"Bella's Persuasion" Bella, Bella, Bella. I was taken with her the moment she walked into the HR office for the interview. She was just nineteen and luscious, at least to my eyes she was. She got the job. She was good, that's why she got the job. No other reason at all, but having such an attractive girl working for me was hardly unacceptable. Bella is now twenty-four and has left the company. She worked for me until about a year ago and during that time she seemed to look on me as some kind of mentor. Our relationship was never more than that of being friendly, although sometimes we would flirt mildly. Even though it was obvious from her comments that she was no virgin, I came to the conclusion that she was not very experienced sexually. She would however, eventually, give me cause to rethink. She is dark haired and has a pretty, oval face with lovely green eyes. She has a particularly smooth neck, beautiful shoulders, and above all, fantastic boobs. Unfortunately, however, she usually seemed rather self-conscious about them, and almost always wore loose-fitting blouses or sweaters, presumably to disguised them. After she left and started working for another company we retained our friendship and fairly frequently we would meet up, have a few drinks or go out to dinner. We were and improbable mix, and it was a slightly unlikely friendship as I as I am a lot older than she is. What with office politics, problems about sexual harassment, there was never any question of me making advances to her, and anyway, at the time, she had a serious boyfriend. I was never sure if she realised that I was strongly attracted to her or if she thought that I merely looked upon her semi- paternally. Either way she kept any thoughts to herself, whilst often my own libido ran riot simply thinking about what lay under those loose blouses. The only hint of their magnificence came on the rare occasions when she stretched. Their exact proportions were then vaguely outlined and showed that they were certainly a good size and as far as I could make out, a perfect shape, round and very firm. Many of my fantasies at that time focussed around those fabulous twin peaks. On this particular evening she was due to come over to my place as we were going to the local theatre to see some Spanish dancing, something that particularly interested her. We had a quick meal in a local restaurant beforehand, and then after the show we had a couple of beers at a local pub before returning to my house where we had arranged she should stay over, something she did from time to time. I was really looking forward to it as it would give us plenty of time to chat. Other than a quick cheek kiss there was never any physical contact and there was never any question of her spending the night anywhere but in the guestroom - alone. We got stuck into a few strong German lagers, and soon both of us were feeling pretty content. We were never at a loss regarding what to talk about, gossiping on as usual about the goings-on in the office, and from time to time returning to our favourite subject - sex! She would often go into the most intimate detail of her own love life, which I have to admit I found a great turn-on. She was that delightful ingenuous mixture, young, part earthy and streetwise, part naive. It was an appealing and even heady combination. One aspect of our relationship was that she would often question me on various aspects of sex and lovemaking. For instance, she had once asked me to describe, in minute detail, how she should give a good blowjob. At the time, we were sitting in a restaurant with other diners around, which only seemed to heighten my latent excitement with the possibility that we might be overheard. Needless to say that when we stood up to leave, I wondered if the physiological manifestation of the inevitable rise in my blood pressure would be evident to any of the other diners, in other words, would they notice my hard-on when we stood up to leave. There were similar occasions - for example, had I ever done anal intercourse? What was it like? Would I describe it, did it hurt and so on. In spite of all our erotic chat, the relationship was and always had been entirely asexual. On this particular evening the subject somehow got round to masturbation. Like most women on the subject, she started with, "Well, all men do it, don't they." Noncommittally I answered that probably most did, but then so did many women. Not surprisingly, being the inquisitive soul she was, she was not going to be satisfied with that sort of answer. "Do you do it?" she wanted to know. Slightly taken off guard, I admitted that I did. "How often," she pressed. "Well," I said, "it varies." "Yes, but on average, how often?" I didn't know what to say to her. Being, from her point of view at least, somewhat long in the tooth, I guess my sex drive was hardly that of an eighteen-year-old, but nonetheless I still considered myself pretty hot-blooded. In the end I