, she locked both her wrists behind her back. She turned both wrists outward, once the initial locking had been effected, and closed the ratchets tighter so that her wrist bones were pinioned in a palms outward position as is recommended in the handcuff instructions. She modeled in front of the mirror. From the front, the handcuffs were not visible, but something indiscernible had entered her posture that indicated that her wrists were not held in a natural position. Her breasts were distended just so, and she knew that if she were on the street, that it would be obvious that she were handcuffed even to the casual observer from the front view. Of course, from the back, the gleaming aluminum cuffs were clearly visible against the deep red silk and black skirt that she wore. She wanted to get undressed, but she was handcuffed, and she went to relax on her bed for a minute before she unhandcuffed herself and got undressed. She went over to the bed and sat down, the lay over to her left and on her stomach, with her hands trying to find a comfortable position behind her as she lay there. She allowed herself some time to just lay there and dream for a while. Suddenly the phone rang. It had rang twice before she even sat up, and as she fumbled for the key, it had rang another three times. She decided to try and answer it with her hands 'cuffed, then maybe the caller would excuse her and she could get uncuffed. She was able to get the phone to her ear, but there was a strain on her wrists. "Hi Roxanne, this is Ron," said the voice on the other end. "Ron, I'm glad you called. Listen, I'm having a little problem. Could you hold on for a second?" asked Roxanne. "Sure," came the reply. Roxanne let the phone drop on the bed as she allowed her strained arms to rest a moment. She took the handcuff key, and saw that she had put her 'cuffs on so that the keyhole is on the top where it is hard to reach. By careful and painful twisting, she was able to match keyhole and key and twist to gain her freedom. She was anxious to talk to Ron, and she left the handcuffs locked to her other wrist as she picked up the phone. "I'm so glad you called!" said Roxanne, trying to get her breath. "What was the matter?" asked Ron. "Well, since you asked, I was trying on the lightweight handcuffs that you and I bought the other day," replied Roxanne. "Do you still have them on?" inquired Ron, with a great deal of interest. "Only on one wrist," laughed Roxanne. "I'll put them on again after we get off the phone, but its a little hard to talk on the phone with your wrists 'cuffed behind your back." "I guess so," said Ron. "I'll tell you what. You don't have to put them on now, but whatever I buy at the hardware store tomorrow, you have to wear out of the store and for the rest of the day, at my option." "One hour," countered Roxanne. "Two hours," countered Ron. "Done," laughed Roxanne and removed the handcuff from her other wrist. "I'll pick you up at 9:30," said Ron. "I'll be ready," said Roxanne. After this talk with Ron, she really wanted to put the handcuffs on and dream some more, but she was true to her promise to Ron and put the handcuffs away in their box in the dresser. She put on her nightgown and went to bed. Return to the Hardware Store Roxanne slept well after talking to Ron, in fact she was asleep before 10:00. Ron had said that he would pick her up at 9:30 the next morning, so she had time to go to breakfast with her roommate, Kathy. She dressed in a frilly Victorian style blouse with a sheer cutout bodice and a stiff standup collar. Per the instructions of the sorority, she wore a dress, and she chose a black straight skirt which came about mid-calf length. She put on her highest white heel pumps to contrast with the dark hose with a seam down the middle. She used light makeup and used a lip stain rather than lipstick, because she would probably be gagged at the hardware store and she did not want to loose her lip color. Also, she had rubbed Vaseline Intensive Care lotion on her wrists. "Wow!" said Kathy, "you sure are dolled up! Who are you going to meet?" "One of the guys in my Economics class, Ron," Roxanne replied. "He's a real dear. He took me out to lunch several days ago and I had the best time!" "Sounds fun, lets go eat." Roxanne and Kathy walked down the hall to the dining room. They both were very attractive. Kathy was a tall blonde with an excellent figure. She wore jeans and a tank top with a bare midriff. Roxanne, by her own design, looked like a knockout, and she was a tall as Kathy due to her heels. After they got their breakfast, Kathy asked, "Did you get the handcuffs you were after the other day?" "I sure did. I got two pair," responded Roxanne. "Do you want to try them on for a few hours?" "Well, maybe not a few hours. I do want to know how they work, though, because I have a few ideas for my boyfriend," said Kathy. "Well maybe I can show you later today or tomorrow." "Good, do let's," said Kathy. "Do they hurt at all?" "Well, if they are put on properly, they don't hurt if you are holding still, but if you pull against them they do. Ropes, on the other hand, hurt a little all the time, or a lot, depending on how they are tied," replied Roxanne. She was a little surprised at her expert tone. "Ropes!" exclaimed Kathy. "Do they tie you up in ropes? I've seen girls tied in ropes and it always looks like you could get out of them. I'll bet that I could get out of them." Roxanne wasn't sure, because only handcuffs had been used on her so far, but she thought that ropes could be made to be pretty inescapable if tied correctly. "I'll take you up on that bet. But really, I need to go, because its almost time for Ron to pick me up to go to the hardware store. Would you like me to pick you up a pair of handcuffs?" "No," laughed Kathy, "I'm not ready for that yet. I want to see yours first." Both girls got up and walked back down the long hall to their rooms. On the way, Roxanne saw a girl from the sorority who was also a new pledge. The girl, whose name she did not yet know, glanced at her and quickly turned her head away. Roxanne thought that she was beautiful, but wondered why she would avoid her. Maybe it was because she was with a non-sorority member? Roxanne would make it a point to speak to her next meeting. Felix Dartmouth (C) Archives BBS 1-713-896-1721 ---