decided to answer truthfully, "Sometimes not for a week or so, very occasionally twice or very rarely three times in one night, but on average maybe two or three times a week. Then she wanted to know where and when I did it. "Mostly on or in the bed, usually at night." I omitted to tell her about doing it in front of my home PC. She pondered this for a while and then said, "I have never really seen a man wank." I wondered where the conversation would go from there, and taking advantage of the pause, I went and got another couple of beers. When I got back to the sofa, we sipped our beers in silence and then she leant against me, and provocatively cocking her head slightly, said, "Pee J, if I asked you, would you do something for me?" Unwittingly, I responded that I probably would if I could. Pressing closer to me she asked, "Would you let me watch you wank yourself off?" I was absolutely flabbergasted and couldn't reply immediately. She turned towards me and nuzzled her face into my neck, her hot breath making the hairs on the back of my neck stand up and making it impossible for me to ignore the feeling of one of those fabulous breasts being pressed into my arm. She had never done anything like this before, and then her hand touched my knee and then moved up the inside of my thigh. I knew that with my gathering excitement, increasing in exact tandem with my erection, that at that moment I doubted that I would have been able to refuse her even the theft of the Crown Jewels. She continued to nuzzle me and her hand moved in slow circles on the inside of my thigh, but keeping well clear of my crotch. "Please, Pee J, you will won't you - please?" I think I must have nodded weakly. "You'll go all the way, won't you? I want to see you cum." There was no question about it, I was in a complete daze, no doubt the beers helped and coupled with all those unfulfilled fantasies, both she and I knew I would end up agreeing. Then to give me some encouragement she started to undo my belt. "I think you'd be more comfortable in the bedroom." I nodded again weakly, and taking my hand she pulled me to my feet and led me on wobbly knees to the bedroom. As we got there, she faced me, glanced down, undid the top button of my jeans and taking my zip between her thumb and forefinger, pulled it down. As she did, her fingers just brushed my mounting erection sending waves of hot pleasure coursing through me. As my trousers fell to the floor, she unbuttoned my shirt and slipped it off. Placing her hand on my chest she gently pushed me backwards onto the bed. As I lay on my back, the bulge of my hardening cock was making a pyramid of my briefs. "Go on, go on," she urged. I tentatively slid my hand over my briefs, pressing my palm hard down on my cock, slowly rotating it. "Get it out and let me see it," she insisted. It was almost as though I was in an advanced state of euphoria or hypnosis with all my natural inhibitions and reluctance rapidly vanishing into clouds of a totally whisked away conscience. I hooked my thumbs into the waistband of my briefs and raising my hips, began to slide them down. My cock sprang free, rock hard and pointing upwards at over ninety degrees. I could hear Bella's breathing becoming harder. I kicked off the briefs, and almost in a trance, my right hand returned to my cock. My fingers closed round the shaft and I began to massage it, mainly just using the pressure of my thumb and forefinger. I began pulling the foreskin in an upward direction, but only slightly drawing it back down. I often use this technique as I find it extends the pleasure as it avoids stretching the opening ring of the foreskin over the swollen knob. Gradually I increased the length of the stroke, exposing more of the purple head, revelling in the sensation of the tip of the foreskin being stretched. Bit by bit I pulled back that foreskin more and more. The slit-eye in the centre glistened and let out a large droplet of precum which, with each stroke spread over the exposed knob, smoothly increasing the lubrication. I pulled back the foreskin further and further each time until I had the exquisite sensation of feeling the ultimate friction as it was stretched to its maximum, and at last fully exposing the glans. Through half-closed eyes, I stole a glance at Bella. Her eyes met mine and then quickly returned to my prick. My hand movements increased in tempo. The feeling in my prick was fantastic. I was in an amazing state of arousal; this was one of the most sexually charged experiences I could remember. By now, not only had I lost any lingering inhibitions, I was being indescribably turned-on knowing that I was being watched. Through half-closed eyes I heard Bella whisper, "Go on, go on, cum for me." I prised my eyes open. What I saw hit me like a sexual thunderbolt. The flies of her jeans were open, revealing her white panties, and in the exposed triangle below her belly button, I now saw, through the thin cotton, the outline of her hand working furiously. The sight of her masturbating herself was altogether too much for me. This image proved to be the catalyst to trigger the crisis somewhere in the deep centre of my being. It began almost in slow motion, and then from the depth of my loins, gathered momentum and sped with increasing and uncontrollable speed all through the length of my cock and finally erupted from the purple head. As it did I let out a scream of infinite pleasure at what was one of the most vivid climaxes of my life. The viscous, white fluid fountained inches into the air, and fell back onto my stomach whilst my cock continued to pump and jerk as the last drops spurted out. Opening my eyes I saw that Bella was in the final stages of her own paroxysm, and closing her eyes, throwing back her head and with heaving breasts, she too let out a long, muffled cry, followed by a series of sobs, gently subsiding as her fingers slowed their movements under her panties, now revealing a increasing patch of dampness. "That was fantastic," she said, and taking her hand out of her panties she held out her fingers, gleaming in the dim light with her juices. She looked up at me, and then down at her hand again. She said no words; her deep green eyes said everything. I sat upright, leaned forward and took her fingers in my mouth closing my lips around them. There was a taste vaguely familiar, certainly erotic, of her own unique nectar. As I sucked and licked, she slowly pushed her fingers deeper into my mouth, then slightly pulling them back, repeated the motion. There was no mistaking the symbolism of her actions. She stood beside the bed as I rested slightly raised on my elbows. Her hands went to the buttons of her blouse and undid them one a time. I knew what she was doing and I waited in feverish anticipation. Was I really going to see those fabulous breasts? Those mounds that I had lusted after for so long? She slid the blouse from her shoulders and let it drop to the floor. There they were, the beautiful hemispheres which for so long I craved for. Encased as they were at that moment in a white lacy, low-cut bra, hardly seemed to matter. I could easily discern the outline of her hardened nipples - and all this was something I had only ever dreamed of. The superb curve from her shoulders down to the swell of her breasts once more set my pulse racing. She reached behind her back and unhooked the bra, and shrugging her shoulders forward, let the bra shuffle down her arms and fall to the floor. For a second my eyes followed the trail the bra was taking until, with a start, I realised that she had now revealed herself for my benefit. I was not disappointed with what I was seeing. Surely those boobs were the ultimate in shape and size. There could not be any more perfect examples. Her slightly olive skin created nuances of soft shadow, producing a roundness and perfection of form, that even the models for Canova's sculptures would have envied. Then, in a darker tone than the rest of her skin, situated plumb in the middle of each orb were the areolas, quite large and surmounted by even darker, pert, acorn-size nipples. This was my nirvana, my portal to visual heaven. I'd waited quite a few years for this moment, one that I never, ever expected to arrive. My eyes were riveted to them. From the periphery of my vision, I could make out a slight smile on her lips. She knew the effect she was having on me, and I somehow think she had known all along just how much I lusted after her boobs. She pushed me back on the bed, scooped the jizz from my belly, and proceeded to rub it into one of her nipples. She now reached over and taking my cock between her thumb and forefinger, squeezed out the remaining cum and applied it to the other nipple. Then, leaning over me until a breast was immediately above my face she said, "I bet you want to have a taste of these." To say I didn't need a second invitation was the mother of all understatements. I couldn't wait to get at them. One pressed onto my mouth, I gobbled it, raked it, sucked it, flicked the tip with my tongue, pulled it, scraped my teeth along the hardened nub and revelled in its delight. My other hand reached up and clasped the other. What joy, what bliss, what pleasure! They felt as good as they looked. The wetness of my cum on her nipples provided superb lubrication for my fingers to circle and rub those protrusions, and judging from the sounds she was making, I had no doubt that she was enjoying all these sensations almost as much as I was. Her jeans had slipped down to her thighs, and kicking them off, she dropped them to the floor. At the crotch of her panties, the distinctly wet patch around the gusset was by now slightly transparent, and I could even make out the dark hairs of her bush. I could feel that I was definitely stirring again. My desire was once more increasing. She offered me her other breast and I swapped my mouth and hands over. She knelt on the bed and pressing my arms into my side, straddled me, one leg on each side of my body. Leaning back on her heels, her thighs parted wide showing her bikini panties stretched tightly across her crotch. My eyes were glued to that spot. I could feel her bottom pressing against my rising cock. She arched her back, pulled herself to an upright position making the fabric taut across her pubes, which by now were only a foot or so from my face. She shuffled slightly nearer then leant forward resting her arms on the headboard. By now the gusset of her panties was just above my face. She lowered herself to a position that was just a fraction above my nose. I breathed in the discrete aroma of female arousal. I raised my face to make contact, and my nose brushed the wet material. I rubbed my nose along the cotton, and my actions were met with soft moaning and increasing pressure on my face. I ran my tongue along the taut cloth between her thighs. Saliva from my tongue further soaked the gusset of her panties. She then seemed to come to a decision. Her desire evidently overcame any inhibitions she might still have had. She stood up on the bed, her feet still on either side of me, and with one hand holding on to the headboard she used the other to pull down her panties. She raised one foot, released one leg then the other, and now she was towering over me, totally naked, legs parted providing me with an unhindered view of her entire flushed and engorged labia. "Now let's see if you're just all talk or if you really know how to do it." She returned to her former position, giving me the perfect close-up of her moist love-nest as it hovered just above me, the swollen crimson lips wet from love juices. I knew that I was going to savour every second, and that I was expected to give a virtuoso performance. Still straddling me, she dropped to her knees again and this time those nether lips met my mouth and her juices mingled with my saliva. My tongue first thrust inside, penetrating her dark tunnel, then with my nose pressed against her pubes, I found her love bud and let my tongue flick, lick, caress, and finally suck at it. As I did so, she leaned forward and by looking down and occasionally raising herself slightly, she could see my tongue and mouth at work on her. All the while my cock had been gathering strength and rising slowly. The realisation that she was getting a real thrill from watching herself being eaten out, finally bounced my cock back to its full, hard, throbbing self. Bella's breathing became faster and then, first crushing herself onto my mouth, then going rigid, she let out a strangled cry and I knew my tongue had achieved what she - and I - had hoped for. After a some moments she lifted herself off, and turning the other way round, she laid her cheek on my thigh and looked directly at my very erect cock, just inches away. She slipped her hand around it and caressed it gently. I clenched my muscles and it kicked slightly. The caressing became firmer and more insistent. She retracted the foreskin - it did not return. She directed my cock towards her face. She extended her tongue and flicked its end. She ran it around the fully exposed glans. Her fingers worked on the base of the shaft, squeezing, massaging and gently pumping. She leaned closer and closed her lips round the head. Her tongue raced round the knob. She was doing everything I had ever previously suggested to her. I felt her apply suction, just as I had said she should. She took me deeper into her mouth. Her lips closed tightly round the shaft. She began moving her head up and down, mouth fucking me. Seeing her lovely face doing that to me filled me with wonder, and then the sensations started to take control and began to overwhelm me. Her hand was rubbing me quicker; her head was bobbing faster. My pulse was racing and my prick felt so big that I knew it was about to explode. I knew my big moment was beginning. It started coursing through my whole being. I thrust frantically in time with her head movements. "I'm going to come," I screamed, "I'm going to come," I repeated. She didn't falter; her head kept going up and down as fast as she could. My climax exploded into her mouth. The feeling was ecstatic, wonderful, fantastic. Her head movements gradually slowed. Her tongue gently circled my highly sensitive glans. My prick began to wilt and she looked up at me smiling. She twisted round towards me. I reached out to feel those fabulous breasts again. She placed her mouth on mine, and as our tongues intertwined, I savoured the texture and the slightly spicy taste of my own cum. This naive young woman had proved beyond all doubt that she had finally lost her innocence! Or maybe her innocence was just in my imagination all the time. Over the course of time we've had several other lustful experiences, which maybe I will relate on another occasion. I'll leave it to your imagination where my nocturnal fantasies centred over the next few weeks!